Disney considering making more themed mod resort rooms (with pics and proof)


Active Member
This interests me... When jt says there was riff-raff at Pleasure Island, he is chastised for it... And yet, an Orange Country Sheriff substation is needed in City Walk for obvious riff-raff reasons, and well, no one wants to even comment... One can surmise Disney had problems with drunken riff-raff and unruly teens in Pleasure Island just as Universal.. But, we all know, Disney just didn't know how to handle them... :lol:

Obviously Disney didn't want that kind of trouble on their property, which is aimed at mostly families... So, Pleasure Island debate settled.. :)

As former law enforcement in Los Angeles (and having dealt with both Universal and Disney security management), Universal is just far more cop-friendly than Disney. Their approaches are exact opposites - one is glad to have the police involved on property and as helpful as can be, while the other doesn't want law enforcement anywhere near the property unless they need them.

In other words, you see police at Universal because Universal wants them there, and you don't at Disneyland because Disney doesn't want them there (sometimes they don't get their wish).

As for crime? My experience is that Citywalk had more drunken behavior than Downtown Disney, but that was a consequence of the higher volumn of patrons.

I see the Sheriff at bag check for the Disney parks, too, and there is a prominent cruiser parked under the Epcot monorail station - hard to miss. I chalk this up (in both Uni and Disney) more to a 9/11 response than to behavior problems.

It is, but in reality it's all for show (including the bag checks). Much like the airports, 70-80% of contraband (not that there is a lot) that goes through those bag checks never get caught. Practically speaking they are fairly meaningless and only meant to make people feel safer.


New Member
... so the Royal Rooms will go into Riverside Mansions...and HM Rooms will go to French Quarter.....

That may be what is being planned, but it doesn't seem very logical to me...

As a bit of a Port Orleans regular I would have suggested that the Royal rooms would work better at French Quarter, just give them a slight Princess and the Frog bias and the fit is perfect.

The Haunted Mansion rooms on the other hand would work perfectly with the theming and period detailing of the Mansion Buildings at Riverside.

Given that the survey also mentioned the Pirate rooms, one must assume that Disney may be contemplating added some more of those? If so, perhaps one building in the lush swampy Alligator Bayou section might work as a pirate hideout?

Given the odd way that Disney have split the buildings up in their recent permit applications for the upcoming room refurbishments at Port Orleans, I'm wondering whether the locations they are looking at might be POFQ #7, Parterre Place and (maybe) Alligator Bayou #24. That would also fit in with the way that other themed rooms (e.g. at CBR) have been located well away from the centre of the resort complex.



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Here's the description for Disney's Royal Guest Room:

In this special room, Tiana has hosted her royal friends from around the world. During your stay, you will discover that each friend has left Tiana a special thank you gift for her hospitality by adding touches of fun and sparkle to the interior decor. With magical fairy dust swirling above, you'll recline in ornate canopy beds trimmed with velvet fabrics, carved detailing, and a bejeweld golden crest. Rich ceiling moldings, drapery, and custom linens further enjace the luxury of your special stay. Adorning the walls, signed protraits of each princess appear in jewel-set frames while princely swords and shields gurad the entrance to the royal dressing room and bath. It's an enchanted stay as a special Guest of this "Royal Room."

My 2 year old daugher and wife would love this. My 4 year old son, not so much. A little too much sparkle. Although this room would be interesting for my wife and I just to stay in by ourselves (seems like one could be a little naughty especially with a pirates and princess theme:lol:).


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
That may be what is being planned, but it doesn't seem very logical to me...

As a bit of a Port Orleans regular I would have suggested that the Royal rooms would work better at French Quarter, just give them a slight Princess and the Frog bias and the fit is perfect.

The Haunted Mansion rooms on the other hand would work perfectly with the theming and period detailing of the Mansion Buildings at Riverside.

Given that the survey also mentioned the Pirate rooms, one must assume that Disney may be contemplating added some more of those? If so, perhaps one building in the lush swampy Alligator Bayou section might work as a pirate hideout?

Given the odd way that Disney have split the buildings up in their recent permit applications for the upcoming room refurbishments at Port Orleans, I'm wondering whether the locations they are looking at might be POFQ #7, Parterre Place and (maybe) Alligator Bayou #24. That would also fit in with the way that other themed rooms (e.g. at CBR) have been located well away from the centre of the resort complex.


It would also seem that the Royal Rooms would go to FQ because of the tie in with Tiana directly.


Well-Known Member
It's tough to see anyone over the mob of chubby kids in strollers there at the Mouse House.

I really don't think this statement is very friendly. I have kids and neither are chubby but let me apologize up front for taking them to Disney in strollers. Next time I will take my infant and hold him all day for hours on end. I hope you never had/have kids in strollers and also that you and your kids are string beans. To make such a generalization is just wrong. Try smiling and repeating these words..."everyone should be treated as equals no matter what they look like." Feel better??:wave:

Let's keep the thread on topic and say that these rooms will appeal to a lot of different people. Some will pay $300 a night for them and some will not. Disney is not stupid. They know what to do. Plus, I think the pirate rooms went over well so they will try more. I am hoping they will keep the pricing within the realm of the pirate rooms but we shall see.:)


Well-Known Member
It was just a joke.

However, obesity is a real issue as are the mob of strollers in the parks.

Both those things have been covered in other threads, many, many times over though.


New Member
i hope they don't wreck POR....it doesn't need changing!
these themed rooms should go to Pop's "animation inn" or whatever the latest name for this area is.
also, why would these be moderate resorts? the market that these are aimed at are usually more budget-goers. it wouldn't cost much extra to do these rooms, no more than a normal budget resort.
sorry if someone's already said this, but 13 pages is a lot to read through!


Beta Return
i hope they don't wreck POR....it doesn't need changing!
these themed rooms should go to Pop's "animation inn" or whatever the latest name for this area is.
also, why would these be moderate resorts? the market that these are aimed at are usually more budget-goers. it wouldn't cost much extra to do these rooms, no more than a normal budget resort.
sorry if someone's already said this, but 13 pages is a lot to read through!

The pirate themed rooms already exist in a Moderate Resort - Caribbean Beach. And unless you're staying in one of them, you don't even know they exist.

The same would go for POR or POFQ. They will pick a handful of existing rooms and remodel them, and then sell them for $30 more per night.

I think they definitely DO belong at Moderates. Deluxe Resorts already cost a fortune, have much more immersive theming, and cater to the portion of society who can afford that level of luxury. And to put these rooms in a Deluxe Resort would border on "silly".

Value Resorts are there so that people who are on a budget can still stay on Disney property. They were never meant to offer any luxuries - just lure people onto property who would normally stay at the Holiday Inn.

Moderates are for "most" people - everyone between the affluent and the budget-conscious. They offer theming and atmosphere, but at a "moderate" price. The people who will pay $150/night for a room will more likely pay an additional $30/night for these rooms that would someone who stays at a Value Resort.


Well-Known Member
The pirate themed rooms already exist in a Moderate Resort - Caribbean Beach. And unless you're staying in one of them, you don't even know they exist.

The same would go for POR or POFQ. They will pick a handful of existing rooms and remodel them, and then sell them for $30 more per night.

I think they definitely DO belong at Moderates. Deluxe Resorts already cost a fortune, have much more immersive theming, and cater to the portion of society who can afford that level of luxury. And to put these rooms in a Deluxe Resort would border on "silly".

Value Resorts are there so that people who are on a budget can still stay on Disney property. They were never meant to offer any luxuries - just lure people onto property who would normally stay at the Holiday Inn.

Moderates are for "most" people - everyone between the affluent and the budget-conscious. They offer theming and atmosphere, but at a "moderate" price. The people who will pay $150/night for a room will more likely pay an additional $30/night for these rooms that would someone who stays at a Value Resort.

Amen. Perfectly summarized.

I'm crossing my fingers the "royal" rooms wind up at POFQ as my wife has sworn never to return to POR after our last trip. And once she's made up her mind, there's no changing it. But I could probably convince her to give POFQ a try since they always got the better bus service (or so it seemed from our side of the lawn).


Well-Known Member
Yes they're all bands of freaks!

It's just how we roll.

Honestly how many teens do you know that would rather stay in a castle and see a princess over a night at the Hard Rock and a day full of mega-coasters?

Since when do Universal's rides qualify as 'mega coasters'?

They are nice coasters, sure, but the two at SeaWorld are better than IOA's offerings. None of them, however, are 'mega coasters'.


Well-Known Member
Since when do Universal's rides qualify as 'mega coasters'?

They are nice coasters, sure, but the two at SeaWorld are better than IOA's offerings. None of them, however, are 'mega coasters'.


I didn't know the term had such strict standards!

Is there a Mega-Coaster Licensing Board or is there some other accreditation process?


New Member
What if they had a resort that the rooms were themed to Disney World RIDES!!!!!!Then they could more Haunted Mansion rooms which equals more $$$ for Disney & it would be so COOL to see! They could have rooms themed to ToT, PoC, Jungle Cruise, & so on!!!!I would spend a lot more $$$ to have a room like that. :D

But sadly this probably will NEVER happen. :(


Well-Known Member
What if they had a resort that the rooms were themed to Disney World RIDES!!!!!!Then they could more Haunted Mansion rooms which equals more $$$ for Disney & it would be so COOL to see! They could have rooms themed to ToT, PoC, Jungle Cruise, & so on!!!!I would spend a lot more $$$ to have a room like that. :D

But sadly this probably will NEVER happen. :(

Disneyland Hotel in California has done exactly that already. They are high priced though becasue they were only done in the large suites in the towers.

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