Disney confirms 'Frozen' makeover coming to Epcot's Norway Pavilion

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
@DisneyParsk - stop saying we're only bringing Frozen to three of our Walt Disney World Resort parks, the yeti's been Frozen for years
I love spoof accounts! XD

gotta say 95 pages in three days is impressive....this certainly struck a chord with people

isnt it worse in facebook right now?
I wonder how many thousands of negative comments they got already.


Well-Known Member
How about being unhappy about and not accepting of anything that Disney does? Is that the right way to go? Cause a few folks on here sure seem to be in that boat.

Not sure what the huge Disney fans are fans of these days since they never seem to do anything but moan and groan about Disney's greed and stupidity. And feel the need to imply that anybody who does not agree with them lockstep of being too stupid to know better.

Disney makes me happy that is why I go and hang out around here. If they choose to hang out to do nothing but moan then that is fine as well, it's their time after all. There is a difference between being critical and just waiting to jump on Disney anytime they announce anything.
Let's be clear, you're complaining incessently about people not liking the Frozen overlay, or voicing their feelings when they don't like something, and all you've complained and moaned about are the posters here, in some childish rationale that they don't like the product... If they didn't love the place they wouldn't be here. I've seen many apologists who have been proven wrong about the potter swatters, grand plans, new sheriffs, yadda, yadda, yadda over and over again throughout the years who complain about the D&Gers and "sticks in the mud." Most of the people you're complaining about, some who have intimate knowledge of the inner workings and decisions made for WDW, dont have to like the Frozen overlay. They don't have to like the way things are run in Orlando. How proposals that were intened for WDW end up in other parks, etc.

I just got back from WDW. Had a great time. But I don't have to bury my head in the pixie dust and ignore the problems. I want WDW to be better. I want to see it respected by the people who run it. I want to see it kept fresh and up to date, not cheap cop outs that are literally forced on the cheap. I'd like to see those rising prices justified with new additions. I want to see those 4 parks have equal offerings. Not half day parks riding the back of MK. I want to see one of those proposals actually get built instead of ending up in another park. I hate that UNI is taking days from my trips that used to be dedicated to WDW. I hate that I'm discussing going to DLR instead of WDW for the first time. I like the Avatarland idea. Hopefully it's great. But that Mysterious Island/Beastly Kingdom proposal could have been phenomenal. See, that's the nice thing about this community, we can discuss things like this without being censored to just be positive, which seems to be something that appeals to you... we also have people inside WDW who agree with us... we get information, things behind the scenes, that's what makes this place different, and it's not always pretty. Matter of fact, the worst thing for WDW are the guests who swallow anything Disney dishes out, which makes the product continually underwhelming because there is no criticism... That's why the two coasts operate very differently.


Well-Known Member
And neither does the one person in those screencaps. This just goes in circles. Unless you poll every Norwegian citizen it's a lame argument on both sides.

You can stop repeatedly posting them now.

Sooooo we need to take a national poll of the folks in Norway to get the answer to this question of what we do in Florida? OK that would carry some weight in the matter, see if you can find some substantial data. The two talking heads you posted do not exactly represent all the "people of Norway". At the end of the day though it's not Norway's call, they seem to have opted out of that process.

And here goes the implication that I am just to dense to understand.....typical low level debating skills :)

I have done some polling of Norwegians in this matter, mostly people who have worked in the pavilion as they have experienced the ride themself. And most people are against a Frozen change, but there are a few who mean Maelstrom is weird and welcome any refurb. Sort of like this forum after what I experienced, majority of postings is against, but some dont mind.

Honestly, most of the current Cast is against because they are quite sick of Frozen that has taken over the pavilion. (surprise...) We had a big countdown every day until Anna and Elsa moved to Magic Kingdom. And the big subject of the day was often "how fast will the wait reach 6 hours today". People even brought cake to celebrate that Frozen was gone... Now its coming back in full force. :S

In general the merchandise Cast dislike Frozen the most, as it threw out the perfume collection of Geir Ness, reduced the Norwegian products that was replaced by plastic, led to 200000 questions on where to find Frozen merchandise that was sold out. Now Geir Ness perfume will be moved out of the pavilion and a big portion of the store is planned as a meet and greet with the ice sisters. Thats just freakin sad...

I have proposed serveral times for Disney that they should build a meet and greet location next to the restrooms where the old viking ship remains are.


Well-Known Member
Let's be clear, you're complaining incessently about people not liking the Frozen overlay, or voicing their feelings when they don't like something, and all you've complained and moaned about are the posters here, in some childish rationale that they don't like the product... If they didn't love the place they wouldn't be here. I've seen many apologists who have been proven wrong about the potter swatters, grand plans, new sheriffs, yadda, yadda, yadda over and over again throughout the years who complain about the D&Gers and "sticks in the mud." Most of the people you're complaining about, some who have intimate knowledge of the inner workings and decisions made for WDW, dont have to like the Frozen overlay. They don't have to like the way things are run in Orlando. How proposals that were intened for WDW end up in other parks, etc.

I just got back from WDW. Had a great time. But I don't have to bury my head in the pixie dust and ignore the problems. I want WDW to be better. I want to see it respected by the people who run it. I want to see it kept fresh and up to date, not cheap cop outs that are literally forced on the cheap. I'd like to see those rising prices justified with new additions. I want to see those 4 parks have equal offerings. Not half day parks riding the back of MK. I want to see one of those proposals actually get built instead of ending up in another park. I hate that UNI is taking days from my trips that used to be dedicated to WDW. I hate that I'm discussing going to DLR instead of WDW for the first time. I like the Avatarland idea. Hopefully it's great. But that Mysterious Island/Beastly Kingdom proposal could have been phenomenal. See, that's the nice thing about this community, we can discuss things like this without being censored to just be positive, which seems to be something that appeals to you... we also have people inside WDW who agree with us... we get information, things behind the scenes, that's what makes this place different, and it's not always pretty. Matter of fact, the worst thing for WDW are the guests who swallow anything Disney dishes out, which makes the product continually underwhelming because there is no criticism... That's why the two coasts operate very differently.

We have people on this forum who replied to a thread here where WDW gave 3 million dollars to a children hospital with "that's all they gave?"

We have people on this forum who post comments that they hope others do not enjoy things that WDW offers because they are "part of the problem" and enjoying those things only give incentive to WDW to continue in the direction they are headed. Nice way to rain on others parade. We call that rude where I come from, well rude and childish.

We have people who say others who pay to do after hours events at the parks are getting scammed and are just suckers for doing so....even when it has zero effect them....a good example is to go back and look at the wind down thread at WS, talk about sticks in the mud attacking people who went to this event.....none of their business what people do with their own money but the sticks pulled their childish attack none there less.....and that was an event that occurred after WS was closed so it had zero effect on them....if that is not looking for something at WDW to moan about I don't know what is....

Just a few examples....there are many more.

I don't care for censorship but the stupidity (calling out anybody for donating "just 3 million dollars " is stupid anyway you want to look at it IMO), being flat out rude by insulting people on how they spend their money or wishing people have bad trips to WDW is not going to pass without response on the internet.

By the way what exactly is the difference between me calling out people for being negative sticks in the mud all the time on here and you calling me out for doing so? How am I calling for censorship by doing so and you are not? Seems a wee bit like a double standard on your part to me.

As for the rest of your post it's your opinion and that is fine, I don't agree with everything WDW does and when I don't I do not have an issue saying so. The way I handle things I don't care for is I just don't go to them at WDW or anywhere else. But I certainly don't feel the need to imply that those who do are just too stupid to know better. That occurs all too often on here, this thread being a prime example.

Like I said if folks want to spend their free time in angry rants all the time on here, it's their business. But they should expect a reply or two that does not agree with them. In the end it's all about a vacation resort, nothing serious enough to get all worked up over. A lot more serious matters in the world that require that :)


Well-Known Member
I have done some polling of Norwegians in this matter, mostly people who have worked in the pavilion as they have experienced the ride themself. And most people are against a Frozen change, but there are a few who mean Maelstrom is weird and welcome any refurb. Sort of like this forum after what I experienced, majority of postings is against, but some dont mind.

Honestly, most of the current Cast is against because they are quite sick of Frozen that has taken over the pavilion. (surprise...) We had a big countdown every day until Anna and Elsa moved to Magic Kingdom. And the big subject of the day was often "how fast will the wait reach 6 hours today". People even brought cake to celebrate that Frozen was gone... Now its coming back in full force. :S

In general the merchandise Cast dislike Frozen the most, as it threw out the perfume collection of Geir Ness, reduced the Norwegian products that was replaced by plastic, led to 200000 questions on where to find Frozen merchandise that was sold out. Now Geir Ness perfume will be moved out of the pavilion and a big portion of the store is planned as a meet and greet with the ice sisters. Thats just freakin sad...

I have proposed serveral times for Disney that they should build a meet and greet location next to the restrooms where the old viking ship remains are.

Fair enough, but if a measure of success in WS is how vsisted a pavilion is compared to the others (and I would imagine that is indeed a measure) then Norway was by far the most visited one when the girls where there. And I would guess it will be again when the new Frozen ride opens. That can't be a bad thing for the pavilion, or Norway for that matter. If the main reason behind the pavilion is to bring focus to the country it represents then Norway is going to get a large majority of the focus in WS soon.

And for all those who can't stand the ideal that Frozen and Norway are linked in many people's mind, well that does not matter in the end because even if they are not then Norway still gets the attention their poor Danish neighbors should be getting :)

Plus with Mexico nearby Norway needs something to combat the power of the Margarita!

I can't speak to perfume, but if I owned a retail shop at a theme park I would stock it with what my customers wanted. I may not like the product but if it sold I would stock it, well unless it was Dallas Cowboy stuff, no way would I sell that crap!


Well-Known Member
Not sure what the huge Disney fans are fans of these days since they never seem to do anything but moan and groan about Disney's greed and stupidity. And feel the need to imply that anybody who does not agree with them lockstep of being too stupid to know better.

We're fans of the work that's done in Tokyo Disneyland/Sea, or Hong Kong Disneyland, or Disney Cruise Line. We're fans of the quality of work that Imagineering used to do when it built EPCOT Center, or Animal Kingdom, or Pleasure Island... Disney has in the past done, and in many places continues to do, stellar work that nobody complains about. Have you seen the new Paint The Night parade yet? It looks brilliant, and I've heard barely a bad word about it. It's just WDW where the decisions of late have been somewhat questionable.

People 'moan and groan' when decisions made by the WDW execs are moan and groan-worthy. I'd say we're just as much fans as the people who just accept any old rubbish because it has the Disney logo on it, or a picture of a princess.

People complain because they care. Like a parent getting angry when their kid goes out drink driving, it's not done just for the sake of it, but for their own wellbeing.

I sometimes think there are two types of Disney fan - those who like Disney because it's Disney, whatever form that may take this year, and those who like themed, immersive and quality entertainment, whoever it is from, but have become lifelong Disney devotees because for so many years, in so many areas, they were the ones doing things right with no competition.

Holding Disney to the standards it used to operate at may be 'moaning and groaning', but the alternative is to accept ever increasing mediocrity, while prices climb ever higher, and that's not just something for the 'moaners' to worry about, but something that will - in the long term - have a negative effect on guests, unquestioning Disney fans, and eventually shareholders pockets.
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Well-Known Member
We're fans of the work that's done in Tokyo Disneyland/Sea, or Hong Kong Disneyland, or Disney Cruise Line. We're fans of the quality of work that Imagineering used to do when it built EPCOT Center, or Animal Kingdom, or Pleasure Island... Disney has in the past done, and in many places continues to do, stellar work that nobody complains about. Have you seen the new Paint The Night parade yet? It looks brilliant, and I've heard barely a bad word about it. It's just WDW where the decisions of late have been somewhat questionable.

People 'moan and groan' when decisions made by the WDW execs are moan and groan-worthy. I'd say we're just as much fans than the people who just accept any old rubbish because it has the Disney logo on it, or a picture of a princess.

People complain because they care. Like a parent getting angry when their kid goes out drink driving, it's not done just for the sake of it, but for their own wellbeing.

I sometimes think there are two types of Disney fan - those who like Disney because it's Disney, whatever form that may take this year, and those who like themed, immersive and quality entertainment, whoever it is from, but have become lifelong Disney devotees because for so many years, in so many areas, they were the ones doing things right with no competition.

Holding Disney to the standards it used to operate at may be 'moaning and groaning', but the alternative is to accept ever increasing mediocrity, while prices climb ever higher, and that's not just something for the 'moaners' to worry about, but something that will - in the long term - have a negative effect on guests, unquestioning Disney fans, and eventually shareholders pockets.

I don't have an issue with people not liking what Disney does and saying so. I posted one tonight on a different thread. What I have an issue with is those who do nothing but that on here. And the reason I do is they very often attack anybody who post anything counter to their viewpoint. Their rants go from attacking Disney to anybody and everybody who disagrees with them. That is going to get a response when it occurs. If they can dish it out they should be able to take it.

The way I would hold Disney to any standards is the same way I hold any business to standards. Give me what I consider a fair value or I will not return. If Disney ever gets to that point I will sell the DVC and move on. What I will not do is be part of something that causes me to be angry all the time at it. That is not something I am interested in as a vacation destination :)


Well-Known Member
The way I would hold Disney to any standards is the same way I hold any business to standards. Give me what I consider a fair value or I will not return. If Disney ever gets to that point I will sell the DVC and move on. What I will not do is be part of something that causes me to be angry all the time at it. That is not something I am interested in as a vacation destination :)

Lots of people are moving on to different destinations. I've seen plenty of people here talk about going to California instead, or saving up for a Tokyo trip, spending more days at Universal, or trying the cruise line... it's happening, but that doesn't mean people can't lament the happy times gone by at WDW that, because they are being told 'if you don't like it, leave', they may never see again.
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Well-Known Member

I FINALLY saw Frozen!!!! :jawdrop:

I actually really liked it and finally saw the song "Let it Go" in its proper format which fit the movie well. I could see how it has such a big following although I wouldn't put it in the same category as the classics.....imo. Still a darn good film.
Do I think it deserves its own ride along the lines of The Little Mermaid? Sure.
Do I want it to take over the Maelstrom. No.


Well-Known Member
Lots of people are moving on to different destinations. I've seen plenty of people here talk about going to Califrornia instead, or saving up for a Tokyo trip, spending more days at Universal, or trying the cruise line... it's happening, but that doesn't mean people can't lament the happy times gone by at WDW that, because they are being told 'if you don't like it, leave', they may never see again.

Heck the DCL is a great vacation, as good as the parks IMO. :)

Nothing wrong IMO with missing good times of the past, we all do that.

But like I posted a number of folks go beyond that to direct personal attacks on those who disagree with them. Maybe not so much attacks as just trying to imply that the ONLY reason one could disagree with them is because you are just to dumb/uninformed to know better. Or the ole, your a Disney plant....I have not seen anyone bashing on Disney be accused of being a Uni plant....but I may have missed that. :)

It's just all the same thing to me, a silly ideal that anyone on here has such a vast understanding of every aspect of something as complex as WDW to be able to be the last and final word on the subject. Like I said I don't take this very serious, it a theme park. One that I greatly enjoy but with all the life and death issues in our world it really is not something that can upset me in the grand scope of things.


Well-Known Member

I FINALLY saw Frozen!!!! :jawdrop:

I actually really liked it and finally saw the song "Let it Go" in its proper format which fit the movie well. I could see how it has such a big following although I wouldn't put it in the same category as the classics.....imo. Still a darn good film.
Do I think it deserves its own ride along the lines of The Little Mermaid? Sure.
Do I want it to take over the Maelstrom. No.

I like "Snowman" better than "Let It Go" but your right "Let It Go" was very well placed in the movie. I rank it behind Tangled but ahead of a lot of the more recent releases from Disney/Pixar.


Well-Known Member
When Disney was thinking of replacing Lincoln with the Muppets at Disneyland, they started receiving death threats.

I'm sad I'll never get to experience Maelstrom.

Well I have not seen those on here, but those are most likely sent via PM so I would not I guess :)


Well-Known Member
Like I said I don't take this very serious, it a theme park.
The EPCOT Center was serious. It was supposed to be more than a pretty amusement park. That is the source of so much frustration. Disney once had a higher vision of themed entertainment, they believed it could have a positive impact on the world and bigger issues. Why should I not be annoyed when those ideas are, to applause, tossed aside in favor of just being some amusements without a bigger vision? What is lost to you if it remained serious? It was always a theme park.


Well-Known Member
But like I posted a number of folks go beyond that to direct personal attacks on those who disagree with them. Maybe not so much attacks as just trying to imply that the ONLY reason one could disagree with them is because you are just to dumb/uninformed to know better. Or the ole, your a Disney plant....

Just wanted to highlight an important paragraph, one that gets constantly ignored.

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