Disney confirms 'Frozen' makeover coming to Epcot's Norway Pavilion

Cesar R M

Well-Known Member
Also consider that the lines for the ride and M&G will no doubt be insanely long. After spending 2 + hours in that small pavilion and being bombarded non-stop with Frozen songs, I would imagine most parents will be heading back to their room for an aspirin and a nap. lol
maybe that is the plan all along.. make parents be forced to visit epcot for 2 or 3 hours only, all to visit frozen then head back to the hotel.
$$$ for almost free for Disney.


Well-Known Member
To be honest I don't really think the WS has an educational value whatsoever, so...
I disagree. It would be nice if there were more rides and attractions involving the cultures of these countries (rather than Disney tie in rides), but there are plenty of shows and such in each of the countries. Add in the food, beverages, merchandise, foreign workers, and the like. I'd say it's probably the most educational area in Disney as long as you go there to do more than get drunk.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand how a movie inspired by a Danish fairy tale fits in the Norway pavilion. If this was the Scandinavia pavilion I could at least understand Frozen going in. I wouldn't like it but It would at least make some thematic sense.
You know, I actually kind of like that idea as it at least somewhat justifies the tenuous link between Norway and the film.
Sure the movie was outdated, but it felt nice, the smell of the fine perfumes and nice Norge lotions was always a nice escape from the summer heat. What is next, France being redone?
Laila is still for sale, and I seriously doubt it's going away. They were pumping it into the A&E M&G back in December.
Well said. Exactly. ONE ride makes the park more family friendly and interesting? Come on. LOL
By the same token, does ONE ride destroy WS and Epcot?


Well-Known Member
You know, I actually kind of like that idea as it at least somewhat justifies the tenuous link between Norway and the film.

Laila is still for sale, and I seriously doubt it's going away. They were pumping it into the A&E M&G back in December.

By the same token, does ONE ride destroy WS and Epcot?

With that logic, I guess not. But my point remains, "because my child likes it" is not a good excuse for shoehorning a ride where thematically it just doesn't belong. I was also responding to those who say it will make Epcot more family friendly. How? One ride? Suddenly because it's Frozen, Epcot is now interesting to the kids who found it boring before? Can you answer that instead of trying to turn it around?

But again, what happens with children are adults. You don't think said child will question "why is this ride here when it's not a film based in Norway?"

If we did everything children want ... because a child won't ride, say Haunted Mansion because it's scary, we should rip that out too and build something that would better appeal to them?


Well-Known Member
To be honest I don't really think the WS has an educational value whatsoever, so...
I wouldn't go that far, as I've always thought of Epcot as "edutainment." It's a theme park, people go there to have fun and be entertained, but they learn a little something along the way.

However, I stop well short of the hyperbolic claims I've been seeing thrown around here about Epcot in general and WS in particular. As I said in an earlier post, WS has ALWAYS been an exquisitely-themed, semi-educational shopping mall. The picture painted of each country and it's history and culture is so narrow (and scrubbed), you're likely to learn more at a local multicultural fest.


Well-Known Member
Folks take a chill pill. They are replacing the Norway ride no big deal. Frozen is just something that is hot right now and they are trying to stay current. The kids will love it and maybe you will too. At least wait till it opens before you declare its the end of EPCOT as we know it. The movie and music are a big hit and some folks have jumped on the band wagon to pan everything relate to it.



Well-Known Member
Folks take a chill pill. They are replacing the Norway ride no big deal. Frozen is just something that is hot right now and they are trying to stay current. The kids will love it and maybe you will too. At least wait till it opens before you declare its the end of EPCOT as we know it. The movie and music are a big hit and some folks have jumped on the band wagon to pan everything relate to it.

Here we go again.
Another troll...


Well-Known Member
Folks take a chill pill. They are replacing the Norway ride no big deal. Frozen is just something that is hot right now and they are trying to stay current. The kids will love it and maybe you will too. At least wait till it opens before you declare its the end of EPCOT as we know it. The movie and music are a big hit and some folks have jumped on the band wagon to pan everything relate to it.


Chill pills are FORBIDDEN !

Prepare to be indoctrinated into Correct Thinking.


Well-Known Member
Well they did give us SGE...


And Nemo.

And Three Caballeros.

[sarcasm] Look at how insanely popular all three of them are [/sarcasm] They have lines out the door and people can't stop talking about them. They're such great rides that appeal to children.

And Stitch, Nemo and Caballeros could have all been much better done and there likely wouldn't be any complaining (well, I guess I shouldn't say ANY complaining; there'd definitely still be some). They took cheap ways out for an overlay that "appealed to kids" and look at what we have. Same with Figment, to be honest. Kids do love it but parents come off with the look of "what the heck did I just ride".

Steel City Magic

Well-Known Member
So, to be clear, your position is the fictional land of Arendelle with its ice and Vikings and Norweigan mythology has nothing to do with Arendal, Norway with its ice and Vikings and Norweigan mythology? They are two completely different things in your mind and you can't see how Disney made the connection?

It's one thing to say that you don't want this theme to be a part of the World Showcase. Or to mourn the loss of Maelstrom. I can see opposing the change in lots of ways. But to say that Frozen has nothing to do with Norway is a bit of a stretch.
1.Pretty sure frozen had no vikings or norse mythology in it. I've watched it a few times.
2.the characters have no business in epcot, thats what MK is for.
3. Marc Davis enchanted snow palace is a much better idea than some half-a**ed malestrom overlay.
4. Either have a ride ready within six months of it hitting theaters, (avatarland with avatar 2 and 3) or wait at least 10 years to see if the IP has staying power (little mermaid/beauty and the beast NFL).
5. Better yet why not build an original IP instead of something based on a film? Then again since tony baxter was forced out and joe rhode is an incompetent fool for the most part, I guess that won't happen. Now to contradict myself on joe rhode he's not always terrible, in my opinion he just seems to miss more than hit, everest was a nice try if it wasn't for disco yeti sitting for years...

EDIT:figured I'd leave out where the enchanted palace/frozen ride should go in fantasyland since it involves moving IASW to epcot or getting rid of the speedway (yep I'm one of those people) I'd like to keep myself as far away from armchair engineering as I can (on this site at least, at home it's another story)
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Premium Member
funny that these threads or replies are always started by new just joined persons.
I always chalk it up to a new member who probly only read the last 2 pages of the thread and assumed they would be the first person to post, "you guys should relax", "get over it", or my personal fav, "the kids will love it". What cracks me up is that they believe the people against this are in some way furious and we are at home smashing our keyboard and cursing Disney. lol.

They are the exact type of customer that Disney drools over because they know these people will lie down and take whatever TWDC steamrolls over them and then gladly pay for more. Anybody who simply tries to explain this is wrong because everything from the budget, the location, the timing, the (lack of PROPER) theme, and the notion that this blurs the lines of distinction between theme parks is called everything from a hater to a doom and gloomer. Funny how the people who care about the integrity of what made WDW great are the ones who are crazy, not the people who feel that a short dark ride slammed into the wrong place is the future of Epcot just because its being done quickly and their kids are bored with not seeing enough cartoon characters.
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Well-Known Member
1.Pretty sure frozen had no vikings or norse mythology in it. I've watched it a few times.
2.the characters have no business in epcot, thats what MK is for.
3. Marc Davis enchanted snow palace is a much better idea than some half-a**ed malestrom overlay.
4. Either have a ride ready within six months of it hitting theaters, (avatarland with avatar 2 and 3) or wait at least 10 years to see if the IP has staying power (little mermaid/beauty and the beast NFL).
5. Better yet why not build an original IP instead of something based on a film? Then again since tony baxter was forced out and joe rhode is an incompetent fool for the most part, I guess that won't happen. Now to contradict myself on joe rhode he's not always terrible, in my opinion he just seems to miss more than hit, everest was a nice try if it wasn't for disco yeti sitting for years...

EDIT:figured I'd leave out where the enchanted palace/frozen ride should go in fantasyland since it involves moving IASW to epcot or getting rid of the speedway (yep I'm one of those people) I'd like to keep myself as far away from armchair engineering as I can (on this site at least, at home it's another story)
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