Disney confirm opening timetable for the remainder of the new Fantasyland


Active Member
Remember that construction is taking place right in the middle of what will be the busiest section of the busiest theme park in the known Universe.

Did you forget about the park "Powzoo" in the "Clackto" Universe? Its like 1000 times more packed this time of year. And its off season there.


Premium Member
so is all of storybook circus gunna be open in june
including the 2 big tents?

The blog post from Disney says the rest of storybook circus will open in July and the comments on the post indicate that the two tents are probably included in that. The artwork and model of the area also show a new third tent at the back of the area. Since they don't appear to have started on that it's possible that won't come until later.


Active Member
honestly i wouldnt cancel any trip due to something new comming out. there is generally always something new comming out. we are going in 12 then the next time will be fall of 14 at this earliest. we will miss most of everything in fle we are going at the end of sept beggining of oct. Maybe they will be doing some soft openings or something. I can offically tell all of you the fle delays are my fault. I thought most of it would be open based on the finished in mid 2013 timeline and so i booked in late 12 thinking i would see most of it.


Well-Known Member
Didn't read the thread so might have already been said, but the only reason Mine coaster is taking so long is so they can try and get two trips out of people. The first to see new fantasyland, the second to later see the mine coaster and the finished product. There is no reason whatsoever for it to take that long naturally. They've spaced it out just so, making it worth checking out the parks twice within a year or year and half's time.


Well-Known Member
This is nuts!

Well, I remember last year when we went I had said I wasn't going to come back until ALL of FL was finished! Yeah right!:ROFLOL:
We're going back this year in September (1st time in Sept and taking 8 yr old twin boys outa school:eek:) to celebrate out 15th wedding anniversary.:)
I can't say we'll be going back in 2013 unless we get a good "bounce back" discount.:shrug:
Too many changes to keep up with to say when we would go! There will always be new projects, rehabs, etc...:dazzle:
So... if I can convince my husband to take me there every year regardless, that would be great!:lol:
Bottom line, 2014 is fine w/ me and who knows what the future will bring?:rolleyes:
BTW- I absolutely LOVE CarsLand! Hope to go there some day too!:lookaroun

WED Purist

Well-Known Member
Didn't read the thread so might have already been said, but the only reason Mine coaster is taking so long is so they can try and get two trips out of people. The first to see new fantasyland, the second to later see the mine coaster and the finished product. There is no reason whatsoever for it to take that long naturally. They've spaced it out just so, making it worth checking out the parks twice within a year or year and half's time.

That's been said a couple of times, and it's not true. They changed the design to include the Mine Train in the middle of the project. Now we're building a brand new design with a brand new ride system with a late start. Plus, it's a large attraction, horizontally and vertically. Throw in the challenge of digging in Florida (some of the ride pits are 18' deep) and finishing construction in the middle of the park, and it truly does take 2 1/2 years to build this ride.


Well-Known Member
Open By Which Holidays?

I am planning a trip to WDW with arrival the week before Thanksgiving. When Disney says, "open by the holidays", are they referring to Halloween and the related parties or by Christmas? If by Christmas, does anyone have an idea on if they mean December or maybe in time for the November MVMCP events?


Premium Member
I am planning a trip to WDW with arrival the week before Thanksgiving. When Disney says, "open by the holidays", are they referring to Halloween and the related parties or by Christmas? If by Christmas, does anyone have an idea on if they mean December or maybe in time for the November MVMCP events?

I don't think Disney even knows for sure at this point. All indications are that it will open sometime between October and Decemebr, but until it get's closer they are not going provide a firmer date.


Well-Known Member
That's been said a couple of times, and it's not true. They changed the design to include the Mine Train in the middle of the project. Now we're building a brand new design with a brand new ride system with a late start. Plus, it's a large attraction, horizontally and vertically. Throw in the challenge of digging in Florida (some of the ride pits are 18' deep) and finishing construction in the middle of the park, and it truly does take 2 1/2 years to build this ride.
It may or may not be true that it takes 2 1/2 years to build the mine train ride but I don't buy the reason for the delay is due to the changes. The first construction walls went up in February 2010, at which point it took a few months just to clear the land and move some structors. Staggs publically anounced the changes in August of 2010. So, I'm sure WDI knew months in advance. Besides Lee has stated that the mine train ride was part of the original plans, so it's not like in August they needed to start from scratch.


New Member
I have yet to actually attend Walt Disney World, but have always been fascinated with the place. This year I had to make a choice as to which park I'd rather visit for my birthday in July- Magic Kingdom at WDW or Universal Studios Florida. After much thinking, I've decided to give universal a shot. Aside from the obvious fact that I would like to have the full experience that the Disney Parks are known for, I think it'd be kind of weird to plan my first trip for when the one park I'd be visiting this summer is being heavily constructed on. Will likely be holding off until sometime in 2014, but I am still planning a Disneyland trip for summer 2013.

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