Disney Buying LucasFilm! WHOA


Well-Known Member
On another note.....

Lee, you said new park ain't gonna happen. OK, I sorta get that.

BUT, I'll agree to this, with one condition. Hear me, Disney, this is an ultimatum
and you'd better listen. Or I'll stomp my foot.

I want an environment. Pick one. Mos Eisley. Coruscant. Kashykk. Hoth. Padme's bedroom.

One that you can stand in, spin 360, explore. Walk around.
Have your breath taken away and say "I can't believe it. It
feels like I'm really there."

Pick one. Go. Now do it. I have commanded.


Wait since when has Disney World has been considered to be in "shambles"

I visited there a few years ago with my family, and my parents and we all had a blast. Spent 2 weeks, visited all the parks, including the water parks and had the time of our lives.

Man, I would really like to see how HARD CORE enthusiasts look at the Disney Park. It would probably be very frightening, and depressing to see.


Well-Known Member
Wait since when has Disney World has been considered to be in "shambles"

I visited there a few years ago with my family, and my parents and we all had a blast. Spent 2 weeks, visited all the parks, including the water parks and had the time of our lives.

Man, I would really like to see how HARD CORE enthusiasts look at the Disney Park. It would probably be very frightening, and depressing to see.

Take off the rose colored glasses, then. I love WDW and I have a blast. I have actually be 2 times this year. It's a great. But it's in trouble. AK is half a day, DHS is half a day, Almost all MK attractions need a 6 month refurb right now and Epcot is a total disaster.

Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member
The good news is that we have acquired some incredible properties in the last few years.

The bad news is we are to broke to build anything.


On a related note Wishes will now use mostly bottle rockets.


Well-Known Member
I personally would rather have Jon Favaru (Iron Man series) take over Star Wars or even Guillermo Del Toro.
Del Toro is too dark. His tone is very distinct. He is like Time Burton. You see a frame from his films and they scream his name. He wouldn't be good for this series. If anything, pull a classic director that we know can pull it off. Cameron or Spielberg. We just know they can do it and do it well. As cliché as it is. Too bad neither will happen.


This is a an interesting situation. I wonder if there's a secret binder that reads: "This is what we will make when we own LucasFilm." If that's the case, then Disney would have a good jump on this. If they weren't planning on acquiring LucasFilm this soon (Reason for expanding with CarsLand) then they could already be behind on this.

I don't know if this is a matter of LucasLand or CarsLand OR LucasLand and CarsLand. To me, CarsLand is a proven theme park success. It wouldn't be a wrong move to still bring it to DHS. Could they do them both at the same time? Yes, I know Star Wars doesn't need to be a proven theme park success, we know it will be.

The ace in the hole here (from my perspective) is that a Star Wars land will bring in a whole different consumer than what WDW currently attracts.

I'm just not sure some people realize how much they can actually do with LucasFilm. TDO can create so freakin' much with not only Star Wars but also Indy. I really wonder how Disney will execute this, if they execute this like most of the fans want them to they can literally blow the competition away (or destroy them with the Death Star). Will they put Star Wars AND Indy in DHS, or will they put Indy in AdventureLand? The scale of a full on, fully funded Star Wars Land would be massive.

From what I've taken from these insiders is that AK and DHS have their own funds, so I'm confused why people are suggesting that LucasLand will happen INSTEAD of Avatar. Again, from what I've taken from these insiders, they are separate matters. Right?

In conclusion, the ball is most certainly in our court.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
The good news is that we have acquired some incredible properties in the last few years.

The bad news is we are to broke to build anything.


On a related note Wishes will now use mostly bottle rockets.
Disney's pockets run deep, very deep. True to your image, Iger did pay only pocket money today.


Well-Known Member
Excellent news all around. Everybody from Lucas to Disney to shareholders to casual guests to fanatics benefit in this deal.

As to Disney buying intellectual property, this is nothing new. Winnie the Pooh, Alice in Wonderland, and Cinderella, to name just a few, are long time Disney properties that did not originate with Disney.

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