Disney Buying LucasFilm! WHOA


Active Member
I wish SW7 would be given to an unknown arthouse director, or a movie lecturer, or something.

Definitely somebody from outside Hollywood. To stay true to , the franchise.
Interesting point, before George Lucas was "George Lucas", that's what he was, an art house director creating experimental films. See THX 1138, even American Graffiti was considered experimental in some of the hand held documentary filming style that was done, pioneering for its time. Having funded most of the SW films himself, it's funny to think considering his success, but he's the most successful "independent" filmmaker of all time.


Well-Known Member
someone mentioned earlier about taking the motorbike coaster to DHS and making it star wars related..althought they already have a launch coaster there...speculation will be interesting over the next feew days and months


Active Member
Del Toro is too dark. His tone is very distinct. He is like Time Burton. You see a frame from his films and they scream his name. He wouldn't be good for this series. If anything, pull a classic director that we know can pull it off. Cameron or Spielberg. We just know they can do it and do it well. As cliché as it is. Too bad neither will happen.

I thought he was working on a haunted mansion reboot?? (del toro)....I still think the sw creatures would be insane with del toro


Well-Known Member
I thought disney was cheap? Have to admit, Iger has the stones to pay for things he wants. Iger is really kicking rear.

Yes, he is! For those who might have forgotten, under his realm, Disney bought Pixar, Marvel and now Lucas, plus he brought the Disney Store back in! He's done quite a bit to expand the Disney empire in his time.
Like most here, to say I'm excited about this is an understatement. The possibilities here are immense for movies, TV, games and the parks. I'm hoping this is a big win for not just the company, but us fans as well with new entertainment options galore.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Excellent news all around. Everybody from Lucas to Disney to shareholders to casual guests to fanatics benefit in this deal.

As to Disney buying intellectual property, this is nothing new. Winnie the Pooh, Alice in Wonderland, and Cinderella, to name just a few, are long time Disney properties that did not originate with Disney.

Oh, lord, here we go. That comment is made so often here that one can only wonder if ANY thought is ever put behind it.

It's true that Winnie the Pooh, Alice in Wonderland, and Cinderella did exist prior to Disney. But Disney, which was once an entity known for its creativity, originality and innovation, created its OWN version of those stories and characters, and did it so well that the Disney version is now the definitive version of those stories for generations of children and for audiences worldwide. Because Disney didn't use to be about: "What off-studio property that has already had tv shows and multiple film treatments can we buy today?" It used to be about: "What story rights can we purchase and develop into a film filled with concepts, music, characters and storylines that WE'LL create?" There is a difference between acquisition and artistry. It beats me why some people who call themselves Disney fans can't seem to grasp that difference. :rolleyes:

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Interesting point, before George Lucas was "George Lucas", that's what he was, an art house director creating experimental films. See THX 1138, even American Graffiti was considered experimental in some of the hand held documentary filming style that was done, pioneering for its time. Having funded most of the SW films himself, it's funny to think considering his success, but he's the most successful "independent" filmmaker of all time.
Totally! SW is totally independent cinema. Kersher and Marquand were total outsiders too. The future of SW shouldn't be that of another superhero-like franchise (good grief, please not). I want some unknown Czech arthouse director to get SW7. Or somebody like Lars von Trier.

Lucas, especially the 1970s one, is more artistic, more arthouse, more refined than he gets credit for. I think he will resume making experimental films now, I hope he's maybe he's got one or two up his sleeve yet.


Well-Known Member
I thought he was working on a haunted mansion reboot?? (del toro)....I still think the sw creatures would be insane with del toro
He is supposed to be. But his style fits Haunted Mansion. But I also see what you mean about the creatures too. Btw, haven't heard anything about the new Haunted Mansion in a while. Not a good sign.

EDIT: "On August 7th 2012, Del Toro mentioned in an interview with Collider that he had submitted his final draft to Disney, and that "they like the screenplay" because "their reaction to the draft was good"


As with almost everyone on these boards, I love Disney and Star Wars. And, with that being said, the thing that I really want to see come out of this, and what the marriage of these two great companies deserves, is a fifth gate dedicated to the Star Wars franchise. It would be the game changer of all game changers in the theme park business and something I would just love to see. The theming, attractions and overall immersive-ness could be like nothing any of us have ever seen or experienced. I know it's a long shot, but I really hope that is their longterm plan with this acquisition.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Nah...Ridley tends to be a bit too dark for Star Wars. Besides he's busy combining the Alien and Blade Runner universes.

No...Star Wars should be in the hands of someone who loves the whole mythology and universe.
Someone who would cut off his pinky to get his hands on Star Wars.

Someone like...

You mean the guy that wrote a draft of the latest Super Man only to have it taken from him and turned into a turd sandwich?

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
That wasn't my point.

I was responding to everyone that was assured that Universal was going to go running around panicking and crapping themselves because Disney may be building Star Wars attractions sometime in the possibly near future.

Universal likely couldn't care less. It has Harry Potter. How could it feel the least bit threatened by a franchise that faded a long time ago?

Frankly, I'm surprised ANYONE'S still a fan of Star Wars after those crappy sequels/prequels and that dopey Clone Wars cartoon...

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