Without any spoilers (I’ll post more on the designated thread) I agree with most of what I’ve heard. I didn’t read any reviews on purpose, but I still kept getting bits and pieces here and there.
The worst part is the last few weeks of arguments, especially on Facebook, but also here, tainted my movie going experience. Instead of being fully immersed, I was still arguing in my head. I was thinking, “Why are these people complaining about her dress? And her hair? They look just like Snow White to me.”
Likewise, I was overly critiquing the actresses, and wondering how much stuff I’d heard had gotten into my head.
Rachel is quite good as Snow White. Her face is emotive, I remember thinking she does a great sad, wistful look. I also kept thinking she’s doing that look to nothing, because the animals and dwarfs were not really there in front of her. Her singing is on point. In my particular theater, I thought the volume should have been higher.
I think the criticism of Gal Gadot has been fair. I think others could have given her higher highs and lower lows. Her song was great, but I think others could have brought it home better.
All the new songs were good, and I am one who gets easily bored at musicals.
The story and romance are definitely more fleshed out. I enjoyed not knowing exactly what would happen, despite knowing the original version.
Bizarrely, I think a little more time may have helped. I think in general in films “setting the table“ a little more thoroughly early on makes emotional moments hit harder later.
The dwarfs - some looked great, others looked odd. I enjoyed a few Easter eggs.
The animals - they can definitely pull off a Bambi remake.
And that stupid photo that caused all the fake drama was obviously not the dwarfs, it was the bandits - think “Robin Hood’s merry men” kind of ragtag bunch. At least one actual “little person” (can’t imagine why that ended up being the appropriate term) was in the cast. Disney covered all the bases.
Overall, for a 50-something guy who doesn’t really watch the princess movies, I enjoyed the new spin, though it still felt like Snow White. I think young kids will especially enjoy it.