I've never heard of the sources, but this is the
full video of her interview with Extra. She does not say creepy.
I don't think the love story is a big focus of the movie. This feels almost inarguable. As Chi84 noted above, the Prince is barely in the movie.
I don't think the Prince stalks her, not in the common (creepy) meaning of the phrase. I do not think it's weird. These are more a matter of opinion of course.
Then why are people disproportionately upset about it?
He hears her singing. He startled her. She literally runs away and closes the door behind her.
If I’m using the word casually, “stalking” is not entirely inappropriate.
He then sings to her, apparently winning her over to the point she kisses a dove and it flies down to land on his hand. Fine. This is a children’s movie level of “love.” In the 1930’s.
That is the extent of their relationship.
Then everyone thinks she’s dead and puts her in a glass coffin, opens it after apparently seasons pass, and this guy comes out of nowhere and kisses her apparently dead body.
Not allowed to call that weird? A 20-year-old in the 2020s is so wrong for calling that weird?
And they live happily ever after. Awesome. Luke raped Laura on General Hospital and they got married. Weird stuff happens.
Obviously, it makes more sense if you are remaking that movie today, especially as a live action film, that you flesh that out more and make adjustments. And if they want to adjust the ending, that is their prerogative as the creatives.
But to crucify this girl over that comment is wholly unfair, and manufactured as another way to smear her rather than just saying she’s not white.