Well-Known Member
The days of Siskel & Ebert, plus that guy with the crazy eyebrows and mustache on The Today Show (what was his name? I'll have to Google that) are long gone.
Quoting myself after Googling, because I'm sure some of the more, um, mature members here will also remember him as a famed movie critic.
It's Gene Shalit! And miracle of miracles, he's still alive and kicking at 98 years old! He was the movie critic on The Today Show starting in 1970, and in the 70's and 80's his movie reviews were solid gold. Shame on me for forgetting his name.
Can you believe those eyebrows and stache?!? I remember the Eugene Levy sendup of him from SCTV episodes in the late 70's more than the actual movie reviews Mr. Shalit did. But you just don't see mustaches and eyebrows like that anymore.
That's Barbara Wawa sitting next to him, and another Today Show anchor that doesn't seem familiar to me. Even in the 70's, I was not a morning person.