The core of Star Wars was mark hamill
Full stop. You can’t separate it’s legacy form him or Vice versa.
Not a secret. Irvin kershner said it…Howard kazanjian said it, Gary Kurtz said it, Lawrence kasdan.
Your hero was baked in. Go with it. Either by leading…or sacrifice…or mentorship..whatever.
They had some of the right ideas…just completely botched it.
The focus can’t be the corpse of Carrie fisher…that was just biology…and Harrison ford was fine…but he was NEVER the hero…just the sidekick.
Watch a couple of hours of movies without a focus group and two accountants and you coulda just ingested what it is…
Also: don’t change labels just to do it…the old names and titles were just fine.
Also: don’t shrink the size of the universe down to like 10 people and a ship. Like overcompensate from George’s CG vomit a bit much? Happy medium is called “happy” for a reason. That was R1
Also: don’t let morons write their own whims…for instance a reboot no one on earth ever asked for. Starkiller
Also: don’t hate the audience that liked the thing in the first place. The “war on the 80’s” needed to be fought on another battleground…you got marvel for that
None of this was hard at all. Anyone failing to recognize the minefield they laid shoulda been banned from hollywood.
But let’s get back to current failures…not past ones