That's a tuff one. I don't see many non "fan" moviegoers really caring one way or the other. They'll watch once and move on. As a cohesive story, the prequels are light-years ahead of the sequels. I'm sure someone who hasn't watched star wars before would say the sequels might be better than the originals or prequels just based on how they look from a technical standpoint. Which they owe to the prequels as they were a HUGE leap forward in movie making. Love or hate Jar Jar, all modern mocap goes back to him.
Most liked the force awakens. As a stand alone it was fine. Too much of a cut and paste of the OT with a few other flaws. But most gave it a pass as a good start, and were willing to see where it would go. Unfortunately for a lot of fans, last jedi split the fan base. So for many, myself included, found it hard to go back to force awakens as it really no longer matters. And like you said, rise of Skywalker was just a complete mess further muddying the water. The funny thing is, I don't think last jedi is a bad movie. But I do think it's a bad star wars movie.
I also saw the OT in theaters as a youngling, and yea, that's my star wars as well. I wasn't really disappointed with ep1. I wasn't a fan of Jar Jar, like most. But I loved Qui-gon, obi-wan, maul. To this day I think the duel of the fates is the greatest lightsaber battle in star wars. I'm not saying the prequels are some complete masterpiece. But as a whole, they work much better than the sequels.