I agree. Maybe it is coming sooner than 20 years.
If you look at the Year-over-year comparison of Revenue and EBITDA Comcast reported a 19% increase in Revenue. In reality if you take away Sky (because Comcast didn't own sky in 2018), the revenue actually dropped 2.8%. For EBITDA Summary they reported a 11.4% increase with Sky and 2.8 % without Sky. Year to date, Comcast has revenue from 13 Movies compared to 8 last year. If you remove the revenue and EBITDA from those incremental movies, the company is Flat on an income perspective. If NBCU stops streaming on Netflix or Hulu, the company is negative. Unless the firm figures out a way to grow its revenue in this space, Comcast is going to struggle to keep up its earnings momentum. It surely isn't going to be able to sustain this growth rate once comparisons to Sky YoY start to show up on the companies financial statements.
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