Time and circumstance make all the difference.
Let’s set aside the argument that not everyone thinks an AA of Abe Lincoln is/was a tasteful idea, no matter how well-intentioned. It has never been universally loved, and is as creepy as it is respectful. Weird things are part of DL’s identity, after all.
Imagine if Apple built a talking AA of Steve Jobs or Sony built a Michael Jackson AA, and both were used as part of a self-promotional anniversary event, for which consumers were charged an arm and a leg to enter the grounds to view them.
It would come across as crass, tasteless and greedy. It would be widely mocked, satirized and ridiculed.
And, given the a certain company’s recent AA upkeep track record, I shudder to think of thousands of malfunction videos circulating on social media.
We have no shortage of great footage of Walt Disney. There are (and have been) plenty of creative ways to pay tribute to his achievements. A robotic sideshow to get more consumers to pay money to get into the greedy, increasingly-geared-toward-the-wealthy warped version of the park he created is not, in my opinion, a great way to honor his memory.
But, eh, what do I know.