Rich T
Well-Known Member
As an AA, yes. It would come across as a freak show and be ridiculed by the media worldwide…is my belief. Film, photography and (inanimate) sculpture/art are all respected forms of tribute, widely accepted by our culture as appropriate ways to honor someone. Amusement park robots are not.Ok, take away for a moment the fact Walt didn't want himself as an AA... does that change any of your vitrol here?
Having your founder talk about the company... during a celebration of the company... is tacky and clueless?
Y’know, yer trying to make me put into words something I just feel in my gut. It was weird enough seeing Tom Hanks play Walt Disney in a film produced by Disney presenting a distorted
-for-entertainment-value account of actual events. Multiply that weirdness by a hundred. It’s a Family Guy writer’s dream come true.