I was speaking yesterday with someone in the "Gamer" universe, and he was providing me his view on how Disney feels about Star Wars from their perspective. First thing he said: LucasFilm is VERY concerned with reception of the Star Wars video games, and are upping the marketing for the new "Jedi: Fallen Order" game quite a bit (visits to meet with programmers, etc at a much higher level than ever before). Additionally, the previous "Battlefront" series was supposed to be an "evergreen" game for the organization, and though it had high reviews, never got the traction that they expected (if you go to buy it, you can get it "dirt cheap", according to this person). He is hearing that after the failures of the last movie, and the poorly-received opening of GE, they are hoping that this game stems the tide of bad Star Wars news before Episode IX comes out. Take everything I've said with a grain of salt (its second and third hand stuff), but it does fit the narrative of what we have been seeing.