Disgruntled Disney Workers Give Leaflets At OIA


Well-Known Member
Thelazer said:
Ahem. The union can only negotiate what they would like us to be paid.

What "Disney" actually ends up offering is another story. Hence, the reason we've voted the contact down 3 times now. It's not like the union is sitting there saying, "Okay, we give in.. Only pay us $5.00 an hour.. We will accept that low rate"

I thought it was well understood that Disney, as a company is no longer the “All Caring” place it used to be, seems some of us forgot about how bad the company has gotten lately.

This really gets me about a union. People, if the union was not in the picture, I bet that all the GOOD cm's would have better pay. The company can't treat each person individually with a union present so they have to low ball their way through the contract.

As I said before, the union is primarily a tool to level everyone out and normalize the situation so that the bad apples can tag along. Sure, they had their place in history, but labor laws are now in place and keep companies in check. An outstanding employee does not need a negotiating table. Their worth would be easily seen and rewarded.


Well-Known Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
What EXACTLY is the union asking for on behalf of its members?

Just noticed an AP article (wish I had the link now) that they turned down an offer for their members to pay the SAME amount for insurance as the non-union members. They also asked for a $0.10 raise each year for 3 years. The rest was "secret". I would really like for a non-union cm to chime in with their raise history and the amount they pay for insurance. I bet it's less than I pay for my insurance!


Well-Known Member
As a court reporter who constantly has to fear for his job every time the economy takes a turn or when budget cuts come a calling, I happen to KNOW for a FACT that it is my union, my lobbist and my fellow union members who have worked their tails off to ensure that I have a job to come to every day. Otherwise if our management had their way I'd be replaced with an electronic recording machine and then the tapes shipped off to India for transcripts to be produced. Is it cheaper to replace me with an electronic recording? Hundreds of trials in this country have had to be retried or their verdicts overturned due to unintelligible recordings or worse. The machines not working at all. Hundreds of thousands of hearing disabled people will find it difficult to access the legal system because there won't be court reporters there to provide them with closed captioning access. Judges have now become addicted to court reporters being able to write real-time by having what's said in court immediately displayed on their computer screens via court reporters. And those states that have fired court reporters in favor of recording devices are now returning back to court reporters.

As for individual workers showing up and doing their job without the need of representation of some sort, well that may all be well and good. But what happens when your management decides to eliminate a bathroom break? Or when your manager starts making unwanted advances towards you? Or decided that the best thing to keep you safe in the store stocking shelves at night is to lock you in the store? What? Someone had a medical emergency? Well, let's call the night manager who has the key and lives half an hour away. Don't think it hasn't happened? Hello? Just google it and you'll find many instances of this happening at Wal-Marts.

Who does the inidividual worker turn to then? Who will speak for the individual then? Do you really think your bean-counting bottom line corporation is going to listen to the measley piddling complaints of the individual worker? Hah! I think not. That's why individuals gather together as a group. So they can be heard and their needs and concerns voiced loud and clear.

I'm no Pollyanna when it comes to unions. They can be flawed like any other group. But I know that when I sit down at the table with management to discuss our upcoming contract, it helps alot to have muscle on my side to get my point across.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
thedisneyfan said:
What's so funny about that? The UNION works for the CMs NOT Disney. So of course the union will be there to support the side of the union members (CMs) in different ways. It's the union's power balance in the equation of bargaining with a corporation.

that the union reps are identifying themselves as CM's when press and tourists ask, meanwhile they're not, and probable are enjoying 2-3 times the pay the CM's they represent are making, while they're out there giving out flyers and the CM's are the ones doing the hard work.

I don't work for the pay and benefits, I work because I want a career, and I know that if I want to progress, I'll have to do it the best way... work hard and kiss the right ______


Well-Known Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
Some of you out there may THINK that you owe your job to some UNION, but I assure you, YOU DO NOT!!! Please people. Think for yourselves. Stop giving in to the mentality of entitlement and being oppressed by a union. YOU DON'T owe your life to the union.
Okay, and your point being what? Disney is unionized to a certain extent. Your ranting and raving wont change that. Whats your end goal for your anti-union rhetoric, aside from alienating all the CMs who read these forums? I assure you, youve been quite effective in that respect.


"Which is why I find it VERY interesting that only 20% of the union membership chose to vote on this issue? What was the problem with low voter turnout? Lack of interest? Bad planning on the part of union leadership? Had to be one of those 2. So, which was it?"


Is that true? It's my understanding that because FL is a Right to Work state, the union REPRESENTS 20,000 CMs, but not all of them are actually members. Or do I have that wrong?

At any rate, I don't understand how the issue here became whether or not unions should exist. I thought we were arguing (ahem - discussing ;) ) whether the CMs deserve a pay raise, etc...

I know I'm an idealist, but I still don't understand the notion of letting the Walt Disney Company act like "JUST" a business. IT's NOT just a business - it means more to people than that. For CMs and guests alike.

Also, has anyone here advocating the "just leave" route actually tried to get a job in Orlando? One that pays better than minimum wage? I had a friend who has a degree in buisness, worked 5 years for Disney, got laid-off, and has been on unemployment, and working part time for over a year now. And NOT because he isn't trying. There just aren't that many jobs to be had right now...


Account Suspended
Well Dave....

There is no end-goal for my anti-union comments. I simply take the position, as I have said repeatedly, (maybe you're just not understanding here), people don't NEED unions to fight their battles for them. They have the power as INDIVIDUALS to accomplish ANYTHING. You just need the desire to do so, and a willingness to act on that desire. I understand the FACT that we are talking about a union led group here, so my view is just that, my view.

But again, why can't YOU or ANYONE else answer ANY of my questions. I had (1) cm actually give me some information about dues. He/She pays $24/month in dues. Now, if we were to surmize that the 20K plus members that are being represented here pay that same amount, that's in excess of 6 MILLION DOLLARS a year that goes TO THE UNION. Tell me something DAVE: Where is all that money? Who's in charge of it? Is it invested as a pension plan for the members? (it should be). Shouldn't the members get some ROI? (return on investment). Or are you going to tell us all out here that it takes 6 MILLION DOLLARS a year to run the union(s)?

Now, if I have alienated anyone, most importantly any cms, that's too bad. I have been a seasonal cm myself, and all I have been expressing throughout my comments is my support for the cms and how I KNOW they deserve better pay and benefits. But I've also said how I believe that they have the power to negotiate on their own behalf, without having to part with $300/year that seemingly goes into a black hole. So, let me ask another question.

Do the members get a monthly, quarterly, annual report from the union on where/what THEIR money is doing for them?

My understanding also is that the negotiations started in January. If so, how many times did the union leadership meet with its members to discuss strategy, proposals, positions, etc.?

I know, I know DAVE. You'll say, none of that matters.

Dave, you don't happen to be in a union leadership position with your company do you?



Well-Known Member
A few comments:

I don't agree with the equal pay for equal work thought a few posts back. I think pay should be based on performance instead. If two CM's both do the same task at Space Mountain, but one delivers on the mission and vision of the company 100% of the time, and the other does not, and is not a very good worker, why should the bad CM get the same reward as the good CM?

Florida is a "right to work" state, and, as such, employees can not be fired for "any or no reason" which is not the case in many other states. Progressive discipline must be taken.

Someone had written "I would rather see 100 guilty men set free than 1 innocent man wrongly convicted"....I would rather see the system fixed.

Gordon, you had written something along the lines of "What if they take a bathroon break away?" I have heard comments like this before from people who support unions......my question is "why" would they take a bathroom break away?

I guess I am lucky, I work for an employer that follows the idea that "If you take care of the associates, they will take care of the guests", and I guess it would be nice if every company operated on a principle such as this.


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't live in Florida so I can't pretend to understand the businesses there. But where we live, most places union, or non-union pay similar salaries to similar jobs. We have lost a lot of our manufacturing jobs, and most people get a yearly cost of living increase, no other "bonuses" for extra well done work. I am not sure why it is so difficult for Disney to dismiss 'bad' CM's. Is it because they have a difficult time hiring enough cm's? Are other theme parks depleting the # of applicants?


Well-Known Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
But again, why can't YOU or ANYONE else answer ANY of my questions.

Once again I don't think anyone knows...and the fact that you are attacking CM's means that even less people will do it.

I even know the answer now and refuse to aid you in your attacks on the union. You have no idea what you are talking about. You clearly don't live in FL, you are clearly not a CM. Not to say that those things make one know what they are talking about, but they sure to help. (btw I know of a place in central america where is a great skiing destination)

HennieBogan1966 said:
Dave, you don't happen to be in a union leadership position with your company do you?

Now I just think you are crazy...and I refuse to sink to your level.


New Member
I guess this is one of those topics where you must agree to disagree. :veryconfu

I know I have made comments on this thread before about a friend of mine, but I'm not going to 'fight back' through words for what some people have implied about her (not about her exaggerating). I'm just going to say that we should just agree to disagree...afterall...we're talking about Disney! The happiest place on earth and we're bickering back and forth (myself included) about something that we can't help (or prevent in some cases) anyway. Oh well...

TheDisneyGirl02 :veryconfu


Le Meh
Premium Member
se8472 said:
Once again I don't think anyone knows...and the fact that you are attacking CM's means that even less people will do it.

I even know the answer now and refuse to aid you in your attacks on the union. You have no idea what you are talking about. (btw I know of a place in central america where is a great skiing desination)

Now I just think you are crazy...

I think the word attack is a little harsh and typical of the response to strong oppinion.


Well-Known Member
hakunamatata said:
strong opinion.

Well I guess you are right on that, but that still does not change the fact that he is being a little rude here. To the point where he is asking for stuff and I, for one, refuse to give it to him.

I just don't like seeing people pick on CM, or guest, or anything really!

Lets empty this can of hateraid.


New Member
speck76 said:
A few comments:

I don't agree with the equal pay for equal work thought a few posts back. I think pay should be based on performance instead. If two CM's both do the same task at Space Mountain, but one delivers on the mission and vision of the company 100% of the time, and the other does not, and is not a very good worker, why should the bad CM get the same reward as the good CM?

Florida is a "right to work" state, and, as such, employees can not be fired for "any or no reason" which is not the case in many other states. Progressive discipline must be taken.

Someone had written "I would rather see 100 guilty men set free than 1 innocent man wrongly convicted"....I would rather see the system fixed.

Gordon, you had written something along the lines of "What if they take a bathroon break away?" I have heard comments like this before from people who support unions......my question is "why" would they take a bathroom break away?

I guess I am lucky, I work for an employer that follows the idea that "If you take care of the associates, they will take care of the guests", and I guess it would be nice if every company operated on a principle such as this.

In this I agreee if you work well you deserve better money. If you don't well then you stay a grub.. But, disney doesn't even reward hard work at this point.

I also feel that as guests, CM and former CMs. We should try to see the big picture and hope that we can support the decisions that those who serve us well on our trips to WDW.

Think about just one person who worked there who you felt went out of their way for you and made a memory for you. Don't you think they deserve a little more compensation for the effort they gave to you?


Le Meh
Premium Member
se8472 said:
Well I guess you are right on that, but that still does not change the fact that he is being a little rude here. To the point where he is asking for stuff and I, for one, refuse to give it to him.

I just don't like seeing people pick on CM, or guest, or anything really!

Lets empty this can of hateraid.

I agree. People who are passionate about a position can and will offend others who are on the opposite end of that position. It goes both ways and I have been on the other end of that stream on this thread.

All in all, there will likely never be an meeting of the minds on this type of issue.


Well-Known Member
Jekyll said:
Think about just one person who worked there who you felt went out of their way for you and made a memory for you. Don't you think they deserve a little more compensation for the effort they gave to you?

Going out of their way for a guest is a part of their job description. In fact, I believe it is the basis of Traditions. Disney does not request their CMs to do whatever they can to make the guests happy, they require it. So, no, they should not expect a raise for doing their job. They deserve a raise if they go above and beyond in their job performance and stand out as a wonderful cast member.

I do my job everyday and exceed expectations. Many times I receive an email saying thank you, but I don't get a raise. It is expected of me. If I continually perform in an outstanding fashion, the I may get a raise depending on the financial status of the company.

Now, this is just another reason why the unions are not helping the individuals. Unions want to predetermine the raises for their members. If they would instead set up a merit based analysis in the contract, then the deserving members would fare much better. Again, it's the socialistic way of thinking that guides their contract negotiations and that is to base everything on the lowest common denominator, not the outstanding few.

Let me see if I can make this point with an example. Let's say that Bob is a wonderful employee and always performs above expectations and consistently receives compliments from guests. Now, Mike is late a few times each month, does not perform to standards and has never received a compliment from a guest. But, he has never reached the point at which he could be fired under the union rules. The union dictates that Bob & Mike be treated equally. That's a shame and Bob should be ticked off! The union is NOT serving a purpose in this case except to protect Mike from the his just reward, the boot.

The above mentioned names are not based on real individuals!


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
Gordon, you had written something along the lines of "What if they take a bathroon break away?" I have heard comments like this before from people who support unions......my question is "why" would they take a bathroom break away?

I guess I am lucky, I work for an employer that follows the idea that "If you take care of the associates, they will take care of the guests", and I guess it would be nice if every company operated on a principle such as this.

I gave an example for those people who work in areas where it isn't easy to get to a restroom. I think if you're down on the floor and you work at a workstation and you can't just walk away from the floor, then you should be given breaks.

As for feeling lucky you work for a good employer, yeah. That's great. But just because you have it good doesn't necessarily mean it's good for others. And that's the point. Companies that treat their employees well in order to keep them from organizing, in my mind, is a direct benefit of unions. If we treat them well, then they won't join.

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