So, I'm reading where one girl who works at Disney is only going to have $80/wk if the proposal on the table goes thru in its current form. I also read where some here think that the "good" cms should be compensated for doing a good job. A couple of things come to mind here.
First of all, where is it written that you get compensated for doing a "good" job. Let me put it another way, bearing in mind that I wholly support the cms and their quest for better pay. Are we expected to reward mediocrity?
Good is good enough? I DON'T THINK SO!!!! When any of us are hired into ANY job, the expectation isn't that we'll do a "good" job. It is that we will go above and beyond our limits and expectations. Anyone who thinks otherwise is dreaming. Now I know a lot of you out there will disagree with that stance, just based on the fact that we've had, unfortunately, a huge "dumbing down" of our society, which started in the early 90's. (hmm, who became President back then?). Our government created a "welfare" society that to this day, believes in social engineering and entitlement. In laymens' terms, redistribution of wealth. I'm all for the minimum wage being raised across the board. But let's take a poll. How many of you out there think that's going to happen, without a huge rise in costs of ALL products/services to all of us? Again, if you don't think so, YOU'RE DREAMING. So, at what cost are we willing to see the rate raised? And by how much? Allow me to connect the dots here. If we were to say that the rate across the board for low end entry level at Disney were raised to $7/hr, for over 15k people, how much is that to the company, compared to now? Furthermore, how much will that cost us as consumers? And what IF people begin to vacation elsewhere due to cost? Let's face it, in the end, it's about money for ALL of us. So, the numbers of visitors decrease, which causes shorter park hours, which causes lower payroll numbers, which slows down hiring, and shortens work hours. Shorter work hours means less paycheck for the cms. Tell me again who REALLY wins in the end? Allow me to answer that: the union leadership and the attys., that's who. Explain to me how this is good for the cms? You HAVE to take these things into the boardroom when you negotiate if you're on the side of Disney. You think they don't care? Why? Because they don't roll over and give in to the almighty union?
Now, as for this young girl with the lowered paycheck and roof problems. First, I would ask, doesn't she have homeowners insurance? Last time I checked, it was a requirement when purchasing a house. If she's renting, renters insurance. Secondly, I must ask, if it's going to be only $80/wk with the new contract proposal, what does she "take" home now? It can't be that much more. My real question is this. I'm a parent who pays A LOT of child support each month in addition to med. coverage for my child, so I feel a speak from experience. I would NEVER take a job that I KNEW wouldn't allow me to pay that child support and med. ins. I really have to question her judgement with regard to taking care of her child. I'm going to assume she is single by the wording of the post, and probably doesn't receive any support, which is terrible if true. Which bothers me even more. If she knows this, why take a job with a company that pays so little? So, I don't really know that I feel a great deal of sympathy for her situation, when I KNOW that there are options out there. Again, people are going for the emotion of this situation, instead of treating it for what it is. BUSINESS!!! And there are NO friends in business.
As for the leaflet thing, I do NOT agree with what is happening on that front. I can tell you that IF I chose to do the same with my company, I would be OUT OF A JOB!!! And bad-mouthing the company isn't going to help at the negotiating table. I know, it's a free country. Isn't that great? IT SI A FREE COUNTRY. Free to express our views on any subject without fear of punishment. Free to choose a job that pays the bills. (oops, did I say that out loud?). Free to think for yourself, and to take care of yourself, without the use of a mouthpiece (read union). I BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF INDIVIDUALS.