Discusted with Disney World

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Walt was dead and gone 5 years before Walt Disney World opened, so there's no way to know how he would have built WDW.

And the way it turned out was nothing like the plans he looked at for the last time in 1966; there's no jetport on property, no city of the future, no business and industrial parks connected by monorail to the city. And the "theme park" that was plugged in at the top of the property that was a direct lift of Disneyland, right down to the mule trails along the river and the tracks of the Alice In Wonderland ride that can be seen on the Epcot DVD, was changed dramatically by the time it opened in late '71.

Walt's track record at Disneyland is pretty easy to see though, and he tore out many Disneyland rides during the 11 years he walked around that theme park. The Conestoga Wagons, the Stage Coaches, the Flying Saucers, the 20K Leagues exhibit, the Viewliner, the Phantom Boats, even the operation and look of his beloved Disneyland Railroad was changed and modified during the 11 years he supervised Disneyland.

I have no doubt that he would do the same with Walt Disney World. The biggest problem is that Walt would have a hard time recognizing the place since it turned out so radically different from how he last planned it in 1966.

The theme park Walt created, designed, built and nourished for over a decade is in Anaheim, California. The theme park in Florida was built by Card Walker, Ron Miller and a committee, and no one seemed to mention them in this thread. Maybe an impassioned plea to Card Walker's "vision" is in order?


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I am sorry that you all find my post offensive and find it necessary to make fun of my writing. I was upset when I wrote the post and was writing quickly. I dont think it is necessary to insult me and make me more upset than I already am. I am very sad about the changes. I am sad about them destroying some of my childhood memories and now I am really upset because you have all made me feel like an idiot. I just wanted to get express myself to people who actually know the park but I guess you all are offended. I'm sorry this is how I feel. I'm sorry that WDW was my favorite place on Earth, I'm sorry that I dreamed of the day I would take my children on same rides I went on as a child. ....
duffyy, why is it rude that I am not happy with the way disney is currently being run. Am I not entitled to my own opinion? Am I not allowed to be affected or upset by what goes on? HOw have I insulted you?.....jojoyner55, like I said, I was writing fast because I was reading up on some of the latest renovations and rumors about Disney WOrld. I am not illiterate or childish. I am a straight A student with a full scholarship to college. I dont find it necessary to insult my writing when it has nothing to do with the point I was trying to make. You have done nothing but make me upset. I am already upset that I will never beable to take my children on the rides that my parents and grandparents took me on (including my dead grandfather who I was extremely close with and that may be why the changes upset me so much). ....imagineerfan, I am very familiar with that quote and was a teenager not to long ago myself. But if everyone in the family must go on seperate rides what is the point. If young children are too short for the rides or a grandparent cant go on because of a heart condition than its not really together. Yeah, everyone may be in the same park but your not experiencing the fun together. ....wannab@dis, your absolutely right, it is only my opinion, and I have a right to express it. dflye, all I could be is a silent protester. I had organized many petitions and wrote many letters to DIisney WOrld about the closing of Hoizons. After all that work they could have writen me a letter letting me know they received the letter. I felt like a fool thinking my opinion actaully matter.
All I wanted was to express my opinion to other WDW fans. It may seem like I overreacted but I was writing fast and was upste. No one here will ever understand what Disney WOrld was to me. No one here understands how I feel about the changes going on. They may be inevitable but I dont have to be happy about them. I'm sorry if I have insulted anyone, those weren't my intentions. If I had expected this kind of respose I never would have posted this. I wrote this post pretty fast and am not going over it for spelling errors. If you want to insult me on my spelling then fine. I think its rude but go ahead.



Now that was a mouthful, Whew wait till I get my breath. So you loved Disney as a kid, you are all of 20 years of age now , so you saw it in lets say late 80S? Disney was not even like it was originaly in the late 80s changes had already begun. Disney is like stated an entertainment company to provide entertainment to old young and people of all ages, Hence not too many teens I know may like the old traditional rides at WDW, Do they still care to play Nintendo that was hot in the 80s but not now.

See changes must happen they have to occure thats life in the corperate community. Accept it you may not like it but then the choice is your to go to WDW or not. Dont care for WDW as it stands then by all means go and enjoy Universal, I for one didnt care for it too commercial, IOA well it was great but I could do the same here in PA.

Each time a ride is deemed to be changed the flags are raised on both sides do and dont but inevidibaly it happens . Sometimes for the good sometimes not but we all grin and bear it ie: SGE now there is a real 50/50 split.

Everyone has an opinion yes but those who know how to voice thier opinions do it eliquintly and factualy , The cahnges you have cited to happen are RUMORS never assume because you make an as* out of u not me.

Relax have fun at Universal then sit back and decide what is better. Memories are just that memories , they are to be looked back at fondly with a smile of what was and how good, Progress must be made to keep going forward and to follow Walts dreams not his past.


Well-Known Member
TP2000 said:
there's no jetport on property,

Well they did have STOLport. :)

Actually your post is right on target. I was in the process of gathering information about Walt's changes at Disneyland but I think you hit the nail on the head.


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this is going to get WAY out of hand. I think they should close this before it gets any worse.

PS I've always wanted a post of mine to appear in a closed thread! Hopefully I'll have my chance!:lol:


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disneylands said:
First let me start by saying, that was the best first post I have ever seen!:rolleyes:

you don't get it do you? Walt Disney wanted change, he was interested in the future which is why disney world has some of the most innovative rides the world has ever seen. Walt Disney designed some of the most memorable rides in the world. I appriciate what the imagineers are doing. They are keeping the tradition and spirit of walt disney alive.

The fact of the matter is that disney might be competing with universal but not stooping so low as to have mindless, storyless rollercoasters dotting the "theme park". Although they are competing they are doing it in such a way in which keeps the remarkable expierance of disney world... a remarkable expierance!

And you are the worst Disney "fan" I have ever encountered. The thing that makes me sick is the fact that you dont give walt disney world the respect it deserves. You dont want to go back to disney world? FINE dont but there are so many others that are aching to go. I would be ashamed if I were you. And honestly, I think you should leave!:mad:

Fine I will leave. I am hurt and insulted by all of your comments. I may have sounded a little crazy but like i said, I was upset. If you knew me you would not say that I was the worst DIsney WOrld Fan. I am 20 and since I was 2 Disney has been my life. I have a right to feel dissapointed in something. Especially if its something I love so much. I think its great you are happy with the way things are going. Thats your opinion and I respect it but I am not happy. That is just my opinion and I have a right to it. I didn't plan on arguing when I posted that long post. Why should I be ashamed if I dont want to go to DIsney world? It is my hard earned money. It cost me over 2000 with spending money last time I went. If I am not happy with the park why should I spend my money. Everyone needs to realize this is my opinion. No one has to agree but please dont insult me.


Well-Known Member
BRYANSBABY06290 said:
I will never beable to take my children on the rides that my parents and grandparents took me on (including my dead grandfather who I was extremely close with and that may be why the changes upset me so much). ....imagineerfan, I am very familiar with that quote and was a teenager not to long ago myself. But if everyone in the family must go on seperate rides what is the point.

Welcome to the boards!
Some classics will not be removed, only upgraded and kept in good condition. Others had to be removed for other reasons, Mr. Toads Wild Ride, there were never any lines for it anymore, so in a business sense it makes no sense to keep a ride running that no one rides anymore. Horizons building became unsafe and had to be destroyed. For the most part, they won't just remove rides for the heck of it, there normally is a good reason. There has always been rides when people had to go seperate ways, remember, Space Mountain was Walts idea, the policy as I understand it is something for everybody, not everything for somebody, or something like that. I know your entitled to your opinion, but I think your over-reacting a little bit, things can't always stay the same, I have plenty of rides that I loved that are no longer there, Mr. Toad, Delta Dreamflight, Horizons etc.., so I know where your coming from, but it's not worth getting heated up over. :wave:


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dismedic said:

Now that was a mouthful, Whew wait till I get my breath. So you loved Disney as a kid, you are all of 20 years of age now , so you saw it in lets say late 80S? Disney was not even like it was originaly in the late 80s changes had already begun. Disney is like stated an entertainment company to provide entertainment to old young and people of all ages, Hence not too many teens I know may like the old traditional rides at WDW, Do they still care to play Nintendo that was hot in the 80s but not now.

See changes must happen they have to occure thats life in the corperate community. Accept it you may not like it but then the choice is your to go to WDW or not. Dont care for WDW as it stands then by all means go and enjoy Universal, I for one didnt care for it too commercial, IOA well it was great but I could do the same here in PA.

Each time a ride is deemed to be changed the flags are raised on both sides do and dont but inevidibaly it happens . Sometimes for the good sometimes not but we all grin and bear it ie: SGE now there is a real 50/50 split.

Everyone has an opinion yes but those who know how to voice thier opinions do it eliquintly and factualy , The cahnges you have cited to happen are RUMORS never assume because you make an as* out of u not me.

Relax have fun at Universal then sit back and decide what is better. Memories are just that memories , they are to be looked back at fondly with a smile of what was and how good, Progress must be made to keep going forward and to follow Walts dreams not his past.

Like I said I was upset because in my experience, most of the rumors about WDW have turned out to be true. I just wanted to talk about it quickly with people who know about WDW. I am only 20 but come from a long line of Disney LOvers.....My parents and grandparents are all upset about the changes. Probably not as much as me though because I am still very young and planned on going to WDW about 50 more times.


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BRYANSBABY06290 said:
Fine I will leave. I am hurt and insulted by all of your comments. I may have sounded a little crazy but like i said, I was upset. If you knew me you would not say that I was the worst DIsney WOrld Fan. I am 20 and since I was 2 Disney has been my life. I have a right to feel dissapointed in something. Especially if its something I love so much. I think its great you are happy with the way things are going. Thats your opinion and I respect it but I am not happy. That is just my opinion and I have a right to it. I didn't plan on arguing when I posted that long post. Why should I be ashamed if I dont want to go to DIsney world? It is my hard earned money. It cost me over 2000 with spending money last time I went. If I am not happy with the park why should I spend my money. Everyone needs to realize this is my opinion. No one has to agree but please dont insult me.

listen this was not the best way to start your first post. Luckily people here are somewhat forgiving (hence me and my harry potter thread) I got a little angry myself. Dont listen to what I said. I think you should stay and enjoy disney news and rumors like the rest of us.

It may be a little late but welcome to the boards.:wave:

PS if you dont want to get insulted anymore, I wouldnt start very many posts like this. Just a friendly warning!


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goofyfan13 said:
Welcome to the boards!
Some classics will not be removed, only upgraded and kept in good condition. Others had to be removed for other reasons, Mr. Toads Wild Ride, there were never any lines for it anymore, so in a business sense it makes no sense to keep a ride running that no one rides anymore. Horizons building became unsafe and had to be destroyed. For the most part, they won't just remove rides for the heck of it, there normally is a good reason. There has always been rides when people had to go seperate ways, remember, Space Mountain was Walts idea, the policy as I understand it is something for everybody, not everything for somebody, or something like that. I know your entitled to your opinion, but I think your over-reacting a little bit, things can't always stay the same, I have plenty of rides that I loved that are no longer there, Mr. Toad, Delta Dreamflight, Horizons etc.., so I know where your coming from, but it's not worth getting heated up over. :wave:

I know its not worth it but its just a hard thing for me to accept. When I think of my childhood I only think of WDW. I wish I wasn't so upset, believe me.

You must stay!

I'm sorry that you're angry, but your posts are terribly entertaining!




Well-Known Member
BRYANSBABY06290 said:
most of the rumors about WDW have turned out to be true.

You obviously haven't heard half of the rumors out there...
Saying that most come true, isn't true. There are probobly more that don't come true than there are that do.


New Member
I think this guy should just buy a mickey doll and hold it tight and pray disney does not get rid of mickey if that happens will never hear the end of it from this jerk


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disneylands said:
listen this was not the best way to start your first post. Luckily people here are somewhat forgiving (hence me and my harry potter thread) I got a little angry myself. Dont listen to what I said. I think you should stay and enjoy disney news and rumors like the rest of us.

It may be a little late but welcome to the boards.:wave:

PS if you dont want to get insulted anymore, I wouldnt start very many posts like this. Just a friendly warning!

I'll remember that in the future. I just cant understand how I am upsetting people by stating my opinion. I actually posted on a couple other boards and although many didn't agree they tried to make me feel better and they did not insult me like many people here. But I wont freak out on in posts anymore...its obviously not worth it.


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duffyy said:
I think this guy should just buy a mickey doll and hold it tight and pray disney does not get rid of mickey if that happens will never hear the end of it from this jerk

I am a girl and I would appreciate it if you didn't call me a jerk.


New Member
sorry but you just dont have the respect for disney like we do so please. you should just go to disney world and get the love back. I love disney I also will but you just dont have respect and that to me is sad

space Dave

New Member

Wow, that whole thing in one paragraph. Besides that i'm 25 first time at wdw was this past may and loved it to pieces, i'm single too, and had a blast, will be going back as soon as i know expedition everests opening date.



Well-Known Member
duffyy said:
I think this guy should just buy a mickey doll and hold it tight and pray disney does not get rid of mickey if that happens will never hear the end of it from this jerk

totally uncalled for. Please try to be at least civil! :wave:
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