Dinosaur Audio Effects Changes


Park History nut
Premium Member
Dear oh dear. You should have asked about the lasers too....

Martin "why were the lasers deactivated"

Dinosaur lead "there used to be lasers in here??"


Well-Known Member
I just read on this very board a few days ago the complaints of many members here about how loud Dinosaur is and how much they don't like it.

It seems many who post hear don't want to hear loud sounds on thrill rides, don't want to get wet on water rides, etc.

Then when Disney makes adjustments to the attractions to completely dull them down, people start complaining about that.

Blame yourselves.

Flight Safety

Active Member
Original Poster
Dear oh dear. You should have asked about the lasers too....

Martin "why were the lasers deactivated"

Dinosaur lead "there used to be lasers in here??"

LOL! :ROFLOL: I asked about that a long, long time ago and got a very, very similar response!

I just read on this very board a few days ago the complaints of many members here about how loud Dinosaur is and how much they don't like it.

It seems many who post hear don't want to hear loud sounds on thrill rides, don't want to get wet on water rides, etc.

Then when Disney makes adjustments to the attractions to completely dull them down, people start complaining about that.

Blame yourselves.

If those people don't like Dinosaur the way it was intended to be thats fine, and they have every right to have that opinion. But the attraction should not be changed from what it is supposed to be, for those who enjoy and appreciate it to suffer because of people who don't like the ride.

Blame myself? I blame the people who can't read, and those who complain about something that was designed to be a certain way. No offense to those who don't like the loud sounds, but they shouldn't be complaining when they can read the many warning signs that clearly state that the attraction features loud sounds and scary situations. The attraction is called DINOSAUR, not "Fluffy the Bear's soft cuddle time" and last I checked, Dinosaurs are scary. If you don't like loud noises, simply don't ride. And if you didn't enjoy the ride, DONT ride it again. The original experience shouldn't suffer because people who couldn't read, or simply ignored warning got scared. I don't complain about much, ever. But this is something I had to express my gripe about. In its original state CTX is arguably the best attraction on property IMO, and is by far the most under-rated even in its current state. I just get disappointed every time it gets tamed down.


What age group is Disney looking for? They closed all the adult night time entertainment, they have very few small kiddy rides, now they have made the two best scary rides, dino and the yeti not so scary? Go to any scary movie these days and it is full of kids!............the best in ride pictures are from Dino, :brick:


Active Member
I rode later in the day, last night, and I did notice that in our vehicle, the audio was going in and out. I haven't seen the lasers for some time, and the door before the time warp hasn't worked for months either.

The dino eating the other little dino wasn't moving up and down, it sort of just wiggled in place. The T-rex didn't move toward the vehicle, it was stationary.

One thing I noticed that no one seems to mention was that they don't bother to load the preshows before starting the video anymore. It's already 30 seconds in by the time everyone is inside. That's probably because the video is too long, and there is more time where people could be moving through, when there is nobody. Maybe it's time for a new video? The TV screens in there could be replaced, the colors are faded.

One positive thing they did was finally replace the TV at the end of the ride, the one that shows the iguanadon wandering the institute, it's a flat screen, and the picture isn't horribly warbled now.


Premium Member
I apologize in advance to be the voice of dissent here, but I've always thought that the attraction really was too loud to be comfortable.

Realize this is the only attraction where I have serious issues with the noise inside, however obviously turning the volume WAY down ruins the effect of large dinosaurs being there, so there needs to be a "happy" medium.

On another note, there was one time I rode it and all of the in-car audio was completely messed up, like before we went back in time, it said "not our dino" and the rest of the ride was just an incoherent rambling of the computer voice and seeker....it actually was hilarious and the ride closed immediately after that.


Well-Known Member
I apologize in advance to be the voice of dissent here, but I've always thought that the attraction really was too loud to be comfortable.

Realize this is the only attraction where I have serious issues with the noise inside, however obviously turning the volume WAY down ruins the effect of large dinosaurs being there, so there needs to be a "happy" medium.

On another note, there was one time I rode it and all of the in-car audio was completely messed up, like before we went back in time, it said "not our dino" and the rest of the ride was just an incoherent rambling of the computer voice and seeker....it actually was hilarious and the ride closed immediately after that.

This. 1000x this. I sit in front of speakers at concerts (TSO, Scorpions, Ratt, Chicago, EW&F, etc.) with no problem whatsoever, but this 2 minute ride has audio that brings my ears to their figurative knees. That shouldn't be happening no matter the story/setting. The audio mix has always been ridiculously shrill with the highs excruciatingly emphasized, which doesn't help either.

The mixed audio, while undoubtedly horrible show, would have been hilarious to hear. Reminds me of my friend who got stopped on the ride right at the "They're not gonna make it" moment, after that line was said. Talk about great timing. :lol:

EDIT: On a somewhat related note about the resort as a whole; they have a horribly annoying tendency of over driving outdoor speaker sets especially and then not taking care of them when they reach the breaking point, resulting in obvious sound aberrations.
I noticed this last month, too. While I have to admittedly raise my hand with those who feel the ride was way too loud ... for me at the same time, it was part of the experience. However, the muted volume now seemed a bit extreme when I was on this past time, and yes, I noticed that the bulk of the sound came directly from the cars.

I was also shocked to see that it was also a lot lighter along the track, too. You could easily see the track below you and ahead--and I was even in the second row. It really ruins the effect.

It all boils down to money. Disney is far less concerned with "show" than with ride capacity now. It would be detrimental to the park to close rides because that makes the average guest unhappy. Close rides down for maintenance in parks where there are few e-ticket attractions, and no one will come to the park. There's an article here about the latest major show oversight at Splash Mountain and Disney's current attitude toward "bad show".

Disney just doesn't want to spend more money than they have to. Right now, they're focused on New Fantasyland and needlessly expanding their timeshares. ... and needlessly changing other things that don't need to be touched, like parking signs, adding FP to rides that don't need them, etc.

The Duck

Well-Known Member
We all know that Dino/CTX is loud but the only part that I found a bit much is when the carnotaurus is roaring at you right when they take your picture. That part was a bit jarring but it also helped get great facial expressions for the photo. Regardless, I didn't find it so unbelievably loud that I would report it to OSHA, it was all part of the experience.

disney fan 13

Well-Known Member
It's a big list, mentioned just a few months ago. Try a thread search :wave:

found one, Thanks

here is some of it, But add on decrease in intensity, flying dinos, tunnel effects, sound turned down, lighting, etc...

here is probably at least 50 other special effects in that ride that are turned off or never repaired.

A lot of smokers and water mist machines.
Several meteor and comet effects.
Air blasts and meteor explosions.
Transducers and vibration effects.
Sparkers in the entry and exit tunnels.
Laser effects.
Hot air effects like a Carno was breathing on you.
Water sprays like a Carno was spitting on you.
More air blasts and burp effects.
Several functions in each dinosaur are turned off instead repaired to seem more lifelike.

Skipper Dan

Active Member
There are no words to describe my disappointment. If this is true... :fork:

People remember things because of heightened emotions. Whether it be sad, happy, or scared. I ALWAYS make Dinosaur the first ride for ALL new Disney-goers, 'cause I know it will heighten their emotions, frazzle their hair, and with a stunned look on their face, make them go, 'Wow... that... was... AWESOME!'

Simply put, the Disney company, is losing their mind. They have absolutely NO CLUE!

We need a new Walt. One man that can make the decisions, the good ones, and be the bad guy to all who tell him 'no', but they can't do anything about it.

They'd never give anyone that power nowadays.


New Member
When what happened? Did you ride with no environmental audio, or just the new "indefinite" "lower volume"? About what time did you ride? Just curious.

I was there I think between 12-1 and it was with the no environmental sound. I was really disappointed by it and I'm probably going back there later just to make up for it. Dinosaur is one of my favorite rides and it is a shame that this is happening

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