Dining Plan dropping food quality??


Well-Known Member
Ah yes....but THERE'S the rub! :brick:

Folks, like myself, who choose to purchase good meals on their own will now have to eat off-site, or suffer through substandard menus, food quality, and service because Disney offered other folks prepaid food.

Everyone has always been willing to pay more for meals in the past because the WDW Dining experience has always been worth it. Taking the "uber expensive" items off the menu doesn't help that situation.

If you are NOT getting it free, why would I want to pay for lousy food?

This is good....how? :veryconfu

Guess it's one of those "agree to disagree" things.

I believe you are grossly exagerating the menu changes, quality and service. I've never had "lousy" food or seen "substandard" menus in any trip I've ever taken.

If you have a problem with the changes, let them know. Personally, I had great food and service on my last trip and I was using the Dining Plan and I made sure to tell guest services. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I believe you are grossly exagerating the menu changes, quality and service. I've never had "lousy" food or seen "substandard" menus in any trip I've ever taken.

If you have a problem with the changes, let them know. Personally, I had great food and service on my last trip and I was using the Dining Plan and I made sure to tell guest services. :wave:

I respect your opinion, but your own post acknowledges logistical problems and the thinnig of the menus. I think most people would interpret that as a drop in quality compared to their past experiences, before the free food marketing campaign. Service complaints can be found all over these boards and they are too numerous to link to. I've read them.

I'm thrilled all of your dining experiences have been satisfactory. Others may have not been so lucky.

You've chosen to completely ignore that not everyone chooses to participate in the dining plan, but still would like to eat as well as they have in the past.

I've taken the time to let Guest Services know my thoughts on the issue.



Well-Known Member
I respect your opinion, but your own post acknowledges logistical problems and the thinnig of the menus. I think most people would interpret that as a drop in quality compared to their past experiences, before the free food marketing campaign. Service complaints can be found all over these boards and they are too numerous to link to. I've read them.

I'm thrilled all of your dining experiences have been satisfactory. Others may have not been so lucky.

You've chosen to completely ignore that not everyone chooses to participate in the dining plan, but still would like to eat as well as they have in the past.

I've taken the time to let Guest Services know my thoughts on the issue.

Of course I'll acknowledge the problems, but they appear to be fairly minor and do not come close to "lousy" and "substandard". I can honestly say that if we were not on the Dining Plan, I feel we would have still had the extraordinary service and food we've always enjoyed and have not "ignored" that stance.

We'll see how things progress, but I have a feeling that if the FREE dining plan was the disaster some make it out to be, we won't see it again. Disney is not going to open up the possibility of their marketing causing a LOT of unhappy guest experiences. However, if the overall attitude for the FREE plan was positive, I expect we'll see it again.


New Member
Well, the free dining plan is successful in the sense that it keeps people ON PROPERTY. Disney's primary goal is to ensure that people never spend a second of their vacation anywhere else--whether that be to visit other area attractions or eat at other restaurants. The more time they spend in Disney, the more likely they will spend money there.

This is the primary reason why Magical Express remains a free service. By using their shuttle (and not using a rental car), it makes it much more difficult to leave the Disney compound. Thus, as in the case with free dining, they are giving the guest something in hope that they spend more in return.

It's sound economic strategy, but it's done more for the company's benefit than for the guest's.


Active Member
SO.... (He says, trying gracefully to get back on topic.....)

Anyone think the Dining Plan is causing a decline in the quality of food and service at WDW?????


I'll continue on topic! It may be the dining plan, but it could also be the economy in general, compounded by certain food shortages and weather events that have driven up the prices of food. (not to mention transportation costs and the costs of power to cook with!) Many restaurants all over the country are having to make the decision to either hike up prices, or to reduce portion size or go with less expensive side dishes and keep prices the same. WDW restaurants are under the same pressures that any other business is under. Until the economy stabilizes, and the costs of producing food goes down, difficult decisions will have to be made.


You call my comments pish and barely intelligible but then you make a comment saying that because I'm from New York, I have no right to call somebody rude. I wouldn't be too quick in making fun of anybody's comments after a brilliant statement like that!!! I guess there are no nice people from New York, according to you, I think you might get a fight with that comment!!!

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Original Poster
You call my comments pish and barely intelligible !

Perhaps thats because they are, or because of how they read.

It is quite clear that you have missed the point I was making as others have explained it in later posts.

but then you make a comment saying that because I'm from New York, I have no right to call somebody rude.

No that is your interpretation. Perhaps that is because you have chosen to accept the stereotype given to New Yorkers and are defensive. As for getting into a fight Ill try not to loose too much sleep over keyboard hard cases.

Perhaps when i made my original point what I should have said is," while I accept your right to make a point contrary to mine your wrong, Im right" as that seems to be an acceptable stand point.

now where did I leave those maggots.


Wow being called rude by someone from New York, I must be hitting top form now.
Okay, Einstein, you explain that comment to me. You are just a pompous --- who is trying to get a rise out of people so I'm just going to ignore your ridiculous comments and talk to people who want to have a good conversation and not someone is only trying to get a rise out of people.


New Member
No comments from me about NY....even though I'm from Boston - I have no room especially since the Sox won't be making it out of the city for post-season. But that's and entirely different topic. Maybe it will calm the chat down a bit....or make some Boston people irritated. Anyway, back to point...

I was on the Disney Dining Plan in December (not free) and it was the BEST experience for me and my family. Maybe it was a combination of the very small crowds or because I had kids and the restaurants we chose were 'kid friendly' and not necessarily your 'classier' restaurants. We were expecting much but got a lot! Portions were huge, service was good, and very convenient overall.

We are on free dining for the last week in September. I'll be happy to report back if I notice anything different. I'm not as experienced with Disney as most of you, so I may have lower expectations.

As far as a review of the Dining Plan (paid), I'd say it's certainly worth it. Hope the unpaid provides the same experience.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Original Poster
Wow being called rude by someone from New York, I must be hitting top form now.
You are just a pompous --- who is trying to get a rise out of people

If being pompous means being able to construct a point of view based on my perception and convey it in a manner that everyone else seems to undersand except you, then yes I guess that would make me pompous.

Ding Ding Ding we have a winner:drevil:

What gave it away, my avitar, my signature or the maggotts.

Would you like fries with that?


Once again... No, I don't believe the Dining Plan is... but the FREE Dining Plan may have a short term affect due primarily to logistics. I can see some places removing the uber expensive items, but should you really be surprised. You are getting it for FREE.
Thing is, even when free dining is on, won't there still be people there that have paid for it?
ie, they missed the booking time window when it was free but still chose to add it on?
So, restaurant staff wouldn't be able to distinguish who had paid and who was getting it free right? Or wrong?

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Original Poster
Thing is, even when free dining is on, won't there still be people there that have paid for it?
ie, they missed the booking time window when it was free but still chose to add it on?
So, restaurant staff wouldn't be able to distinguish who had paid and who was getting it free right? Or wrong?

As Im sure you know the dinning plan has only recently become available in the UK so initially it wasnt free, also DVC members have to pay to use it.

The Mom

Premium Member
Thing is, even when free dining is on, won't there still be people there that have paid for it?
ie, they missed the booking time window when it was free but still chose to add it on?
So, restaurant staff wouldn't be able to distinguish who had paid and who was getting it free right? Or wrong?

I believe this is the whole basis of the complaint.

EVERYONE is treated the same, but EVERYONE is given a somewhat lower quality (in some instances) meal, or less choices, or less convenient dining times, because they DON'T know who is paying full freight, and who is on the "free" dining plan.

So I - who have never used any sort of dining plan - am treated to a lesser meal than anticipated (based on past experience) for the same high price, or am not offered some of my favorite choices, or am not even able to GET into any of my favorite restaurants, because of the "free" dining.


But surely the staff are briefed that all guests should be treated the same (with impeccable (sp?!) service).
I suppose in practice whether or not that happens though......

It is unfortunate that some people can't get free dining, and that when it is on people feel they are not receiving the same level of service/quality, but hey... when was life ever fair? :)


Well-Known Member
I believe this is the whole basis of the complaint.

EVERYONE is treated the same, but EVERYONE is given a somewhat lower quality (in some instances) meal, or less choices, or less convenient dining times, because they DON'T know who is paying full freight, and who is on the "free" dining plan.

So I - who have never used any sort of dining plan - am treated to a lesser meal than anticipated (based on past experience) for the same high price, or am not offered some of my favorite choices, or am not even able to GET into any of my favorite restaurants, because of the "free" dining.
I have not seen the lower quality by no means and the choices we had were perfectly fine. Menus change and it may or may not have been done due to the dining plan. If it was, it would only be the most expensive items that would be removed -- probably temporarily.

I have a feeling there will be some changes made to the plan in the near future. I think you'll see the table service meals treated more like the snacks where you have to pick an item that is covered by the plan. They will have items on the menu that are not covered by the plan due to their expense. Until then, I can't fault them for removing the $40 menu item during the FREE dining plan.


I agree, I think that the menus will end up having logos next to them indicating certain items that can be included in the plan. Which is fair enough I suppose or we'd all be going gourmet for a few dollars! (or free!)


Well-Known Member
I don't think they will make radical changes in the dining plan just to prevent problems from arising during the brief period when it's offered free as a promotion. It would make more sense to replace free dining with a different promotion (reducing room rates), or with cheaper but not free dining (50% off).

The Mom

Premium Member
Until then, I can't fault them for removing the $40 menu item during the FREE dining plan.

But I WANT the $40 item, and I'm willing to pay for it. I WANT 3 sit-down meals a day, and I'm willing to pay for it.

Because of the free dining plan, which I don't WANT, I don't have as many dining choices as I did before it was instituted.

I not complaining about fairness. I'm just agreeing with the OP. The free dining has lowered MY personal dining enjoyment. So the statement is true... for me. And I will be very happy when it's gone.

Obviously, the majority of people utilizing FREE dining, who are satisfied with it, will not agree with me.


Well-Known Member
I have not seen the lower quality by no means and the choices we had were perfectly fine.

We get it! YOU don't have a problem with the dining plan! :brick:

Others do.

Count me in with THE MOM! I WANT to pay for a GREAT meal....not have to choose from whatever they want to give everyone else for FREE!

That's what lots of us have always gladly done in the past, and now it's not even an option. Disney set a certain standard for its regular guests and in my opinion, what they are offering us now is most definitely "sub"standard.

WOOHOO for the people who like it! I don't.


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