Dining Plan dropping food quality??


I don't know honestly, of any rehabs at that time, but even if there was, it wouldn't bother us because we've been there 16 times and we've seen it all thousands of times. If it was a big thing like, Haunted Mansion, Pirates, TOT, etc., it would probably bother us a little but usually it's not.


New Member
We've never used a dining plan, and normally had at least one TS dinner per day, including 1-2 character meals per trip. We definitely noticed a decline in both quality of food and service on our last trip. I'd say the dining plans have also negatively impacted accomodations. Good room discounts are nearly impossible to come by anymore, and I contribute it to WDW using higher rates to cover the cost of all those "free" dining plans -- there's no such thing as a free lunch.

Since Disney doesn't seem to value customer loyalty, we are renting an offsite condo next trip, and have cut our table service meals to a total of three -- one character breakfast, Hoop Dee Doo, and one other meal. The rest of the time we will do counter service, or dine outside WDW.


Well-Known Member
Since Disney doesn't seem to value customer loyalty,

:brick: :brick: :brick: ???

Hi there, welcome to the WDWMagic message boards, one of the hundreds of Walt Disney World message boards where people who love vacationing at the Most Magical Place on Earth can get together on their own free time and talk about the place they love to go. There are tens of thousands of topics on this boards alone talking about the love people have of the big things (fireworks, Parades, Attractions) and the small things (Favorite Quick Service Snack). In an among all of these topics are discussions about the future, the past, the good and the bad things about Walt Disney World, by people who care enough about it, and have had their lives touched by it, to want to let other, anonymous people know how they feel.

That's loyalty.

In fact, I would go so far as to say that WDW has built itself on loyalty. The feelings to know that I can take my future child on their first ride of It's A Small World, and watch the wonder in their eyes the way my parents watched mine. Knowing that every time I step into the Magic Kingdom looking for an amazing experience, with a positive attitude, I am going to find it.

Disney doesn't value its guests' loyalty? Tell me you are joking

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Original Poster
:brick: :brick: :brick: ???

Disney doesn't value its guests' loyalty? Tell me you are joking

No it relys on sentimentality, brand placement and slick advertising.

The most loyal Disney customers surely are DVC members, yet they do not benefit from the free dinning plan, despite committing to repeat visits.

I also seem to remember that Disney were also pretty easy come easy go with Disney Club benefits as they are with AP benefits.

I get better loyalty rewards from Lowes! FACT!


I honestly don't believe the most loyal disney fans are DVC members, If I could afford it, I would do it but I can't afford the monthly bill every month. It doesnt stop me from going there though! I go every year. And I wasn't going to go this year because of funds and when they offered the free food plan, which saved me 1400.00, I now can go. I think that's pretty loyal, don't you? If the quality of the food isn't quite the same, I will deal with it. Just to be able to go down, is good enough for me.


Active Member
I just did the free dining plan this past weekend and I can tell you that I think that all the changes are due to the dining plan. We went to Chef de France and found out that the filet mignon w/ au gratin potatoes and duck were removed from the menu and instead, flank steak w/french fries and hamburger added. If that's not Americanizing a French restaurant menu, I don't know what is. I asked why and when those items were removed since I only ate there at the end of July and had the filet mignon. I was told the menu changed about two weeks ago and that it was a "seasonal" change. Funny how the season coincided with the free dining. Also the meal I had and one of the other meals at our table were terrible, the meats were very dry as if they were cooked way ahead of time and the accompanyments seemed like they were pre-packaged frozen foods.

The food quality has certainly gone down hill and if it keeps up this way, I will be eating at the better restaurants off property, such as Emerils, Christini's and Mortons.


Well-Known Member
Disney doesn't value its guests' loyalty? Tell me you are joking


You seemed to come down pretty hard on MEE MOWSE.

While I respect your opinion on what "valuing loyalty" is, I'm afraid lots of others may disagree.

I saw the point of MEE MOWSE'S post being that Disney does not do anything to recognize and reward returning loyal customers who spend thousands of dollars at their resorts each year.

You might go every year (or every month for that matter!) but Disney still does nothing to reward or thank you for your loyalty. The free dining, you say? HA! That is available to everyone, and lots of them will never return. It's nobody's reward for being a loyal customer!

PUMBAS post hit it on the head! It's all sentimentality, brand placement and slick advertising.

With other reward programs that lots of places have, I know I am getting rewarded for my loyalty.

I think THAT was what the poster was saying.

Oh....and that head banging against the wall thing? Not healthy! :lol:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Original Poster
I honestly don't believe the most loyal disney fans are DVC members,

As they are the ones comitting financialy long term surely they must be?

That is not to say that you have to be a DVC member to be a real fan, but we are talking $$$ here.:dazzle: not who designed the original drive wheel of the third toggle switch on some long forgoten attraction.


I so totally disagree with you on that, sorry, they might commit a monthly fee of $200.00 or more but I spend more than that in a years visit so don't talk about money commitment. I have to do it when I get a bulk check but doing it monthly, I cannot do. So don't say they are committed $ wise because I spend more than they do in a year's visit!!!

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Original Poster
I so totally disagree with you on that, sorry, they might commit a monthly fee of $200.00 or more but I spend more than that in a years visit so don't talk about money commitment. I have to do it when I get a bulk check but doing it monthly, I cannot do. So don't say they are committed $ wise because I spend more than they do in a year's visit!!!

Apart from being barely intelligible your comments are absolute pish!. You choose to spend the money, buy joining the DVC its members are committed to spending that money year after year. A fact that prevents many from joining.

But that said you are undoubtedly a far bigger Disney fan than me. And I bet you tip 20% too.


I'm assuming your a DVC member, but I didn't realize you were so rude. I'm not a fan of people answering me back with nasty comments. I think there is a nicer way to reply to people. I don't look for fights but I guess you do. I only talk to people with respect and I expect the same in return.

The Mom

Premium Member
Please note Pumba's avatar. That's just the way he is. :lol: But, watch your step, warthog guy. (Steve, I need a scolding mom smilie one of these days)

However, I believe the point he was trying to make (in his usual irascible fashion) was that many guests CHOOSE to pay more for a yearly trip to WDW than DVC members, but only DVC members are legally obligated to do so for the next 20 years. You can choose to spend that money elsewhere; they cannot without either selling or going to court. Maybe loyalty isn't the right word. How about committed?


You see that's all he had to say, committed, definitely but loyal absolutely not. I wish I could commit but I can't because of funds, it's a shame!


Well-Known Member
SO.... (He says, trying gracefully to get back on topic.....)

Anyone think the Dining Plan is causing a decline in the quality of food and service at WDW?????



I was shocked to find out that there are hardly any hotel rooms left at Disney for the week we are going, Sept.30th to October 8th, and that the ressies at the restaurants are quite full and they are extending hours! I figured when I made the reservations that it would be a slow time because everyone is back in school. I guess everyone thought the same thing! LOL
I guess that means long waits!!!


New Member
I'll help get this topic back on track Brer...

I am currently writing my first ever trip report regarding my trip from 8/30 thru 9/6 so I'll go in more detail there, but I was planning on mentioning this issue. We were not on the dining plan and I have to agree that there has been a slight decrease in service/food quality/portion size/variety. I don't think it is that great a change for the worse, but the poster above who mentioned that Chefs De France said the changes were seasonal might be on to something.

Table service wise, we ate at Flying Fish, California Grill, Ohanas, Restaurant Marrakesh and Concourse Steakhouse. First off, all the meals were good to excellent, but not as good as in years past. I initally thought the changes to the Ohanas menu were no big deal, but other than the change with the shrimp (which makes sense as grilled shrimp is rather dry), all of the side changes are a definite change for the worse and the turkey sausage to be blunt sucked. Yes, I liked the potatoes, but not compared to the past sides, e.g. the fried rice. Also, service just wasn't what it once was; it felt incredibly rushed and our main waiter came back only two to three times (the drink order and the check), leaving it up to the other folks who served the meat and brought the shrimp to attend to us. Honestly, I didn't mind as they were much more friendlier than he was and a bit more relaxed. Oddly enough, he asked us at the end of our meal if we were on the dining plan, which made us think that he thought we were on the dining plan, which was the reason for his poor service.

As for the California Grill and Marrkesh, service is still outstanding if not greatly improved at both. The food was also still excellent, but the choices weren't as varied. Both myself and my best friend, who I was traveling with, recall a much larger menu in years past in both places, this being about our 4th or 5th time dining in each. I can remember at least 5 different flat bread choices at Cali and other combo platters at Marrakesh.

As for the Flying Fish and Concourse, it was my first time dining in both establishments. But I did find the menu choices at both rather limited, although our meals at both places were good, with Flying Fish being much much better. However, the quality of service was markedly different at both, with the Flying Fish having outstanding service comparable to the service at the California Grill. While the Concourse service was just ok.

But the biggest different was at the counterservice restaurants, although i have noticed greater choices especially at MK than in years past, the quality wasn't what it was a few years ago. Best example of this was the Columbia Harbour House. I've been eating there since the 70s. I go each and every trip to MK. Well it was gross. I have always ordered the fried fish and this year the fried fish was sopping in oil and what was once a nice filet is now a fish stick. Actually three fish sticks. It was gross and nasty.

Although Disney probably makes money off the increased reservations due to the free dining plan, it also has to place a great stress on their dining facilities, which inevitably has to lead to cost cutting and time saving at the various restaurants. Thats great that many of you enjoyed your plan and get to eat in these restaurants. But the dining has been a big selling point for my return trips to disney with friends and family. I think next time I plan a trip, i'm going during a time of year when the free dining plan is not in effect.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Original Poster
I'm assuming your a DVC member, but I didn't realize you were so rude. I'm not a fan of people answering me back with nasty comments. I think there is a nicer way to reply to people. I don't look for fights but I guess you do. I only talk to people with respect and I expect the same in return.

Wow being called rude by someone from New York, I must be hitting top form now.

I dont look for fights either, but nor do I believe that just because something is said often enough or in a loud voice is it a truth.

By the way respect is earned. and I draw your attention to my sig.

Dinning plan still suxs though:drevil:


Well-Known Member
SO.... (He says, trying gracefully to get back on topic.....)

Anyone think the Dining Plan is causing a decline in the quality of food and service at WDW?????

Once again... No, I don't believe the Dining Plan is... but the FREE Dining Plan may have a short term affect due primarily to logistics. I can see some places removing the uber expensive items, but should you really be surprised. You are getting it for FREE.

Pumbas Nakasak said:
Wow being called rude by someone from New York, I must be hitting top form now.

I dont look for fights either, but nor do I believe that just because something is said often enough or in a loud voice is it a truth.

By the way respect is earned. and I draw your attention to my sig.

Dinning plan still suxs though

New York... met a lot of nice people there.
United Kingdom... met a lot of nice people from there.

Met a few dolts from both. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I can see some places removing the uber expensive items, but should you really be surprised. You are getting it for FREE.

Ah yes....but THERE'S the rub! :brick:

Folks, like myself, who choose to purchase good meals on their own will now have to eat off-site, or suffer through substandard menus, food quality, and service because Disney offered other folks prepaid food.

Everyone has always been willing to pay more for meals in the past because the WDW Dining experience has always been worth it. Taking the "uber expensive" items off the menu doesn't help that situation.

If you are NOT getting it free, why would I want to pay for lousy food?

This is good....how? :veryconfu

Guess it's one of those "agree to disagree" things.


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