Well-Known Member
The issue in my opinion isn't just as simple as the individual ride capacity, it has to do with the role they play in handling the weight of the "World" (pun intended) versus just being another quality attraction for their respective parks. It's easy to sit back and realize that both Soarin' and TSMM are at the low end of the normal E-ticket hourly capacity people eating monsters. The thing is, that major Disney attractions have historically fallen all over the spectrum of hourly capacity. From the Subs at Disneyland to 20k at WDW or even Pan, none of them have been people consuming machines. That's normally perfectly fine for attractions as over time, guest behavior changes and what were once must ride multiple times per day attractions fade into must ride occasionally attractions as new/different/better options come online.
The problems with WDW's Soarin and TSMM are that they ARE carrying the weight of their entire park on their shoulders. Guests that visit either EPCOT or DHS must ride those attractions because there simply isn't enough else that is either new, different, or better to pull them away and hold them. Soarin' and TSMM both work just fine in California because they are both in a park that has many other rides and attractions that pull their fair share of the load or simply there aren't enough of them.
In many ways, adding capacity to either Soarin' or TSMM will compound the overall problems guest face when visiting either park. If more can get on these attractions quicker, they will be back out in the pool of perspective riders. They then will be faced with the same choice of "what to do next" that caused them to choose riding Soarin' or TSMM in the first place. The guest has already decided they would rather ride this attraction once before over the other options... and I believe when presented with the choice again, many will choose a re-ride over the other options.
The fix has to be external to "problem" popular attraction in question. Other options guests deem worthy of investing their time in have to be the solution in the long term. Sure, people may be happier their wait/return time for TSMM or Soarin' have been reduced; but, the park would be much healthier if there was new/different/better options to draw them away and let these attractions naturally fall into the role their capacity was designed for.
If you kept reading, you would have seen that I said you need both expanded ride capacities as well as other attractions to spread the crowds out.