DHS ReDo (August 2014)


Well-Known Member
Wonder if the trackless ride system can be installed into Great Movie Ride? He wouldn't and couldn't say what would replace GMR (if anything does at all), but, would it be out of the realm of possibility that, it does become Frozen's main dark ride? Remove the hat (or relocate it), retheme the theater into the ice castle from Frozen, give the movie a major e-ticket dark ride, using the trackless system, like SeaWorld does with the penguins. You are sliding on the ice in Arendelle. Ice Castle now the park's weenie, and here you now have MK 3.0 (Epcot is MK 2.0).

But, how much would that clash with Star Wars, cause, looking at the map, it seems Star Wars land boundary comes very close.
Great Movie Ride is a version of the trackless system, but with the size of the vehicle, many of the benefits are lost. Also, considering it's placement, Frozen would be a really odd fit. I wouldn't be surprised to see this be a new general movie concept as opposed to a tie to a specific franchise. That is 100% speculation.


Well-Known Member
GMR is currently a trackless system so I don't see why not. I'd honesty rather not think about it however as the ride almost always has a wait and it's still a great attraction. It just needs some love (updates and a thorough cleaning) and it would be fine for another 10-15 years.

Totally agree. GMR is a great ride. Just, as you said, it needs some love.

I agree. My family enjoys this ride. Perhaps just a little TLC with a significant update/makeover would do this ride justice.

As far as the other SW information goes, I really hope there will be more than just a spinner ride as the sole new ride added to SW Land. However, I can see the need for a spinner ride and the young kids will enjoy one in DHS. There really needs to be a solid "A" or "B" ride added as well. Can't wait to hear actual factual information regarding a DHS redo, exciting stuff!

For me, Great Movie Ride is getting harder and harder to ride. The script is downright painful, several scenes are irrelevant, audio in the scenes where the driver interacts with the audience is awful, and the montage at the end needs to be upgraded both in content and image quality. I think they could easily start with the scenes that either don't work correctly or are no longer relevant. For me these include:
  • Footlight Parade (it's not going to be fixed, replace it)
  • The Underworld (Probably not the most relevant option)
  • Alien (It could stay with an upgrade, but otherwise a new franchise could fit)
  • Tarzan (Remove for relevance)
  • Generic Horror section (pick a movie or remove it)
  • Indiana Jones and the Hernia Operation (Either new scene or new franchise)
  • Fantasia (Put in last minute 25 years ago, large are that could be replaced)
Considering all that, it would likely be easier to start fresh.


Well-Known Member
I don't see GMR going anywhere, maybe an upgrade, but it's one of the few rides in the park right now that cater to families of all ages. While I'm sure Disney will invest more in family rides, it makes no sense to remove one that's already there and has a high capacity. Even today, there are times when the ride pulls a decent wait.

I'm not saying there's no truth to these "rumors", but a lot of it sounds like what was once said about Epcot. Disney's not one to waste money and replacing GMR doesn't add as much as some other things would.
Keep in mind that Jim also said this would be among the last things addressed. That means that there would be other family friendly additions, and more importantly, that today's plans are less likely to be the plans when it closes.


Well-Known Member
I would be beyond upset if they got rid of the CMs. It makes the ride when you get someone good.
Agreed. I love the live host attractions. When you have a good live host the attractions are so much better. This is true of GMR and Jungle Cruise and was previously true of the Backlot Tour and Living with the Land. The just need stricter standards for these roles.


Well-Known Member
The DCA theming was at a MUCH higher pricetag... THREE TIMES this rumored $700 mill. And that $700 reportedly isn't just for SWL.

It seems realistic and logical that as far as SW goes, you'll probably see the Cantina, a themed area (a la Diagon), M&G's, a spinner, and a D or E. If the number of $700 is real, and it's for improvements to the entire park, you won't get anything more than that. And I would put my money on a D rather than E.

I would love to be proved wrong.
The number that was out there was $1.2 billion, but that did not include World of Color. Was it over $2?


Well-Known Member
For me, Great Movie Ride is getting harder and harder to ride. The script is downright painful, several scenes are irrelevant, audio in the scenes where the driver interacts with the audience is awful, and the montage at the end needs to be upgraded both in content and image quality. I think they could easily start with the scenes that either don't work correctly or are no longer relevant. For me these include:
  • Footlight Parade (it's not going to be fixed, replace it)
  • The Underworld (Probably not the most relevant option)
  • Alien (It could stay with an upgrade, but otherwise a new franchise could fit)
  • Tarzan (Remove for relevance)
  • Generic Horror section (pick a movie or remove it)
  • Indiana Jones and the Hernia Operation (Either new scene or new franchise)
  • Fantasia (Put in last minute 25 years ago, large are that could be replaced)
Considering all that, it would likely be easier to start fresh.

Your idea of relevancy is intriguing to say the least, but the three bold need help.
  • Gangster films still relevant today - see "Lock Stock and two smoking barrels" wrong time period and set here in UK
  • Alien still in the zeitgeist
  • Generic Horror section done on purpose seen as most of the main Monster movies are owned by other studios
  • Indiana Jones doesn't need a new scene
The scenes which desperately need removing is Wizard of Oz section.

Ranch Dressing

Well-Known Member
Nice how people keep "breaking" news I broke a week ago in part.

Lets see this one get turned around and upside down. This rumor is pretty tightlipped and not really well known so ill see who knows what.

Lets play a game, we'll call it guess the attractions.

First off, the studios is getting Star Wars and ANOTHER e-ticket in the long range plans. The ride should be obvious, but what attraction is going to have to leave in the process?

And no way the Movie ride is going anywhere.

Carry on.


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind that Jim also said this would be among the last things addressed. That means that there would be other family friendly additions, and more importantly, that today's plans are less likely to be the plans when it closes.

Right, but what I'm saying is that it won't close (at all). I mean, a refurbishment of what's already there, I can see, but not a completely new and different attraction.

I believe that Disney won't tear this out since it's a poor return on investment to do that. I'm not saying other concepts have never come up before in the imagineering process, but that it would take one heck of an attraction that can push merchandise sales in order to convince management to tear this ride out in favor of something else. The current attraction is family friendly, high capacity, and pulls decent wait times on its own. Just about anything they could replace it with would have trouble doing more (for the company) than what the current attraction already does.


Premium Member
Nice how people keep "breaking" news I broke a week ago in part.

Lets see this one get turned around and upside down. This rumor is pretty tightlipped and not really well known so ill see who knows what.

Lets play a game, we'll call it guess the attractions.

First off, the studios is getting Star Wars and ANOTHER e-ticket in the long range plans. The ride should be obvious, but what attraction is going to have to leave in the process?

And no way the Movie ride is going anywhere.

Carry on.

hopefully not RSR for LMA

Monster's Coaster?

As for the Movie Ride... if they want to keep it, fine... but please lord gut it and put in Disney movies. Think of all the possibilities (pirates, frozen, star wars, pixar ones, and even those not represented elsewhere). TONS of possibilities here and also a great family ride rather than one only about 10% know what some of those movies that are represented today are


Active Member
While I do agree that a good CM can make it, it's really a good PAIR that you need, not just one, which reduces the chances significantly. Also, female Mugsy? What the what?!? Doesn't work, specifically because they are escaping from a movie era where there would NOT have been a female gangster, at least not one dressed that way.

My own experience is that I have not had a good pair of CM's on this ride since my honeymoon in 2007. I heard somewhere that the problem is that it used to be considered an entertainment job (same pool as Citizens of Hollywood), and now it's an attractions operations job (same as folks who operate Star Tours), or something like that. Does anyone know if that's true?

It is called a Presenter position. The CMs are not from Entertainment but are regular Operations CMs. The difference is that they need to be able to act (not sure what the level of acting ability is required) and if they don't they are transferred to another attraction. Same for Jungle Cruise, Safari and Innovations positions.


Well-Known Member
Nice how people keep "breaking" news I broke a week ago in part.

Lets see this one get turned around and upside down. This rumor is pretty tightlipped and not really well known so ill see who knows what.

Lets play a game, we'll call it guess the attractions.

First off, the studios is getting Star Wars and ANOTHER e-ticket in the long range plans. The ride should be obvious, but what attraction is going to have to leave in the process?

And no way the Movie ride is going anywhere.

Carry on.

I was told once, a long time ago when your condiments gain sentience then its best to change your drinking supply.

Voice of Disney sanity

Well-Known Member
That seems silly. How would Mater's prevent Cars Land from being as immersive, but the giant roller coaster tracks from Dragon Challenge don't have the same or worse impact on Harry Potter?

(Note: I personally don't think either of them are issues, just that it seems like pretty selective criticism)
I'm talking about potter 2.0
Potter 1.0 raised the bar then carsland raised it again. Now potter 2.0 took it even further. IMO if Disney really wants to do this right they will at least need to meet the potter 2.0 theming standards. of course they could always go backwards to previous benchmarks but will that suffice anymore? I don't think so.


Well-Known Member
Your idea of relevancy is intriguing to say the least, but the three bold need help.
  • Gangster films still relevant today - see "Lock Stock and two smoking barrels" wrong time period and set here in UK
  • Alien still in the zeitgeist
  • Generic Horror section done on purpose seen as most of the main Monster movies are owned by other studios
  • Indiana Jones doesn't need a new scene
The scenes which desperately need removing is Wizard of Oz section.
The Wizard of Oz scene which according to the source that started this thread has 150 private parties scheduled over the next 3 years? That Wizard of Oz? The non-Witch animatronics may need to be upgraded, and the sound certainly does, but the concept of the scene is absolutely fine.

So the most iconic scene for you in the Indiana Jones trilogy is him struggling to lift the Ark of the Covenant? He is 30 seconds away from a hernia issue in that scene.

You also have James Cagney in a tuxedo because his family insisted he was dignified and had to look so, it makes no sense. I believe there was also a story about having to get Gene Kelly's family members drunk to get them to approve that animatronic.

Voice of Disney sanity

Well-Known Member
Call it what you want, but it needs a gutting of the "storyline." Get rid of the actors and either do a pre-record or a cast member who only has to narrate, not try to act (and usually fail).

With the storyline removed, you would need to do some work to fix the gaps left behind. I know that folks want to suggest that this ride only needs a little love, but the central concept of the ride, the tram being taken over by the "movies" is flawed in its current form and needs work. Not addressing that is merely slapping a Band-Aid on a potentially fatal wound. This ride COULD be a GREAT movie ride, it is currently a Mediocre Movie Ride. My $0.02 anyway...
I know i'm in the minority here but I hope they get rid of it. The whole concept is old, tired and stale


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Who do I trust less, Jim Hill or Ranch Dressing?

Man, that's a tough call. But I have to give it to the man with no track record whatsoever. Ranch Dressing, congratulations. I have no faith in you at all!

Now Ken's Chunky Blue Cheese is someone I believe in.
Oh I'm sure some of his prattle is genuine; it's simply a rehash of rumors and conjecture over the past years.....

Travel Junkie

Well-Known Member
1.2 seems to be the number most people settle on for DCA and that does not include TSMM or WOC. I also am not sure it that included project sparkle which was a late add. For 1.2 Billion you got Cars land and BVS. If the reported $700 million is for SW land I would expect something nice but not mindblowing. If the $700 million is for the entire park, I would be worried.


Well-Known Member
Nice how people keep "breaking" news I broke a week ago in part.

Lets see this one get turned around and upside down. This rumor is pretty tightlipped and not really well known so ill see who knows what.

Lets play a game, we'll call it guess the attractions.

First off, the studios is getting Star Wars and ANOTHER e-ticket in the long range plans. The ride should be obvious, but what attraction is going to have to leave in the process?

And no way the Movie ride is going anywhere.

Carry on.
Well for starters, 90% of the stuff that Jim Hill mentioned on the most recent Unofficial Guide's Disney Dish, he (or others) have mentioned previously. I track rumors on my site. This is what Jim said on the Sunday show and in paranthesis are when and where the rumor was first heard according to what I have:
Hollywood Studios
  • $700 Million investment (June 4, 2013 - Mice Age said DHS changes could be $1 billion+ or a more modest #)
  • A major overhaul to the park is expected. This will include a selection of new smaller attractions (B/C-ticket level attractions) as well as other more substantial changes and additions. This will also include the removal of any of the former movie making components/history of the park. The timeline for major construction will wait until components of the Animal Kingdom/Avatar changes are on line. (Similar concepts mentioned int he same June 4, 2013 Mice Age article)
  • Star Wars is a major component of this, but it will take several years to do. Construction could begin on Star Wars content as soon as January. It will be the first component of the Hollywood Studios Changes brought on line.(Again, first really mentioned in June 4th, MiceAge article)
    • Echo Lake will become Tatooine (July 1, 2013 - Jim Hill on Disney Dish Podcast)
    • Jedi Training Academy is expected to move into the Sounds Dangerous theater. (Hard to tell, but July 1, 2013 Disney Dish seems accurate)
    • A direct road to Star Tours is expected to be built from Hollywood Boulevard directly to Star Tours. It will be a diagonal street from the Hollywood & Vine area to Star Tours. Side streets will come off this area. It is expected that RFID technology will be used for guests to "Use the Force" as they interact with the environment. (this particular detail is somewhat new, but interactive components were mentioned previously, I'm just not sure when).
    • Hollywood & Vine is expected to remain. (New)
    • Indiana Jones is expected to remain for the short term because it is booked for corporate events through 2018. (New)
    • X-Wing Spinner attraction. Vehicles can move up and down and wings can open and close. (First mentioned by Hill July 1, 2013)
    • Mos Eisley Cantina (Hard to tell what was fanboy wish/actual rumor, but June 13, 2013 by Robert Niles seems to be the first definitive source)
  • The Great Movie Ride is expected to close, but it will be among the last elements that change. It is also booked through 2017 for corporate events. (New, previous rumors of refurbishments seem to be different rumors)
  • The Christmas lights will remain, but it may be rebranded to the Great Christmas Light Fight. They may be taking the Osborne name off the show and have considered a Frozen theme. They could also be looking at other names in focus groups (first mentioned by Jim Hill Disney Dish on December 23, 2013).
  • Ride system used in Ratatouille ride in France will find it's way to Hollywood Studios, but the theme has not been determined. (New)
  • Beauty and the Beast may remain because a theatrical show is in the works for Broadway. However, there have been discussions about a Tangled themed show. (September 24, 2012 - @drew81 posts rumor about Tangled replacing Beauty and the Beast)
  • Frozen Sing a Long could potentially move to The American Idol Experience theater. (This was discussed on these boards recently, this podcast seemed to be the first place to sort of go on the record)
  • As expected, Maelstrom will be closing on September 28th. This will be to change the attraction over to a Frozen themed attraction. The time frame for completion is 18 months with an expected opening date of Spring 2016. (December 23, 2013 Disney Dish Jim Hill mentions the exact possibility. One month prior @WDW1974 mentioned possible permanent Princess Meet and Greet between Mexico and Norway)
  • Steve Davidson (designer of World of Color and Festival of Fantasy Parade) is working on an upgrade to IllumiNations. The time frame for completion of this could be as soon as 18 months. (July 25, 2013 - Orlando Parks News says possible show changes based on site ballon tests, August 4, 2013 - @wdw71fan sites $23.6 million budget to improve IllumiNations)
Animal Kingdom
  • $600 Million for Pandora (December 7, 2012 - Tom Staggs said $400-500 price tag)
  • Might open with one ride (Simulator), with the boat ride coming on line 18 months later. (June 2, 2014 - WDWThemeParks.com reported that the boat ride will open as part of a Phase 2 for Pandora)
Wilderness Lodge
  • A large segment will be converted to Disney Vacation Club. (June 17, 2014 - @WDW1974 starts a thread on this)

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