When it comes to permits and blueprints, I am admittedly clueless. I depend entirely on you guys to sort through and share the info. Kudos to the people on this site. Compared to other similar Disney sites, the info you guys can correctly decipher from these permits is beyond compare!!
So pardon my ignorance, but is this 2 year time line ( start Jan 2016/finish Oct 2018 ) just for site prep and road and wetlands construction, or for the whole DHS transformation?
And I will ask this question: Why not just shutter and close the park while this construction takes place? I get all the 'it's a persons choice to spend the admission if they wish to do so' arguments, but in terms of completing and speeding up construction, having to worry about construction walls and site pictures only seems like a hindrance. You can't expect the construction and demolition within the park to only take place during the nighttime closing hours. This project appears to be almost a complete re-do of everything: road access, parking lots, back stage production areas, transformation of entire lands, removal and relocation of electric and sewer lines, etc. I would argue that never before has a park undergone such a huge transformation while attempting to remain a functioning, working park.
A sincere thanks for the time you spend dissecting this info!!!