Well-Known Member
The problem with the backlot tour is that it only had 1 action scene, catastrophe canyon. The reason the tram tour is so popular in Universal Hollywood is because there are multiple action sequences between the boring stuff like looking at sets. They have an Earthquake, King Kong, Jaws attacking the tram in the lake, etc. I saw concept art for a Journey to the Center of the Earth segment that was proposed for the backlot tour and it would have been awesome and given people more incentive to ride the backlot tour but they didn't greenlight it. I get the feeling that Disney just wasn't all that serious about it and just had the ride because it gave the park a Studios feel.
Were there any other proposals to add show scenes to the backlot tour? I'd be curious to know.
Lets not ad show scenes to a tour that goes through a "studio" that isn't a studio and doesn't produce anything.