I know right?!
I'm just worried about how they will handle the guests... Do you have to have 2-park admission tickets to be able to ride? That is my main question.
They'd have to do something like that because otherwise they'd never be able to control the people who'd "sneak" from one park to the other then.
Probably to get on this ride you'd need to have a park-hopper (not sure what they call it at Universal).
I'm guessing if you only bought a single park ticket that you could upgrade at a ticket window at either end of the ride (since there will be train stations at either end of the ride, this works great if it ends up being how I imagined it). Also it adds some streetmosphere to have a ticket agent working in a ticket booth at a train station themed ride.
I bet you ride from one station to the next and then you must disembark...and then new people will get on to ride from that station back to the other one. They will probably have two trains so that one is always going in one direction and the other always going in the other direction all day.
I wonder if they will sell all the candies from the books on the train platform (can't imagine them having time in 3 minutes to have a cart go through the actual train). Chocolate frogs, every flavor beans, etc.
I'm really excited about this ride. My husband is a big train buff with a giant model train setup in our basement that he's been working on for many years now. I have NOT told him about the Hogwarts Express yet. I want it to be a surprise.
Do you think this will be open by summer 2014? If so, then we're definitely going to have to add an extra day to our Orlando trip to fit in a whole day for Harry Potter. We normally go down for 5 days and 6 nights and spend it all at Disney...but if there's a whole day's worth of Potter stuff to do at Universal then we might take one of those Disney days and do a Potter full day instead. Probably we will sacrifice the water parks at Disney or maybe make DHS a half day from now on and do water park the rest of the day to carve out a full day at Uni.
There's something about 5 days and 6 nights that works out best for my family in terms of the length we like being away from home. 6 days feels too long for us.