A few ways to improve the Tour:
1. Close that awful Lights, Motors, Action and incorporate the stadium into something that happens all around you on the tour instead of just watching it from the stifling stadium bleachers. Screeching cars don't really excite me, but turning the whole thing into an almost interactive experience (cars jumping over the Tram, for example) might make it at least semi-entertaining...especially if they actually use recognizable vehicles like Herbie, or even the characters from "Cars."
2. A Pirates of the Caribbean experience could add a lot of excitement, too. Have the Tram make its way past two large pirate ships shooting it out, with live actors swinging from one ship to another and dueling, perhaps a giant Kraken tentacle or two reaching out of the water at the passing Tram, etc. Again, make it as interactive and as immersive as possible. Keep the guests excited.
3. Beef up Catastrophe Canyon. It's almost 20 now. Technological improvements could make it more realistic, and perhaps even a little more random. Sometimes one thing explodes, sometimes another. Perhaps the "earthquake" is a 3.2 one time, then a 5.0 the next. Add another element of danger to freshen it up.
4. Clean up the boneyard, paint the cars, add new vehicles from more recent releases, and maybe even have a few of them DO something. Seeing the Indy tank rolling up next to you with its turret rotating toward the Tram would be pretty cool.
5. More props from more movies. It might even be more interesting to turn the current queue/prop room into a drive-through structure so that the tour guides could actually point out some of the stuff you're looking at. I recognize some of it, but I'd love to know about more of it (they might have to take the old attraction pieces out of there, though, and put them in One Man's Dream where they belong!). Teach the guides where everything is from, then they could randomly pick items in each tour to point out. That way you'll probably always hear at least a few new things.
6. More costumes to look at in the Costume shop. Maybe a video explaining the process of creating a costume.
7. More sets from past films. Enclose them so they don't get destroyed by the elements, then drive past them so guests can see the tricks like forced perspective and false fronts again.
8. Think The Great Movie Ride on a much more massive scale.
Ultimately, this puppy needs a massive overhaul. Disney should look at Universal Hollywood for inspiration here. It's the only thing at that Park that makes me want to go back and visit again...mostly because there's so much to see and experience within it. If only the rest of Universal lived up to the Tram Tour. Then again, if only the Tram Tour at DHS lived up to the rest of DHS...