Here are the eateries for Frontierland:
Those are the eateries of Frontierland. What do you think?
- Lucky Nugget Saloon ***: Ladies and Gentlemen, it's show time! At the Lucky Nugget, the Wild West fun never stops. The restaurant offers live entertainment for its diners while they enjoy classic country-style meals. The show features Woody and Jessie from the Disney/Pixar film Toy Story 2 star in a fun show packed with singing, dancing, action and laughter.
- Cowboy Cookout Steakhouse **: This is a large fancy dining room, based on a Western-style Gentlemen's Club. Among the foods here are chargrilled meats, such as a simple steak to wonderful grill mixes. And for dessert, how about a nice apple crumble?
- Hungry Bear Restaurant **: This rustic, counter-service restaurant specializes in sausage dishes, beef hash, turkey legs, sandwiches and salads, offering larger portions for hearty appetites. Diners can choose to eat in the spacious indoor dining rooms or enjoy eating outdoors surrounded by the sights and sounds of the old west.
- Mile Long Bar **: The "mile long" bar serves light and vegetarian meals and beverages to hungry travelers passing through Frontierland, and offers diners a choice of indoor or outdoor seating.
- Pecos Bill Cafe**: The Pecos Bill Cafe specializes in a variety of Tex-Mex specialties, like barbecue steak, ribs, tacos and chili con carne, and features an outdoor seating area.
- Riverboat Harbour House **: Along the shores of the Rivers of the Far West, dine on fried chicken and french fries at this cafe said to be built by a famous riverboat gambler.
Those are the eateries of Frontierland. What do you think?