If monorail state inspections make the monorail non operational , Disney needs to staff the guest relations desk with extra CMs to handle the overload of guests lining up to express feedback.Here are my issues with the monrail inspections:
-it’s clearly part of a pattern of retaliation against disney, regardless of whether inspections may be a good thing or not. this wasn’t prompted by an accident or safety issue that just came up, it’s all about DeSantis and the legislature using the power of the government for retaliation
-the inspections can (and i expect) will be on the up-and-up but that doesn’t stop the governor or the CFTOD or the legislature from using the results of the inspection as some bad faith gotcha. I can totally see DeSantis holding one of his fake press conferences at Reedy Creek HQ waving around a report about how unsafe Disney is or whatever