Well-Known Member
Sorry but I take serious issue with this. I do not lie on my reports. I do not fudge the details. If the prosecutor cannot convict someone after they have failed my field sobriety test, and then blew over the legal limit, then they need to be replaced. But I'm not going to lie. Saying that most officers do lie is absolutely ridiculous. If we lie in a report and it comes out that we have then all of our past cases get put under scrutiny. We don't need that crap. Do some officers lie? Yes, some. But those idiots need to be replaced as well. Talk about someone getting off on a technicality.
I never said that you, personally, lie(d). And I never restricted the comment to DUI investigations. That was just a common example.
"Some" may be your experience. "Most," on the other hand, is the common experience in actual practice. And sure, some details might get "fudged" without malicious intent. But the fact of the matter is, most officers will have engaged in a "fudging" at some point in their careers (whether intentional or otherwise), and most of those will - under oath - deny doing so.
Edit: To clarify, I'm not accusing law enforcement officers, and no one else, of dishonesty. Everyone, literally everyone, lies. It's part of being a human. And cops are human. It's a simple as that.