you like them??

Do you like going to the dentist??

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Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
I think I have finally found a dentist that I like.

Pain and anxiety aside, what I disliked the most was that the last one was always looking for work to do (and a buck to turn.) To make matters worse, he was always telling my about his vacations when I was in the chair!

Although I always had appointments 6 months and 1 day apart, he always acted like I hadn't had dental care in 20 years. He would sadly shake his head and bemoan the crooked cuspid (which hasn't caused any trouble in 46 years), or the tooth with a filling that "needs a crown before you have any trouble," or if all else failed, he would say, "My, your teeth are sure discolored. I can bleach them this afternoon."

The final straw was the one time he said, "Well, I guess I just can't do anything for you today."

That's right, buddy, not today or ever again.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
speck76 said:
I like my dentist. I go to Starbase Dental, which has the whole office themed to Star Wars/Trek/anything Sci-fi.....the dentist is good, and he ONLY uses white fillings, which is nice.

Thats pretty different...theme is good though, relaxes you more.


Well-Known Member
Atta83 said:
Thats pretty different...theme is good though, relaxes you more.

They also have TVs above the chairs so when you are leaning back, you can watch movies (they provide headphones)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
speck76 said:
They also have TVs above the chairs so when you are leaning back, you can watch movies (they provide headphones)

I think I am going to go there the next time i get my teeth done. All i got to stare at was a computer screen with my e-rays of my teeth on them... :lookaroun :drevil:


New Member
speck76 said:
They also have TVs above the chairs so when you are leaning back, you can watch movies (they provide headphones)

Huh, all I get to watch is a video on gum disease and pictures of people with bad teeth :rolleyes:


Funny you mention this since when I got home from school today I was informed I have a dentist appoitment for next Tuesday. *as I eat sugary candy corn* I don't want to go!! It hurts sometimes and I think I have a cavity. *screams*

Boo's Mom

New Member
I HATE THE DENTIST! :fork: hehe I always have a cavity. Enamel problems since I was a kid. I'm a cavity magnet so it seems. Had my wisdom teeth taken out July 30 I believe it was. Fell asleep when I got home and forgot to take my drugs they gave me before I fell asleep and regretted it when I woke up. Next day I was off the drugs and was just taking tylenol or advil as the drugs started to make me itch so I gave them up. :cry: they were good drugs too!


Yes, because he signs my paycheck :wave: :D

Atta83 said:
Im allergic to nocacain!! :( :cry: , so it def. sucks for me :( :(

They actually haven't used it in decades, but we still call it that as a generic term.

There are a lot of different anesthetics out there. You're probably just allergic to certain ones.


speck76 said:
I like my dentist. I go to Starbase Dental, which has the whole office themed to Star Wars/Trek/anything Sci-fi.....the dentist is good, and he ONLY uses white fillings, which is nice.

Not to start a debate, but I hope he tells you that the bond between the filling and the tooth won't last as long as with an amalgam, and you'll have to have them replaced more frequently (on average, 5-7 years if it's a molar). By law, he has to tell you the pros and cons of each type of filling before he fills your teeth. Many dentists conveniently forget to do so.

And Atta, the longer you wait on those wisdom teeth, the harder it's going to be! Please take care of them soon and save yourself more problems in the future!


Well-Known Member
Erika said:
Not to start a debate, but I hope he tells you that the bond between the filling and the tooth won't last as long as with an amalgam, and you'll have to have them replaced more frequently (on average, 5-7 years if it's a molar). By law, he has to tell you the pros and cons of each type of filling before he fills your teeth. Many dentists conveniently forget to do so.

And Atta, the longer you wait on those wisdom teeth, the harder it's going to be! Please take care of them soon and save yourself more problems in the future!

His office does not do amalgam fillings, not at all. I understand the cons of the white fillings, I also don't want a mouth full of silver....I always got the white anyway. :D


Active Member
I hate going to the dentist. The only thing that I want to put in my mouth is food, not a mouthful of instruments for me to gag on.


New Member
I hate going to the dentist. The last time I went I had to have a root canal. He gave me nitrous oxide to relax me but he didn't give me enough novocaine. So every time he stuck the needles in my gums and started twisting I felt it. I tried telling him but I could barely raise my arms and when I finally grabbed his coat and told him I was in pain he ignored me.


speck76 said:
His office does not do amalgam fillings, not at all. I understand the cons of the white fillings, I also don't want a mouth full of silver....I always got the white anyway. :D

Yeah, the white definitely look better! Have you looked at composite or porcelain inlays? They will last a lot longer than the fillings AND look natural.

Ok, I will remove the nerd hat now. I am glad you are informed because unfortunately a lot of people are not!!!


Well-Known Member
I hated going to the dentist as a child and that has carried over into my adulthood. For some reason; I felt very violated when I had to go; even though I didn't have my first filling until I was close to 30.
The bad thing nowdays is that dental is rarely covered on insurance plans. Most dentists want their money upfront; one in 20 will accept payment plans. So I do one kid at a time. Just two months ago, I paid $250.00 for a cleaning and one filling for Don Jr.. That's one half my house note.


Debbie said:
I hated going to the dentist as a child and that has carried over into my adulthood. For some reason; I felt very violated when I had to go; even though I didn't have my first filling until I was close to 30.
The bad thing nowdays is that dental is rarely covered on insurance plans. Most dentists want their money upfront; one in 20 will accept payment plans. So I do one kid at a time. Just two months ago, I paid $250.00 for a cleaning and one filling for Don Jr.. That's one half my house note.

The REALLY bad thing is that insurance companies have the same maximums they did 20-30 years ago. As if the price of ANYTHING has stayed the same since then :rolleyes:

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