you like them??

Do you like going to the dentist??

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Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Perhaps to put things into perspective and (maybe) make you somewhat grateful for the indignities of dental care.

When the American draft was going during World War II (that was 1939-1945, just 60 years ago), the most common reason for a medical deferment was lack of teeth.

The Army required at least 8, and they had to be in opposible pairs.

Fortunately, we don't have many 18 year olds with fewer than 8 teeth these days.


New Member
I have a terrible fear of dentists. When I was a kid I had some pretty mean experiences there. When I was 19 I was at a show and got in a fight with a skinhead and one of his friends threw an elbow from my blindside and whacked me pretty good before any of my friends could get over to me. Well, that front tooth was a crown ( I broke that tooth skateboarding when I was 16) and it snapped back a little. Well, my lip was shredded and I was drunk and I didn't mess with it for a few days and when I realized it was loose I went back to my dentist,it turns out the POST bent back and split the bone all the way up to my nasal cavity. He told me there was little he could do without surgery,I procrastinated and soon it wasn't loose and I forgot about it. A couple of years later I go back to the dentist for some work and he does a full mouth x-ray and freaks out on me because the bone never healed and it showed signs of infection. I ended up having a bridge implanted and since I was going that far I had the first 4 capped and my entire mouth laser whitened. My only complaint is Delta covered next to nothing and it cost me about $6K out of pocket, but I 've got a great smile :D my dentist is cool he prescribes me valium before my visits and now I don't even need that anymore.


Well-Known Member
cherrynegra said:
The dentist doesn't bother me too much. The staff is great and friendly, and I usually show up, pick a movie I want to see, last time it was Emperor's New Groove, and then lay back and watch TV as he does his thing.

Lucky you. I don't get to choose. It's usually on Oprah when I go. Don't get me wrong - I love Oprah, it's when that know-it-all Dr. Phil is on that I start squirming in my seat. Please change the channel, even if it means I have to listen to Rikki Lake or Springer!


Premium Member
I don't really care, to tell you the truth....I just like to go and get it over with. However, I don't like it when they say I have a cavity....just had to have a filling last Thursday. :mad:

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