I really don't get why people have a problem with the very limited tracking of the MagicBand. The main thing the long-range RFID is currently used for is adding ride pictures to Memory Maker. If you use a plastic card instead of a band they still know which park you are in and what rides you are using FP+ on. In fact they knew all that from the old magnetic stripe ticketing as you swiped at each FastPass machine.
Because some people will always scream "invasion of privacy" etc whilst shopping on Amazon (other sites are available) with their credit card of choice ...
Why, why, why does anyone who has a problem with - or simply doesn't like - Magic Bands almost universally get labeled a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist who is afraid of being tracked by "big brother" (the Mouse)? Most objections to the bands have
nothing to do with tracking or other privacy issues; Personally, I really don't care if Disney knows how long I browse in Mouse Gear to spend $12.95 or that I take frequent restroom breaks.
May I ask what your reason for not wanting the MB is? We absolutely love them.
My first thought as well. I honestly don't see a downside to them other than the whole 'big brother is watching you' theory.
I'm a 46 yr old man; I am not going to wear a silly colored plastic bracelet. As noted previously, I have something called standards and self-respect. Some people get a bolt stuck through their nose or tongue, but that doesn't mean I need one.
The biggest downside to the bands is that if you're not going to wear it on your wrist - and as noted in previous posts, many guests do not - it is less convenient than the old Key-to-the-World (KTTW) card. It is bulkier to carry around and (when not on wrist) not as easy to tap to sensors as the card. Where the card fits neatly in a shirt or pants pocket, wallet or wherever else the band is really only ideal for the wrist (and many of us don't want that). Again, it's not a 'big brother' issue.
Disney, reported some time ago in the 'spirited' thread I believe, is apparently aware of the objections, and was stated to be working on alternative form factor(s) rather than a band or nothing.
I honestly do not see what the big deal is it's just a band. Do you have a cell phone? yes you are being tacked, do you not see the cameras all around you are being tracked.
I will honestly say I would be very disappointed if WDW did away with the bands we love them very easy to use and I never have to worry about losing a key card or forgetting it when going to the pool, or the parks.
It is not a big deal, or at least it shouldn't be. However, if guests are being told - or perhaps just led to believe or 'suggested' - that they can't have a KTTW card anymore then that is very much a big deal. I strongly suspect more Walt Disney World resort guests would indeed opt for cards if they knew they were readily available. Even on this forum, where people generally possess far greater WDW knowledge than is typical, we have (well meaning - for certain - but misinformed) posters stating Disney will soon do away with cards or you have to have a legitimate reason to request one. I just returned and getting a card was not a problem at all, yet I still saw people pulling bands out of their pockets.
There are whole forums and groups online talking about how "not" to wear the bands...lots of people cut them down completely and just use the central "hub" and keep it in a pocket or a wallet. Others cut it down to just the central hub and drill a hole in the top and wear it on a necklace. I saw someone build one into an iPhone case and tap the case as needed to the readers.
First, Thank You for your informative post.
Second, people cutting the Magic Band down to size are ahead of Disney on this. It is (roughly) the size of a car key FOB; Why limit options to a band so many people don't like? The "core" (hub) component could be attached/carried any number of ways - lanyard, key chain, band, or just in your pocket.