Death on EE


New Member
well.. it could have been a variety of things.. Heart condition, brain aneurysm, etc ,etc... whether the person knew about a condition or not.. it's still tragic.. although Disney should not be liable... It's not like a safety feature failed causing personal injury or something, that would be totally different :).. *wink* *wink*

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
Where would the media be without sensationalism???:brick::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:
The Orlando Sentinel's wording was a bit better:

The death is the first associated with the roller coaster Expedition Everest, which opened in early 2006. That ride includes tight twists and turns and some backwards travel but is not a particularly fast or steep roller coaster and has no loops.,0,7179266.story?coll=orl_tab01_layout


My condolences go out to his family, this is such a tragic thing to happen this time of year.

I will say though if and when i am going to go, if it was on the final drop of EE i would die a happy man.
The death is the first associated with the roller coaster Expedition Everest, which opened in early 2006. That ride includes tight twists and turns and some backwards travel but is not a particularly fast or steep roller coaster and has no loops.

Doesn't it just chap your ______ that even though both articles are true, how things can be blown up way out of context. It's kinda funny in a way, but still if you think about it, it is a disrespect to this guy's death the way the press is handling things. Idk if im pushing it too far by saying that or not.


Well-Known Member
It is very unfortunate that this man died and my thoughts are with the family. No one should have to deal with a death in the family at a Disney theme park (or any family vacation for that matter). My uncle's mother died while my aunt, uncle, & cousins were in WDW just a few weeks ago, and they had to cut the trip short to come home for the funeral.

It is also very unfortunate that the Sentinel has to act like Disney went and killed the poor man. Just like most other deaths at Disney parks that are not a result of guest stupidity (not keeping your limbs inside the vehicle, etc), this man probably had a heart condition, brain aneurism, stroke, heart attack, etc.


Active Member
I think it is very sad and unfortunate that such an event occured, it's always hard to loose someone. I'm sure it's even harder when your on a great vacation and having a blast and this occurs...My condolences to the family and friends of the gentleman who passed.


Active Member
For the sake of the family, can we not turn this into a debate this time.

Deepest sympathy for those involved...


I was going to say, "What's to debate?" but then I woke up and realized that this is the wdwmagic forums. :brick:

I love how they feel they have to add the stats, so uninformed idiots can go "OMGZ! No WONDER he died!! Eighty feet?!"

Only a matter of time now before rumors of how unsafe Expedition Everest is pollute the public's mind.

I feel sorry for the guy, but the way the media handles these stories really ticks me off.
It is also very unfortunate that the Sentinel has to act like Disney went and killed the poor man. Just like most other deaths at Disney parks that are not a result of guest stupidity (not keeping your limbs inside the vehicle, etc), this man probably had a heart condition, brain aneurism, stroke, heart attack, etc.
Maybe I missed it or something but I don't see what was so sensational about the OS story. It seemed to present the basic facts with no blame cast. Am I reading it wrongly? :shrug:

Much sympathy to the family members.


Active Member
Sad... His kids may have been right next to him.

I'm honestly surprised that this doesn't happen more often. Think about the sheer number of guests that ride something like this in Central Florida every year.


New Member
The parks are self-governing and there is debate in Congress to get legislation passed to change that.

That debate in Congress was already shut down. But personally, I'm a lot more worried about traveling fairs than a permanent park like Disney or Universal. That's where more of the operator-preventable incidents occur. Like most things, they're underfunded and understaffed.

And, much sympathy to the family for their loss.


New Member
Doesn't it just chap your ______ that even though both articles are true, how things can be blown up way out of context. It's kinda funny in a way, but still if you think about it, it is a disrespect to this guy's death the way the press is handling things. Idk if im pushing it too far by saying that or not.

It seems like any time there's an incident at a theme park or carnival, no matter the owner, the press likes to bring up accidents that happened at a Disney theme park. Fact of the matter is, it's one of the safest places you can vacation.


Sad... His kids may have been right next to him.

It's almost as bad as that. According to people who were at the park and apparently witnessed what happened, the man was visiting with his parents. They went off to visit another attraction while he used the single rider line on EE. They came back to find their son had died. :(


New Member
I was going to say, "What's to debate?" but then I woke up and realized that this is the wdwmagic forums. :brick:

Maybe I missed it or something but I don't see what was so sensational about the OS story. It seemed to present the basic facts with no blame cast. Am I reading it wrongly? :shrug:

Much sympathy to the family members.

The OS story wasn't sensational it was Channel 6 that said "featuring an 80 foot drop and speeds of up to 50 mph"

That was a bit sensational.


Well-Known Member

Just curious, does Disney have AEDs available at all of its thrill rides or stationed throughout the park? If so, are cast members trained on their use?

Several years ago I was at a baseball game at Wide World of Sports. The person in front of me began to have a grand mal seizure. Once I realized what was happening, myself and another guest helped to make sure the person did not injure himself and we told the usher to get medical help immediately.

The persons seizure lasted several minutes. He was breathing but unconscious for about 5 minutes after his seizure. It was not until several minutes later when an EMT arrived. I remember thinking at the time that if this person had been having a heart attach, he would have been dead before help arrived.


New Member
Just curious, does Disney have AEDs available at all of its thrill rides or stationed throughout the park? If so, are cast members trained on their use?

Several years ago I was at a baseball game at Wide World of Sports. The person in front of me began to have a grand mal seizure. Once I realized what was happening, myself and another guest helped to make sure the person did not injure himself and we told the usher to get medical help immediately.

The persons seizure lasted several minutes. He was breathing but unconscious for about 5 minutes after his seizure. It was not until several minutes later when an EMT arrived. I remember thinking at the time that if this person had been having a heart attach, he would have been dead before help arrived.

That is an excellent question...Glad you were there to help the other guy out.

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