Dear Walt Disney World, I would like to apologize....


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Original Poster
For the 3+ years that I've been a member here I have stuck by my convictions.


There is a large divide on these boards.

Anybody here more than a few weeks will see that the two sides go head more often than need be, but stand proud by their side.

I mean, look at MK vs DL alone. There's a 3-2 attraction exchange right off the bat.

Heck WDW has a park with just 4 rides up until a few weeks ago. Well 5 if you count the studio tour.

Now I've learned the error of my ways.

After an 8 year absense from the Happiest Place on Earth, I finally visited with my family to the Left Coast.

I was told "Expect things to be much smaller compact." I didn't notice it that much at DL park compared to MK like I was told. Yes, the Matterhorn is right in the middle of things, but I thought the distance between attractions and walking space wasn't too different from what MK offers.

But enough with the comparisons. Are the Cast at DL really Disney Cast Members? Do they really go through the same training and traditions classes that WDW CMs do? Because I ran into more than a dozen that were flat out A-holes.

Many complaing (4 at least) that they "HATE" their job to guests. What the heck. That's a Disney Firing if I ever, ever, ever thought that one was diserved.

We had a server at PCH that said a grand total of 20 words to us the entire meal. Then he added his tip into the total and never said a word about it. I noticed later when I looked over the reciept. When he scanned my card, he brought it to me and said "Just total it here and leave this copy." I later found out I tipped him quite good on an $80 meal. He also never brought a refill and refused 2x to bring me a soda after the meal started.

We were also pushed through the entry gates on several occasions by gate CMs. My youngest got knocked in the back of the head after she was shoved through by the rotating entry counter thingie.

Another CM at the Mint Julip bar was pushing trays on a cart. Smashed into my hip (enough to bruise later). I simply moved out of the way, then he hit my daughter full on almost knocking her over. I said "Be Careful". His reply was "Hey, I didn't even touch you." I followed saying "Yeah ya did. Not only did you slam into me stopping you from moving til I moved out of the way, you just about toppled my daughter when you slammed into her too." He say "Whatever" and rolled along with his cart. This was a 55-60 year old man. It wasn't just the kids. The veterans were WAY too bothered to have guests there and it really sucked.

The worst of all worst. DCA at close. The parade ended. We hit the bathroom. Walked by the Ice Cream stand and Bakery. Saw lines at both. Decided to go back in a few minutes. We went into the shop for exactly 4 minutes. I timed it. When I walked back, the bakery line was almost empty, 4 guests left. Walked next door to the Ice Cream shop. The last guest was walking away at 9:32. We went into line and were told "we're closed". I asked if we could just get a few scoops. They said "just go over to Disneyland, they're open til midnight". So we head next door. There was a new CM at the end of the line now with 3 guests still in it. He saw me go by just a minute ago and got in line to keep ME from ordering. I asked if I could just grab a dessert to end the night. I was told again, "9:30 we're closed". NEVER NEVER NEVER have I had this kind of an experience at WDW. No matter which park I'm in, they are happy as hell to take your money and continue to let you spend it. But these Buttheads were too busy trying to leave than make that last minute $15. It made me sick.

I really hated the service.

But beyond that, I thought they cleaned things up for the big 50th? Do they not clean bathrooms there at all? When in one bathroom I saw a pileup of dirt in several corners. You know, the 1"-2" inch wide ones you get in gas stations that haven't been cleaned in weeks. Yeah. At DISNEYLAND. The place where they should clean at LEAST hourly. There were also SO many signs of wear that weren't just a few weeks old. Paint chipping that one could tell had been like that for MANY months.

The great illusion of Disneyland is that it is all right at your fingertips. HELL, IT'S A 15 MINUTE WALK FROM THE PARADISE PIER TO THE DL FRONT GATE. Thank you for spending 2-3x what you would have spent across the street to walk 2-3x as far.

The list could continue of disappointments, but WDW now has my full endorsement as the REAL "Happiest Place on Earth".

January can't come soon enought until I can experience a TRUE Disney vacation again.

Now I hope I don't have my hopes too high for the DCL? WDW has spoiled me and I also appologize to everybody I have ever taken a side against on this issue. I am humbled and You ALL were right. I did really like DCA though. I'd rank it right up there with Epcot, tied for my second favorite park. DL is now #4. Clean up your act. It breaks my heart.


Before this inevitably turns into what everything else here turns into (read it again, it makes sense...sort of), I'd like to get in here and thank you for taking the time to post. Now that I've said that, I have 5 days in the "this thread gets locked for bad behavior" pool. Any takers?


New Member
I honestly think you should write to corporate. I definitely think you will get a response, probably some free tickets to boot. That sucks. I visited DL once before, which happened to be on the 50th anniversary. I definitely did see a big difference in how the CMs acted in Dl vs wdw. At wdw they definitely are much nicer. I am going back in a few months... I hope that my trip is better this time around. Sorry for your bad experience.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the nice replies. If it's locked, it's okay. Won't be the first post that's gone that way. Just left me empty inside. I'll let my $$$ do the talking and go to FL from now on. Glad we didn't upgrade to APs and take a second trip though. I will send a letter to DCA about the handling of the close. I know at WDW, they would NEVER refuse your money at Main St or at DHS after hours. Epcot doesn't really have that "linger and shop after close" vibe, but they do have an entire fireworks show after the park closes every night. So they aren't in a rush to leave either. The policy, as I've always experienced is at WDW, they will never tell you to leave at close. They will make sure you know that it is becoming very quiet where you are, but won't turn down business because the ice cream scoop is already dipped in the water.


I understand your frustration (especially the walk to the Disneyland gate from Paradise Pier - You have to walk all the way through Downtown Disney to get there), but I tend to enjoy both parks in a different way, but, for the same reason.

The funniest thing about my first Disneyland trip by far was when my mom, sister and I were waiting at the rope drop on Main Street, and she [my mom] couldn't find Sleeping Beauty's castle. She kept saying "Where is it?" and when we pointed it out she replied "That little thing!?"

I hope to make it back out to Disneyland soon. Its fun being able to go to both and take note of the similarities and differences between the two.
Really sorry about your experience. Hopefully in the big scheme it was just a really coincidentally bad day. I still hope to see Disneyland some day soon to compare with MK. Totally try to let them know.

Hmm, speaking of flameworthy, I did read Al Lutz's latest column and he was reporting that, due to legal issues concerning ideas and intellectual property, Disneyland Town Hall won't let you actually leave or even really post a written comment - it has to be verbal now with no paper trail. Seems a real shame and, if true, a real breakdown in communication with guests.

The one's complaining about the jobs really surprises me. At DisneyQuest, this newbie was getting a hard time from her manager about not smiling enough and leaning on the podium at CyberSpace Mountain. And geez, I thought it was maybe a little too far the other way! :)


New Member
Hmm, speaking of flameworthy, I did read Al Lutz's latest column and he was reporting that, due to legal issues concerning ideas and intellectual property, Disneyland Town Hall won't let you actually leave or even really post a written comment - it has to be verbal now with no paper trail. Seems a real shame and, if true, a real breakdown in communication with guests.

Not only that, mailed in letters will be returned unread with a legal disclaimer stamped on them - so Lutz says anyway. If true, it might somewhat explain the CM's lack of concern.

But please, go ahead and write the letters. I've been curious to see if what Lutz says is true, and have not been able to get any confirmation here or on Micechat.


New Member
Thanks for the honesty; it's always interesting to read when someone opens up. Sorry that your trip wasn't all that you had hoped.

I still look forward to visiting DLR some time soon - I have only been to WDW and DLP as yet - but I certainly enjoy all my WDW trips in part due to the wonderful and enthusiastic Cast Members who work there. It's a shame their West Coast cousins are not quite as stellar.


Sorry that your trip went so bad.

My parents went out to DL for the 50th. They were a little shocked by how the CMs were not polite at all. And they too mentioned the bathroom cleanliness; or I should say lack there of.

I'd like to go to DL, but I certainly would not need to spend a week there. I'll be going to me laughing place in February of 2009! Woohoo!!!!!:sohappy::sohappy:


Active Member
We've been to Disneyland a few times now and have always come back with the same feeling and a bunch of customer service horror stories. I think that service at WDW is hands down better. But I remember posting something like this when I came back from a DL trip and many thought I was nuts for suggesting such a thing. :hammer:

My feeling is that cast members at DL assume that every visitor is a local and perhaps even a dreaded annual passholder. At Disney World the vast majority of guests have traveled a great distance to vacation there. Cast Members are trained to make their vacation special. The "we're on vacation" excitement rubs off on WDW CMs a bit too. This excitement in guests is not as prominent at Disneyland. I think many Disneyland CMs figure that their visitors are there for their 100th day-at-the-park that year and certainly aren't on vacation.


Well-Known Member
I was in Anaheim for work and had a chance to see the original Happiest Place last week. I was shocked at the attitude of the CM's there. I really didn't realize how much a difference that could make in your experience at DL or WDW for that matter. Well either way my bad CM experience should be wiped away come December as I journey to WDW again.:shrug:


Well-Known Member
Well that is just plain sad. I'll be there in April and I was hoping for a 'real, old school' kind of Disney experience. There is little excuse for the things you complained about - they are typically un-Disney and I just wouldn't expect to see it.

However, I am going there in April and there is no way I'm going with a pessimistic attitude so I'm afraid I might have to forget I read this post (no offense!)


Well-Known Member
The policy, as I've always experienced is at WDW, they will never tell you to leave at close. They will make sure you know that it is becoming very quiet where you are, but won't turn down business because the ice cream scoop is already dipped in the water.

When I worked for the Disney Store (when Disney owed them) we always opened the doors 10 minutes earlier and kept them open 10 minutes later than all the other stores in the mall. We always wanted the guest to feel welcomed (of course it also meant a few $$ for the store as well).

I'm very surprised to hear the details of the OP's story.


Premium Member
I would agree that the WDW Cast provide a better experience.

All the other Disney properties have their unique and cool things, but overall, in the end, there is just not beating WDW as a total resort.


Well-Known Member
Wow I am sorry to hear that you had such an issue. That is just terrible to hear. I would hate to have that sort of experience. And everyone is due 1 bad trip but it seems that they were just rude. No reason why they could not dish out some extra ice cream. 3 mins would not have killed them.


Now I hope I don't have my hopes too high for the DCL? WDW has spoiled me and I also appologize to everybody I have ever taken a side against on this issue. I am humbled and You ALL were right. I did really like DCA though. I'd rank it right up there with Epcot, tied for my second favorite park. DL is now #4. Clean up your act. It breaks my heart.

Now, I can't comment on Disneyland, never having been there, but I CAN comment on the DCL.

...And it is absolutely amazing. Really. I went on the cruise when I was 16, had previously thought I was too cool for all things Disney, and it made me fall in love with the company and the World all over again. It's like this subtle magic that encompasses you and you don't even realize it. (I know, I know, that's SO corny, but I *love* the DCL!!!!)


New Member
No attacks here, just a simple statement: I visit Disneyland on a weekly basis. I rarely, if ever, have bad guest service. In fact, I often encounter CMs more than willing to go WAAAY out of their way to help. And trust me, I look at it with a very critical eye because I used to be a CM myself about 10 years ago. Yes, I've had bad experiences every now and happens. It looks like you got unlucky and had a few in a row. That can happen, too. Similarly, though, I've been to Disney World and had bad (even downright rude) experiences. But again, I also have had tons of CMs more than willing to go WAAAY out of their way, too.
There are always going to be the CMs who seem like they never had training in the Disney Way. It's a given. Some people should not work for Disney and some people just don't know how to filter themselves while working there. Surely you must have had some good experiences while you were here...or did you allow the few bad ones to utterly cloud your entire trip?
I'll be honest, though, in my 37 years of visiting Disneyland I've had better experiences here than my 12 years of visiting Disney World. Overall, I still feel I get treated slightly better here. That's obviously not going to be the slant of this thread from most others, but I'm going to be that voice of dissent here.
And if I hear one more person make a big deal about the size of the Castle...sheesh. Is that really a basis for comparison? One Park is better than another because of the size of its centerpiece? Both are amazing in their own way. Seen from a west coaster's perspective, I'd actually say the one at The Magic Kingdom is actually TOO big. It seems to overpower everything else. But that's just me.


New Member
And if I hear one more person make a big deal about the size of the Castle...sheesh. Is that really a basis for comparison? One Park is better than another because of the size of its centerpiece? Both are amazing in their own way. Seen from a west coaster's perspective, I'd actually say the one at The Magic Kingdom is actually TOO big. It seems to overpower everything else. But that's just me.

hmmm... sounds like someone has issues with castle envy. :p

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