Dear Walt Disney World, I would like to apologize....


Well-Known Member
I don't understand your rationale: you seem to suggest that his argument is weak because it's anecdotal, but you counter it with asserting that you've never had magic made for you at WDW, whereas CMs go out of their way to talk to you in Disneyland. Isn't that the same type of "weak" argument?

Yea, and that's why I didn't post it as a thread.

Honestly, ONE trip to Disneyland where you have some bad Guest Service means that you can declare WDW the victor? It's weak. Either way.

"Whatever happens, happens."
-Spike, Cowboy Bebop


Well-Known Member
Senior Management in CA doesn't care very much. One of their executives famously bragged she never set foot in DL. (This is the same woman who recently "left Disney to spend time with her family"; we all know what that really means.) Their HR department has known for years that the CMs are grossly underpaid for California, yet they keep wasting Company money on useless studies to see how they can improve morale. I know that any company cannot keep raising salaries indefinitely, but DL CMs should at least be paid the same as someone at Whole Foods or Chick-Fil-A.


Even though I don't agree with his entire post, I do think EpcotServo makes a good point: since the 50th anniversary, DL has done a FANTASTIC job at maintaining its attractions. Before that—well, the Tiki room and Space MT. were on the verge of collapsing.

If you are talking about Cynthia Harris... I am glad her and Paul are gone.
Not that they are bad people.Just not the right fit for Parks for Disney. They had the Retail backround entrenched in their daily decision making.

I do agree,DL HR should spend less time with focus Groups and more time bumping up pay and higher standards for selection.

They also must nip in the bud any infraction of Disney Policy right away and make it a Culture that is firm but fair.

They need to set the expectation that being Rude or not in dress code or anything else is no tolerated.

It is a hard task for DL HR im sure.They must have the parks staffed 24/7. If the job market is not churning out the best then DL must make the hard decision to either take what is out there or be more selective which in turn might have the parks not staffed accordingly.

I say the best plausible solution is to raise the pay with better benefits.
Turn it around so people are knocking down the doors to work there. Let it be known that DLR is a great place to make a career. Hard work will be rewarded while lackluster work will not be tolerated.


I grew up going to the Land. My first visit to WDW was in October of 2006, and it ended up working out, that I visited both WDW and DLR in the same week. So it gave me an excellent opportunity to compare the two.And have since been to both resorts several times. One thing I did notice was that overall the CMs at WDW were much nicer. They really seemed to be into the whole thing much much more that those at DLR. But, I have yet to have a bad experience with CMs at either park. I am however extremely tolerant of poor service (unfortunately) from having worked in customer service for so many years. It is hard for me to expect much from anyone earning these types of wages...but that is just my own personal issue.

I am disappointed to hear that you had such a poor experience...DLR can be a wonderful, yet distinctly different experience from WDW. But I can agree that the CM experience is better at WDW. With exceptional CM standouts at both resorts.

Thanks for a well written account albeit disapponting account of your time at the DLR.


New Member
I've never had anything but fabulous experiences at DL except for during spring break - but hey duh I should have known better. I think the number one problem here is trying to compare apples and oranges. They are different beasts all together --- each have their charms and their issues. I've had horrible service at WDW and at DL, on the flip side I've had fabulous service at both. I will have to say the quality and attention to detail is definatley stronger at DL, but I think they have to b/c of the lack of scalability in the parks.


Well-Known Member
There are great things about DLR, and bad things about DLR. The park is more of a "local amusement park" then a tourist attraction. On our last trip at DLR/DC A we dealt with more rude guests then CMs. You have to take the good with the bad. If you feel that service was that crappy at DLR, then I would suggest writing a letter.


Well-Known Member
If you are talking about Cynthia Harris... I am glad her and Paul are gone.
Not that they are bad people.Just not the right fit for Parks for Disney. They had the Retail backround entrenched in their daily decision making.

No, I was referring to Anne Hamburger. (Yes, that's her name.)

But Cynthia and Paul were a terrible excuse for "leadership"; DL literally fell apart under their management. The only beneficial thing they contributed was Fantasmic (Cynthia was an entertainment fanatic). All of DL's attractions—even its castle—had to be rebuilt for the 50th because they hadn't been maintained for years. Who could forget the tragic BTMRR accident at DL? Regularly refurbishing the roller coaster cost too much in Paul's opinion, so he let its parts wear out until Guests were killed.

When Paul practically got kicked out of the WDC, he became the president of GAP and ran its brand (and stock price) into the ground. I don't know where he is now, but I doubt he'll ever have a high-profile job in the retail industry again.

And to think that he helped make the Disney Store highly profitable!

Sorry for getting way off topic.


Well-Known Member
I've made one trip to Disneyland (last summer) and I found that the majority of the Cast were just as friendly, if not more, then what we're used to at WDW. To me, it seemed like they really wanted to be there more than their WDW counterparts. But the next time I go, it might not be that way.


Well-Known Member
Wow, If it were not for the fact that I have never been to DL, I would like to see what Walt personally oversaw, I'd just as well stay away. I totally love WDW, it sounds like it would be a shock to go from a place where I've never had any problems to a place where the "magic" has gone poof.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the nice replies. If it's locked, it's okay. Won't be the first post that's gone that way. Just left me empty inside. I'll let my $$$ do the talking and go to FL from now on. Glad we didn't upgrade to APs and take a second trip though. I will send a letter to DCA about the handling of the close. I know at WDW, they would NEVER refuse your money at Main St or at DHS after hours. Epcot doesn't really have that "linger and shop after close" vibe, but they do have an entire fireworks show after the park closes every night. So they aren't in a rush to leave either. The policy, as I've always experienced is at WDW, they will never tell you to leave at close. They will make sure you know that it is becoming very quiet where you are, but won't turn down business because the ice cream scoop is already dipped in the water.

There was one instance at the Ice Cream stand between Africa and Asia where we had gotten in line for some soft serve ice cream(we were the last ones) and when we got to the window they told us they were closed. It really bothered me that they couldn't stay open for an extra 2 minutes to serve us.

I'm heading to DL next December for a week. I now know to keep a mental note of my interactions with CMs over there. Any unacceptable behavior from a CM I will make a comment to guest relations and remember the CMs name and location. Just because I'm at DL instead of WDW doesn't mean my service should be any less. I will be spending a couple thousand dollars on this vacation and CMs should go out of their way to make me feel like it was worthwhile for me to visit the resort 3,000 miles away for once instead of the one 40 miles from me. I won't let CMs ruin my experience however. I've become sort of a Disney Co/Walt Disney amatuer historian during my spare time trying to soak up any and all knowledge I can and the awe of being able to go to the park he actually created and walked in will trump any rude CM...and I am very excited to experience California Adventure! Nevertheless...I'll keep an eye out for rude CMs.


New Member
Wow, If it were not for the fact that I have never been to DL, I would like to see what Walt personally oversaw, I'd just as well stay away. I totally love WDW, it sounds like it would be a shock to go from a place where I've never had any problems to a place where the "magic" has gone poof.

It hasn't. Some had a few bad experiences and now they're generalizing about the entire resort. Some of us have also had bad experiences at Disney World, but I'm not going to sit here and tell you everyone there is mean and rotten. It isn't true. Just please don't go into it thinking you're going to find hostility and bad attitudes. That's a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you convince yourself you're going to find something, you most surely will (even if you have to make it up in your head). Like I mentioned before, I'm at Disneyland/California Adventure pretty much every week. The worst person I have encountered in the the last 10 years was actually an Anaheim police officer, who treated me like a criminal for taking photos of the new signage at the bag check area (there were no signs anywhere stating this was a no-no). It was the one and only time I reported someone to Guest Relations, though I'm guessing since they're a separate entity there's not much Disney could do about it. So, come, enjoy, and have fun. I always do.


New Member
Wow, If it were not for the fact that I have never been to DL, I would like to see what Walt personally oversaw, I'd just as well stay away. I totally love WDW, it sounds like it would be a shock to go from a place where I've never had any problems to a place where the "magic" has gone poof.

Ditto to this... my husband wants to go to DL someday, but all the negative experiences I keep hearing has my putting my foot down. WDW was like a respite from the real world, while DL sounds like it's coexisting with it...

I know that you can run into disgruntled employees anywhere, but the likelihood sounds a bit higher in California. Add in the local misbehaving teenagers (I didn't see any misbehaving folks over the age of 10 in WDW) and I'm sold on visiting only Florida forever.


Well-Known Member
Ditto to this... my husband wants to go to DL someday, but all the negative experiences I keep hearing has my putting my foot down. WDW was like a respite from the real world, while DL sounds like it's coexisting with it...

I know that you can run into disgruntled employees anywhere, but the likelihood sounds a bit higher in California. Add in the local misbehaving teenagers (I didn't see any misbehaving folks over the age of 10 in WDW) and I'm sold on visiting only Florida forever.

I truly hope you don't feel this way for long. The other resorts offer unique experiences you won't have at WDW, and they're worth visiting. But you must realize they're local parks and will not feel like long-term escapes from the "real world"; even Walt Disney noticed this in CA and made sure WDW's MK would be strongly separated from the rest of the property.

Go ahead and make the trip to DL. Enjoy their superior Fantasyland, PotC, and Indiana Jones. Laugh at their castle. ;) Walk where you know Walt did, and try to ride in the Empress Lilly car on the train. But go to other local attractions too, because DL alone will not last an entire week.

p.s. Or save a lot of money and go to Tokyo Disneyland. Their MK is very similar to WDW's, but DisneySea is the most elaborate Disney park on earth. (I personally find parts too elaborate, but that's another discussion...)


Well-Known Member
Go ahead and make the trip to DL. Enjoy their superior Fantasyland, PotC, and Indiana Jones. Laugh at their castle. ;) Walk where you know Walt did, and try to ride in the Empress Lilly car on the train. But go to other local attractions too, because DL alone will not last an entire week.

p.s. Or save a lot of money and go to Tokyo Disneyland. Their MK is very similar to WDW's, but DisneySea is the most elaborate Disney park on earth. (I personally find parts too elaborate, but that's another discussion...)

I don't care about the size, I'd take Disneyland's castle over ours. It feels just right when you are up close to it.

We spent a good 5 days at the Disneyland Resort, just going to Disneyland and California Adventure and I could have easily spent more time there. If it takes you two days to see the Magic Kingdom, it will take you at least 3 to do Disneyland the right way.


Well-Known Member
I don't care about the size, I'd take Disneyland's castle over ours. It feels just right when you are up close to it.

We spent a good 5 days at the Disneyland Resort, just going to Disneyland and California Adventure and I could have easily spent more time there. If it takes you two days to see the Magic Kingdom, it will take you at least 3 to do Disneyland the right way.

It suffers Castle Envy.


And if I hear one more person make a big deal about the size of the Castle...sheesh. Is that really a basis for comparison? One Park is better than another because of the size of its centerpiece? Both are amazing in their own way. Seen from a west coaster's perspective, I'd actually say the one at The Magic Kingdom is actually TOO big. It seems to overpower everything else. But that's just me.

So, size does matter to some and not others!!:D:D


New Member
as a partaker in so many locked threads im sooooooooo keeping my button pushing fingers shut for once and maybe once only:ROFLOL:


Wow. Sorry about the OP's experience.

I've never had better or worse service from either coast. It's been for the most part excellent.

My last trip to WDW was strange, though. Cast members weren't quite as DISNEY as before, and many seemed out of place. But they still gave good service without an attitude.

Could've just been a bad time to go.


Well-Known Member
My two experiences in DL were wonderful!

I don't think some of the differences in the rides are as great as some people on the boards make them out to be, but that is simply my opinion.

Pirates, however, is simply hands-down better.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
as a partaker in so many locked threads im sooooooooo keeping my button pushing fingers shut for once and maybe once only:ROFLOL:
It's gotten quiet now, let her go...... Oh, and don't forget to say naughty things about my mother as well, that always gets the mods itchy.

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