Wow, so much wrong with this post. Where do I begin?
- Six Flags has a terrible system for a terrible chain of parks -- I've been to every Six Flags park other than Great Escape and Six Flags Mexico. I think that what you might mean is that its more advantageous for people with disabilities. But it reduces the size of the pie for all guests, and makes the day much worse for the other paying customers -- and it also effectively downsells the Flash Pass that they actually charge a lot of money for.
- The doctor's note is irrelevant. The regulations prohibit any park from asking for a note. To be honest, this is kind of an annoyance more than anything, since they cross examine you on your own, and just having a note won't help.
- No, its not an unlimited free for all. You get time intervals between rides. Still extremely generous, as you burn off this time generally by riding and going to your next ride, but its not exactly unrestricted-- and it effectively stops you from marathoning at least (but its still a headscratcher that they'd make it even more valuable than the Flash Pass). And when I expressed my contempt for the system, its because of how they give them exit entries -- it means that the disability guests must be fully seated before the airgates can open and the stand-by/Flash guests can get on. This causes horrible stacking and terrible dispatches. Not only is someone skipping the line in front of you, but they're really slowing the line down hard to do it. Disney is smart enough to send the DAS guest through the LL line at least so its pretty seamless.
- I don't know where you got this two lap maximum nonsense from at Disney. You get comeback times that you reserve based on length of stand-by line. When you cash that come time in, and you can book again. You could conceivably ride Rise of the Resistance six times in one day if you committed to just booking return times for it again and again and occupying yourself in between.
Not sure where your vitriol is coming from. So first chill out.
Ill try to answer your points
1) Its a comparison of the systems. I dont like six flags either, as its a no theming roller coaster park, and Im the direct opposite of that demographic. When we went ..2020 right after it reopened (I think), the just gave us a card or piece of paper and we could ride anything we want no wait, it was like a fast pass. (not sure how it was done before of after)
2) The reason I mention a drs note, is from what I understood by posters on here and other sources is if you were scum you could easily answer the questions the right way and get the privileges, which dilutes it from the people its there to benefit. Case in point support animals. Once my job (10000s of employees) had its first support animal (completely legitimate and a joy for him and all), there were people who started bringing in their dogs just daring HR to stop them and were ready to sue. Many told me they had no legal reason they just like their puppy. And I assume lots of the dogs you see at walmart etc are the same.
3) not what i experienced at six flags over texas... sorry
4) posters on this site in this thread, and other places (if I am wrong then i apologize)
I am not sure where you anger is coming from but i feel it is misplaced. I am all for people that need a little extra help. But I am not in favor of scummy people who stretch the rules and take advantage of the kindness of others and the parks, which in turn dilutes the experience and the overall gesture behind it to a point that it is no longer as wonderful as it should be.
Support animals are the same way, if you need one i am all for you bringing it everywhere, but since its been diluted by selfish people, that the general population now judges everyone with one, to the point that think all are taking advantage of the rules.
In fact there was a huge thread about that very thing on here years ago until the lady passed. Look up something about poodle lady.
Overall, sorry if I made your day anything less than magical. If you dont like my response, then please block me, as I wont get pulled into a debate