

Well-Known Member
Re: Re: YUCK!! =P

Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
tell us how you really feel :lol: jk

(don't forget to step off of the soapbox)

Just messing with ya...

I took the movie for what it was...it was enjoyable...that's it...it wasn't fantastic (like Spidey) and it wasn't a life changing experience...but overall, I enjoyed it.


Well, since we're sharing... I'm sorry, but I don't see what's all the hype with the Gangs of the Ring... Granted, it's an epic movie, if not for story for the size of it, but it's no Spider-Man... :lol:

And Freak, you got it just right. I haven't seen Daredevil yet (in 2 weeks), but I know what to expect. Marvel in no way wanted Daredevil to copy Spider-Man, they're completely different heroes in tone and audience. Since Spidey is widely recognizable, I guess people saw "Marvel" printed on DD's trailers and posters and expected another Parker. Word to the wise: the Hulk is gonna be pretty different from both, so be prepared! :lol: ;)


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: YUCK!! =P

Originally posted by MKCustodial
Well, since we're sharing... I'm sorry, but I don't see what's all the hype with the Gangs of the Ring... Granted, it's an epic movie, if not for story for the size of it, but it's no Spider-Man... :lol:

And Freak, you got it just right. I haven't seen Daredevil yet (in 2 weeks), but I know what to expect. Marvel in no way wanted Daredevil to copy Spider-Man, they're completely different heroes in tone and audience. Since Spidey is widely recognizable, I guess people saw "Marvel" printed on DD's trailers and posters and expected another Parker. Word to the wise: the Hulk is gonna be pretty different from both, so be prepared! :lol: ;)

Yep...Spidey and Daredevil are live action...Hulk is CGI (heheh jk)

I know that makes Spidey's blood boil :) (just messing)


New Member
Re: Re: Re: YUCK!! =P

Originally posted by MKCustodial
Well, since we're sharing... I'm sorry, but I don't see what's all the hype with the Gangs of the Ring... Granted, it's an epic movie, if not for story for the size of it, but it's no Spider-Man... :lol:

And Freak, you got it just right. I haven't seen Daredevil yet (in 2 weeks), but I know what to expect. Marvel in no way wanted Daredevil to copy Spider-Man, they're completely different heroes in tone and audience. Since Spidey is widely recognizable, I guess people saw "Marvel" printed on DD's trailers and posters and expected another Parker. Word to the wise: the Hulk is gonna be pretty different from both, so be prepared! :lol: ;)

Just so you know, I didn't mean that they were trying to copy Spiderman...only the success of the movie (boxoffice, hype, profits, etc...) Just wanted to clarify.

Oh and I don't mean to create a thread drift, but I'm going to anyway.... During the previews for DareDevil there was a movie called Williard with Crispin Glover (George McFly from Back to the Future) where is this man who can control rats... Does anyone else think someone fell off their rocker with this one?
Re: Re: Re: Re: YUCK!! =P

Originally posted by EchoOfOphelia
Just so you know, I didn't mean that they were trying to copy Spiderman...only the success of the movie (boxoffice, hype, profits, etc...) Just wanted to clarify.

Oh and I don't mean to create a thread drift, but I'm going to anyway.... During the previews for DareDevil there was a movie called Williard with Crispin Glover (George McFly from Back to the Future) where is this man who can control rats... Does anyone else think someone fell off their rocker with this one?

that's a remake of a film from the 70's I beleive....


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: YUCK!! =P

Originally posted by FantasiaBish
that's a remake of a film from the 70's I beleive....

If ever there was a movie that didn't need to be remade!:hurl:

To save the thread from drifting too far.....the original Willard starred Bruce Davison who played the Senator in X-Men, another marvel film.:)


New Member
Well EchoOfOphelia, you are forgetting a few things here. At least for me... I have been praising DareDevil cause it was way better than it should have been, not that it was one of the greatest movies ever. The Daredevil storyline is way lower on the comics level, and they did really good for what they had to work with in my opinion. I expected far less than what I got... that's why most people are surprised and happy with it. Now that threads are out and it has done well for two weeks, people are having too high of expectations for the film. It's a timing and perspective issue here, not a non-bias film critic. :) Understand. By no means is Daredevil a Spider-man film. By no means are the characters developed very far, cause it takes several hundred comic stories to get into Daredevil (not as straightforward and deep as Spidey). For what they had and how they did it, IT WAS REALLY GOOD. Do you need to be a fan to appreciate this... I don't think so. Many people don't even know who Daredevil really is, so they have no expectations going into the theatre. It had a fairly good Ironic twist to it though, and I think this is by far the worst kept Secret Identity of any Hero. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Actually, I think his identity has finally been out for some time, at least in the US. We're still to read about it down here, though, but it's all part of the crap Marvel has been pulling out lately, with Cap and Iron Man also revealing their IDs, and Xavier as well with the whole Grant Morrison's Mutants in Black in New X-Men... :hurl:


New Member
Originally posted by MKCustodial
Actually, I think his identity has finally been out for some time, at least in the US. We're still to read about it down here, though, but it's all part of the crap Marvel has been pulling out lately, with Cap and Iron Man also revealing their IDs, and Xavier as well with the whole Grant Morrison's Mutants in Black in New X-Men... :hurl:

Gee... did Capt. America really need to keep it such a secret.. he's a super soldier. :lol: And Iron Man is just an eccentric Billionaire with a crazy hobby. :animwink:

But as far as identities go... what is with the people of smallville and Metropolis... serious idiots live there.

One more idea drift... Anyone think Darkhawk would make a sweet movie. Very underutilized Hero in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
Gee... did Capt. America really need to keep it such a secret.. he's a super soldier. :lol: And Iron Man is just an eccentric Billionaire with a crazy hobby. :animwink:

But as far as identities go... what is with the people of smallville and Metropolis... serious idiots live there.

One more idea drift... Anyone think Darkhawk would make a sweet movie. Very underutilized Hero in my opinion.

I don't know the story of Darkhawk...but I remember him being a really COOL looking character


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
But as far as identities go... what is with the people of smallville and Metropolis... serious idiots live there.

That is my number 2 reason why I don't read DC. The perfect example is that old Superman story, where Lex feeds this Bat-Computer-like computer with all sorts of info about Superman, and then the computer coughs up Spuerman is (duh!!!) Clark Kent, and then Luthor looks at the slip of paper, ponders, goes "Nah..." and tosses the thing in the garbage. If you don't wanna beleive your super-computer, why the hell did you buy it in the first place?!?!? :brick:

Some people could say it's the same line fo thought as the first Spider-Slayer attacking Peter Parker, and everyone brushing the fact aside saying it was badly tuned, but I think they're totally different cases.


New Member
Originally posted by spider-man
Well EchoOfOphelia, you are forgetting a few things here.

So...what am I forgetting? I will be the first one to admit that I have never read a Daredevil comic nor did I know his story when I first saw the movie, however since then a friend has filled me in on it a bit. And the way I look at it, is that since the Daredevil story wasn't very developed to begin with, as you say, then why make the movie at all? Or why not take a bit more artistic license. They changed most everything anyway, why couldn't they develop the characters more using that same artistic license that they already had?

That's the only thing that urks me about this movie. And I can't help but compare it to Spiderman because they did such a good job with the movie. They were able to cram sooo much character development into it without you feeling like its being shoved down your throat, like with Daredevil. I don't like being force-feed a week plot and substandard characters.

I guess Daredevil just needed Sam Raimi :)


New Member
Originally posted by EchoOfOphelia
So...what am I forgetting? I will be the first one to admit that I have never read a Daredevil comic nor did I know his story when I first saw the movie, however since then a friend has filled me in on it a bit. And the way I look at it, is that since the Daredevil story wasn't very developed to begin with, as you say, then why make the movie at all? Or why not take a bit more artistic license. They changed most everything anyway, why couldn't they develop the characters more using that same artistic license that they already had?

That's the only thing that urks me about this movie. And I can't help but compare it to Spiderman because they did such a good job with the movie. They were able to cram sooo much character development into it without you feeling like its being shoved down your throat, like with Daredevil. I don't like being force-feed a week plot and substandard characters.

I guess Daredevil just needed Sam Raimi :)

I listed the things you were forgetting already. The expectations were low for most people on this movie, that's why people found it very good afterward. It was above most people's expectations. Why did they make DD... good question. I don't know. Too soon in my opinion. The Artistic license question is valid, but you cannot stray too far from the original for two reasons: one, you upset true fans, and two.. the Marvel universe and characters are very interwoven. The more you alter DD, the more impact it could have on Spider-man or other character movies in the future. If Kingpin is in a future Spider-man movie, he will need to be Black now. I'm not arguing your individual tastes and opinions on the film, just trying to help you understand the reactions on this post about the film. :) However some aspects of the movie did come across very well, some were very cheesy to me also. The whole flashback movie concept is cliche. It's sad that he is just similar enough to Spider-man to be compared so much... he really is just enough different in all respects, but the visuals do not make it seem that way.

Daredevil has never been my favorite, and his Villians are so-so. Believe it or not they made Bullseye ten-fold the villian he is in the comics. Much much better, but that's about as good as it gets I'm afraid. The storylines of DD have always been more dramatic and grown up, and not as fun and action packed. That's just my opinion.


New Member
See I have to say though that I walked into the theater with very low expectations of the movie...my fiance wanted to see it, I did not. And I still didn't care for it.
Also, I really hope that you don't think I'm arguing with you, because I truly don't mean to. I like to debate. If you liked the movie, that's great, more power to you. I just got extremely frustrated with it after I saw it and I felt better after I vented about it on the boards.
I am not trying to sway your opinion of the movie, I just thought I would voice mine. I know that we are not going to agree, which is great! Having different opinions about something is what makes a conversation great.


New Member
Originally posted by EchoOfOphelia
See I have to say though that I walked into the theater with very low expectations of the movie...my fiance wanted to see it, I did not. And I still didn't care for it.
Also, I really hope that you don't think I'm arguing with you, because I truly don't mean to. I like to debate. If you liked the movie, that's great, more power to you. I just got extremely frustrated with it after I saw it and I felt better after I vented about it on the boards.
I am not trying to sway your opinion of the movie, I just thought I would voice mine. I know that we are not going to agree, which is great! Having different opinions about something is what makes a conversation great.

:D Not at all, I was afraid you may be taking me wrong. Mainly why I'm throwing in so many smilies. But again... I'm not trying to change your mind, I think earlier you said you didn't understand our reactions to the film. I was giving "our" take on why we liked it, not trying to change your mind. If you so happen to fall into those same catergories and still don't like it, well... honestly I didn't expect as big of turn outs to the film as there where. Especially the kids. I figured it'd be more people like myself who like comics turned movies. Another thing to consider... look at the past Marvel movie incarnations... Capt. America, Hulk, Spider-man and you will see why DD was sooo much better to us. However my wife had no clue who he was but liked the film, she's a sucker for a strong female lead, and she enjoyed Bullseye as well. But one last time... the movie IS MUCH BETTER than it should have been, whether it was as good as it could have been or not is moot... he's Daredevil for crying out loud.

Personally if you had low expectations, maybe you were still expecting too much. :confused:


Trophy Husband
I generally liked the movie. I thought the characters and plot were interesting I thought the acting, casting, directing, lighting, set-design, costume design etc. were all good, but I have two criticisms:

1: I thought it should have been a bit longer with more pauses in the action to create anticipation and a sense of foreboding. Things happened so quickly, they were done before you had a chance to think about them.

2: As with most recent movies, the fight scenes were HORRIBLE. In the mold of The Matrix, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and Jackie Chan films, the fights were way too choreographed. People defied gravity and didn't move the way people really do. If I was the director, I would take Jennifer and Ben aside and say: "Okay, in this scene Jennifer is going to throw a punch to your face with her left hand. Ben, you'll use your left hand to throw a rising forearm block and punch her face with your right hand."

Then I'd take Jennifer aside and say: "Okay, what you're really going to do is punch him in the stomach with your right hand. He's wearing leather, he can take it."


New Member
Haha! Maybe I was! :lol:

Thanks for understanding and feeling the same way about not "arguing" with each other, its pointless to do so! :D I kept typing and then re-read what I wrote about the movie and I kept saying to myself... "God, you sound so mean! Lighten up!"
The last thing I want to do is alienate the really nice people on these boards! (Including you!) So I then re-typed it :D

I'm going to get off my soapbox like Freak suggested :) kidding of course, and move on! Thanks for debating with me, its been awhile :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by EchoOfOphelia
Haha! Maybe I was! :lol:

Thanks for understanding and feeling the same way about not "arguing" with each other, its pointless to do so! :D I kept typing and then re-read what I wrote about the movie and I kept saying to myself... "God, you sound so mean! Lighten up!"
The last thing I want to do is alienate the really nice people on these boards! (Including you!) So I then re-typed it :D

I'm going to get off my soapbox like Freak suggested :) kidding of course, and move on! Thanks for debating with me, its been awhile :lol:

Unfortunately my stubborness and debating nature gets me in trouble at home. :lol: Uh-huh, where is Freak on all this. I don't think he has a leg to stand on if he can't comment. :p

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