

Active Member
A friend of mine (who had read the DAREDEVIL comics) clued me in on the differences between the movie vs. the comic book.

I liked the film alright, too.


Well-Known Member
I saw it yesterday...and I've gotta say...I was pleased and disappointed at the same time.


For one...the fight scene with Ben and Elektra on the see saw....AWESOME battle!

Next...a lot of buildup for NOTHING...Kingpin was this bad dude and the movie had me leading up for a huge confrontation (I'm thinking Spidey vs. Green Goblin) and I get a kick in the knees...Sorry...just didn't "do it for me"

Fight scenes...awesome

Ben's move to Elektra up the stairs sniffing her neck...SMOOTH!

Will I buy the DVD? Yes, it was a fun movie
Will I see a see a sequel? Yes...and I'm looking forward to it
Did it live up to Spidey? No...and too many similarities actually...this guy is dressed in red, has a "SENSE", swings around the city...I dunno...just not a movie I would've thrown out there RIGHT AFTER Spidey.

Does anyone else feel that this guy should've been called BATMAN and Batman called Daredevil??? or is it just me?

Daredevil-Blind, uses other remaining senses (Bats...blind...use sonar)
Batman-no powers...but uses a lot of "dangerous toys"...making him fearless and "DARING"

Oh well...I think I need to stop analyzing again :lol:


New Member
Well... keep in mind... Kingpin can't be proven as a bad guy in the regular world. He is a major long term villian who's job (as far as comic purposes go) is to produce new criminals and villians. He's a Rich villian Pimp Daddy so to speak. Plus it was at the time when DD realized he should not exact revenge on evil doers, but mearly prevent bad things from continuing. Yes... he is very much a truer Batman than Batman actually. :lol:

His originally suit is Yellow and .... Black I think. They changed to Red to better suit the name Devil. So it made him seem more similar to Spider-man. DD has much lesss a "sense" though. Rather enhanced senses that aid him. I know picky picky.:)

Hulk will Rock! NowInc. :D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
Well... keep in mind... Kingpin can't be proven as a bad guy in the regualr world. He is a major long term villian who job (as far as comic purposes go) is to produce new criminals and villians. He's a Rich villian Pimp Daddy so to speak. Plus it was at the time when DD realized he should not exact revenge on evil doers, but mearly prevent bad things from continuing. Yes... he is very much a truer Batman than Batman actually. :lol:

His originally suit is Yellow and .... Black I think. They changed to Red to better suit the name Devil. So it made him seem more similar to Spider-man. DD has much lesss a "sense" though. Rather enhanced senses that aid him. I know picky picky.:)

I dunno...the fight was just LAME...some great battles took place during the movie and you get to the climax and you see a kick to the knees...no cool weapon tricks, no cool martial arts...just a kick to the knees.

Elektra vs. Ben was better
Elektra vs. Bullseye was better
DD vs. Bullseye was better


New Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
I dunno...the fight was just LAME...some great battles took place during the movie and you get to the climax and you see a kick to the knees...no cool weapon tricks, no cool martial arts...just a kick to the knees.

Elektra vs. Ben was better
Elektra vs. Bullseye was better
DD vs. Bullseye was better

Right, I guess what I'm saying is that those are the battles that should have been better. In a DareDevil 2 expect the Kingpin to be back. In a DD 3, expect the Kingpin. In a DD 4.... get the idea. He's like Lex Luthur. He's always there. :D :lol:


Interesting to read everyone's comments, I haven't seen the movie yet but I hesitate to take my son to it because of things I've read here and elsewhere. It sounds to me like the violence is too intense for the under 12 set. How does it compare to Spiderman in that regard? My son loved Spiderman but was upset when Green Goblin got cut in half. Everything else in Spiderman was OK for him.


New Member
More death scenes... and a much darker edge to Daredevil. Many people get ran through or stabbed in some fashion, and the Subway scene is way beyond typical Hero movie expectations I think. Although it just leaves out enough to get a nice rating, they really pushed the envelope. But he does learn not to kill, so expect the next movie to be less violent (I think).


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
More death scenes... and a much darker edge to Daredevil. Many people get ran through or stabbed in some fashion, and the Subway scene is way beyond typical Hero movie expectations I think. Although it just leaves out enough to get a nice rating, they really pushed the envelope. But he does learn not to kill, so expect the next movie to be less violent (I think).

I agree :lol: That subway scene was the LAST THING I had expected a "superHERO" to do :lol:


Thanks guys, you confrmed what I was already thinking. My son likes superhero movies but he's just very sensitive and he ends up with nightmares so I think we'll skip this one for now. I'll just have to wait for the DVD:)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Grumpy56
Thanks guys, you confrmed what I was already thinking. My son likes superhero movies but he's just very sensitive and he ends up with nightmares so I think we'll skip this one for now. I'll just have to wait for the DVD:)
Put it this way...the subway scene...let's just put it this way...the dude isn't half the man he used to be :lol:

(I took an 8 year old...he loved it...but even I found myself saying "ooooooh" when Bullseye was "doing his thing")


New Member

:eek: :eek: :eek:
No offense, but you guys wouldn't know good cinema if it bit you in @ss! Daredevil was terrible...

My god, I can't believe a studio actually paid money for that cr@p, I can't believe I paid money for that cr@p! I just thought the story was weeeeeeaaaaak as hell. And the whole Electra Nachos (sounds like a Mexican appetizer Homer: Mmmm...Nachos) was extremely cheesy (no pun intended) and I silently clapped at her final scene. All of the characters lacked depth and I was dying for some actual plot development.
The one redeeming feature of this movie was his law partner/friend talking about the aligators in the sewers, that guy was histarical.

Studios need to stop simply trying to copy the success of Spiderman and actually try and make a good movie to back it up with!

There... I'm finished venting.


Well-Known Member
Re: YUCK!! =P

Originally posted by EchoOfOphelia
:eek: :eek: :eek:
No offense, but you guys wouldn't know good cinema if it bit you in @ss! Daredevil was terrible...

My god, I can't believe a studio actually paid money for that cr@p, I can't believe I paid money for that cr@p! I just thought the story was weeeeeeaaaaak as hell. And the whole Electra Nachos (sounds like a Mexican appetizer Homer: Mmmm...Nachos) was extremely cheesy (no pun intended) and I silently clapped at her final scene. All of the characters lacked depth and I was dying for some actual plot development.
The one redeeming feature of this movie was his law partner/friend talking about the aligators in the sewers, that guy was histarical.

Studios need to stop simply trying to copy the success of Spiderman and actually try and make a good movie to back it up with!

There... I'm finished venting.

tell us how you really feel :lol: jk

(don't forget to step off of the soapbox)

Just messing with ya...

I took the movie for what it was...it was enjoyable...that's it...it wasn't fantastic (like Spidey) and it wasn't a life changing experience...but overall, I enjoyed it.



New Member
Hey NowInc... I totally agree with you about The Hulk... it's gonna suck. I am just not excited about a huge green man who can't say anything more intelligent than "Hulk smash!" "Hulk smash!"

Count me out! :hurl:


New Member
Re: Re: YUCK!! =P

Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
tell us how you really feel :lol: jk

(don't forget to step off of the soapbox)

Just messing with ya...

I took the movie for what it was...it was enjoyable...that's it...it wasn't fantastic (like Spidey) and it wasn't a life changing experience...but overall, I enjoyed it.


Hahaha! :lol:
Thanks for reminding me! I'm getting off my soapbox now :D
I agree with you for just taking it for what it is... a cr@ppy movie. I guess I was just expecting a lot more from it.

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