DAK Needs More Than Blue Aliens

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
I'm curious how many people read this article and saw how lacking it was. Or how many just pushed "Like" because they have "Spirit dust" in their eyes?

Probably the same amount of people who recognize an internet "friend" who has taken time away from his vacation to post something to people he only knows on the internet so we could discuss and, quite honestly, have something to talk about.

In case you've never stepped into a Spirited thread, there a lot of people who enjoy discussing and bouncing ideas off of each other. It can get heated, it can also be lighthearted and fun. Sometimes this forum space NEEDS a place where people can group together with a loose common theme (a spirited thread) and talk about disney and varying aspects of it. Yep,it goes off topic, as most conversations between "friends" tends to do.

If you're not comfortable with this, perhaps check out another thread that is more structured and off the topic at hand.

One mans Spirit Dust is another man's Welcome Home to a fellow poster, and, if you will, friend.


Well-Known Member
Probably the same amount of people who recognize an internet "friend" who has taken time away from his vacation to post something to people he only knows on the internet so we could discuss and, quite honestly, have something to talk about.

In case you've never stepped into a Spirited thread, there a lot of people who enjoy discussing and bouncing ideas off of each other. It can get heated, it can also be lighthearted and fun. Sometimes this forum space NEEDS a place where people can group together with a loose common theme (a spirited thread) and talk about disney and varying aspects of it. Yep,it goes off topic, as most conversations between "friends" tends to do.

If you're not comfortable with this, perhaps check out another thread that is more structured and off the topic at hand.

One mans Spirit Dust is another man's Welcome Home to a fellow poster, and, if you will, friend.

Wow, I'm not sure where you got all that from what I said. I'm aware of how his threads work and have participated in them before. I just think the article is garbage. That's my "spirited" take on it.

Don't get so defensive. Spirit fanbois take themselves far to seriously.

Soarin' Over Pgh

Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm not sure where you got all that from what I said. I'm aware of how his threads work and have participated in them before. I just think the article is garbage. That's my "spirited" take on it.

Don't get so defensive. Spirit fanbois take themselves far to seriously.

So I wasn't sure from your first post, but this seals it. You're looking for a fight.

Good luck to you. :)


Well-Known Member
So I wasn't sure from your first post, but this seals it. You're looking for a fight.

Good luck to you. :)

Nope. No fight here. I was just making the point that I don't buy everything that Spirit says hook, line, and sinker like some do. He sometimes makes valid points. I just think an honest read of that article would show that it was lacking. I was curious how many actually read it or just pushed like because of the OP.

That's all. Good luck to you too. ;)
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Well-Known Member
Nope. No fight here. I was just making the point I don't buy everything that Spirit says hook, line, and sinker. He sometimes makes great points. I just think an honest read of that article would show that it was lacking. I was curious how many actually read it or just pushed like because of the OP.

That's all. Good luck to you too. ;)
Why would you think people hit the like button if they didnt read it?? Because you didnt like the article its that hard to believe other people liked reading it? All spirit said was that you may find it an interesting read. Theres nothing to "buy hook line & sinker".


Well-Known Member
Yeah, THIS. There's no doubt Australia would be a huge hit in DAK. Throw in a few small rides and it'll be an even bigger hit.

I know the Avatar deal is signed and sealed and soon, under construction... I just wish the entire plan was more well thought out... years ago.

@WDW1974 I hope your trip is going well and you're collecting stories to share with us when you get back!
It's more than likely that you'll just wind up with the ill-tempered sea-bass... ;)


Active Member
I think everyone is missing the bigger picture. Yes Avatar is not Disney, it is merely a spot-holder until the real Disney related animal expansion can take place... Rocket Raccoon Land.

Climb Groot, test your aim vs. Rocket, ummmm, pick grubs off of Drax?


Well-Known Member
There was nothing in that article that hasn't been discussed over and over.

I think the FLE gets a lot of undeserved flak. For what it is, it's great. That Little Mermaid ride is cute and cheerful. After riding I don't know how many times, I still look forward to it and am happy when I get off.

Avatar, since it seems they are hell-bent on going through with this...I hope they can somehow manage to make it jive with the rest of the park. It will be nice if these new rides are imaginative and new, not just the same ride as something else with new scenery. I don't like the idea of avatar in the AK and never have, but I will hope that it succeeds and at least doesn't completely ruin the AK. (Still wish they'd put it in DHS.)


Well-Known Member
There was nothing in that article that hasn't been discussed over and over.

I think the FLE gets a lot of undeserved flak. For what it is, it's great. That Little Mermaid ride is cute and cheerful. After riding I don't know how many times, I still look forward to it and am happy when I get off.

Avatar, since it seems they are hell-bent on going through with this...I hope they can somehow manage to make it jive with the rest of the park. It will be nice if these new rides are imaginative and new, not just the same ride as something else with new scenery. I don't like the idea of avatar in the AK and never have, but I will hope that it succeeds and at least doesn't completely ruin the AK. (Still wish they'd put it in DHS.)

I agree with you on this one. My family really enjoys the FLE area and for whatever reason, we really like the dumbo area very much. It's weird when I think about it too because there is still so much evidence of construction right in the middle of everything. As far as I am concerned, once the 7DMT is totally completed, with all of the new scenery and landscaping, I think that this land will finally feel fully fleshed out. I also can't wait to see what some of the new views look like when riding on the coaster.

The problem I have had with FLE is 1) how long it took to construct,and 2) opening in stages. Obviously, since all aspects of the expansion took so long it wouldn't have made sense to wait until it was completed. There would have been a revolt. I just think that phased openings really ruin the overall impact of a new or re-themed area. For Avatar, I am hoping that it is not opened until it is completely finished, but that is probably foolish thinking on my part.


Well-Known Member
For whatever reason, I hadn't seen this thread until today. I guess my Spirit-radar has gone faulty during his hiatus.

Two great excerpts from the article:

Once again, Animal Kingdom may be the tapas of the Disney theme park menu. It's little morsels here and there, but not enough to make a meal.
A very accurate observation about the current (and next 3 years) state of DAK.

“The "Avatar" area will help. It's incremental. It replaces an area with limited appeal. However, not only will three years be a long time to wait to see that shot of energy, but it may not be enough by the time 2017 rolls around.”

That goes along with what many of us have been saying. 2017 is still a long time from now, and DAK needs it now. Not to mention, what about DHS and EC during that time period? Then after DHS and EC, MK will be hurting for an addition. Will it be another 10+ (2027?) years before DAK gets anything of substance again? It's a never ending cycle.


Well-Known Member
That goes along with what many of us have been saying. 2017 is still a long time from now, and DAK needs it now. Not to mention, what about DHS and EC during that time period? Then after DHS and EC, MK will be hurting for an addition. Will it be another 10+ (2027?) years before DAK gets anything of substance again? It's a never ending cycle.
Of course no one can answer your question about how long till another large development, nor what will happen at Epcot or the Studios outside the Board of Director's. However, yes, 2017 is a long way off and yes, would be nice if the changes to DAK would be completed tomorrow. They won't. Can't do anything about that. Still, is the fact that something, even if it's the divisive Avatar product, is taking place and by all accounts will be substantial, is that not worth being happy about? They're spending money on the parks for tangible goods. We'll always want more and better things in every park, along with noticeable maintenance.
Though I do hope they don't wait till 2018, but if WDW sees positive (in terms of attendance/revenue) change with the Avatar build out, one would assume that would smack the bean counters in the head and let them point this out to the nimrods in charge that further build outs of this caliber need be done in the other parks.

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