D23 Dissapointment


Well-Known Member
The problem with all of those is that they aren't "theme park rides". The way I see it, a good theme park ride is something you can describe without getting into what the ride system or track layout is.

Agreed. Having thrill rides at Disney is good, but they should fit into the ambiance and theming of the park. And I don't see much reason for Disney to try to having high thrill coasters -- they'll never have a large enough number or have them intense enough to satisfy or draw in coaster enthusiasts and they will tend to alienate the Disney base that makes a trip to Disney as an alternative to their local amusement park.

I actually think more "thrill" rides the level of RNR, ToT, Everest would be good additions though. I'm hoping that the rumored bike coaster for Star Wars and the Avatar E-ticket fit in this vein.


Well-Known Member
You do realize that Disney is a HUGE media conglomerate that expands from Pixar to ESPN to Marvel to Star Wars and beyond.
I think Dave knows that. He's a big boy and doesn't need me to answer for him, of course. But I think he's aware that Disney isn't just parks.
The problem with all of those is that they aren't "theme park rides". The way I see it, a good theme park ride is something you can describe without getting into what the ride system or track layout is. You know like Plinkett's character test. All those real roller coasters you described are Qui-Gon Jinn and Amidala to a Disney Mountain's Han Solo and C-3PO.
I assume that is all Star Wars stuff, but can't really follow the comparison as I only recognize Han and C3PO. Anyway, that poster asked what would make me happy and that is what would make me happy.

Uni has fantastic theme parks (arguably better than WDW's) and manages to work in some good coasters. If Disney tried, they could, too. IMO.


Well-Known Member
I assume that is all Star Wars stuff, but can't really follow the comparison as I only recognize Han and C3PO. Anyway, that poster asked what would make me happy and that is what would make me happy.

Essentially the video is about how characters in the original Star Wars trilogy are better written and have actual personalities (which I'm comparing to a Disney E-Ticket) while the Prequel characters are bland and uninteresting (like a generic roller coaster that only has theming in the queue and nothing more)


Active Member
I'm so confused... I don't see anywhere saying "There will be no announcements."

Of course they're not going to say if there will be any! This is Disney!

Captain Neo

Well-Known Member
I Could have sworn that Tom Staggs appologized after the last D23 fiasco and promised that next time they would have big announcements he said he took feedback from the fan reactions.

The fact is they are getting killed by Universal in Orlando and if they don't announce new rides/lands Universal will continue to cut into their revenue and people will stop bothering with D23 since Disney isn't going to announce anything exciting there. It just becomes another merchandise event at that point.


Well-Known Member
I Could have sworn that Tom Staggs appologized after the last D23 fiasco and promised that next time they would have big announcements he said he took feedback from the fan reactions.

The fact is they are getting killed by Universal in Orlando and if they don't announce new rides/lands Universal will continue to cut into their revenue and people will stop bothering with D23 since Disney isn't going to announce anything exciting there. It just becomes another merchandise event at that point.

I don't think people go to D23 just so they can hear a big announcement. Should Disney in the future announce a major project at WDW, it will be a CNN-worthy announcement and will broadcast to far more people than those in attendance at D23.

So, no, Disney won't spend $1 billion, or even $200 million on a new land/attraction just to have something to talk about theme park wise at D23. D23 is just a convenient venue for such an announcement. Doesn't D23 get about the number of folks who visit Disneyland in a day? And at the same price? No rides, no restaurants . . .just rental fees for the convention halls and free media for their brands.

WDW attendance is up a bit, the economy recovered some, and in-park spending is up. For a long time in Orlando the paradigm has been that a rising tide raises all boats. A couple million more come to see Potterland (something like 48 million go to WDW each year), it means more interest in Orlando as a vacation destination. Less people thinking about going to D.C. to do the museums, etc . . .


Well-Known Member
Sorry dudes, I don't understand the grabbing of the pitchforks here. One, Disney, the company, is much more than Parks and Resorts, and TWO, that Q&A was typical Disney obfuscated speech that you can't read into one way or another. It's for promotion not information.

I'm going to the expo and I'm pretty excited about it with or without huge mind-blowing announcements. It's fun to see other fans, check out what's new, and just be in the atmosphere of the thing. That's definitely not for everyone, but the sardonic come-backs from people not even attending is a bit much.


Well-Known Member
Sorry dudes, I don't understand the grabbing of the pitchforks here. One, Disney, the company, is much more than Parks and Resorts, and TWO, that Q&A was typical Disney obfuscated speech that you can't read into one way or another. It's for promotion not information.

I'm going to the expo and I'm pretty excited about it with or without huge mind-blowing announcements. It's fun to see other fans, check out what's new, and just be in the atmosphere of the thing. That's definitely not for everyone, but the sardonic come-backs from people not even attending is a bit much.

This ^

Last time I checked, Trekkies/Trekkers, still turned out to their conventions. Even though there might not be a major announcement regarding a television show/movie. Part of the fun is just being around people who have the same interests, and soaking up the presentations. I'm sure there will be a few small exciting surprises, in the theme park category. Plus, what fan wouldn't want to see what WDI does with their "open house"?

Criticism shouldn't boil down to, "when are you going to build the Monsters Inc. coaster, that's all I care about", or whatever project.

It's still an amazing time to be a fan. Carsland isn't one year old yet, (you can bet they want a year, preferably two, of hard data regarding operations before a project this big is cloned), they are building an all new castle park in Shanghai that breaks the mold, they are going to open Ratatouille, and they recently opened two great attractions in Hong Kong Disneyland.

I think somebody said that Carsland has paid off about a quarter, 25%, of its budget to date. Even with that, you can see why they aren't building one on every street corner, and why such a project would pay for itself most quickly if it all of its capacity addition was a net capacity increase. If Disney had bulldozed Tom Sawyer Island/the river, in Disneyland to put in Carsland, it would be paying for itself over time, but not as quickly. Likely Carsland 2 will go on de novo land that is undeveloped, to maximize the profits.

You can bet that WDI has replacement ideas for Backlot using just its footprint, and other backstage areas. Click and paste isn't always the best, or most creative solution. Sometimes the constraints of a job force WDI to come up with solutions they wouldn't have thought of otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Regarding the original Title....

"D23 Dissapointment"

Trying to understand how the words "D23" and "Disappointment" are in any way different.... :).

Hasn't even been a year since Iger announced Disney bought Star Wars and is doing more films! He also talked about looking at theme park offerings. Yes, WDI has plans for stuff, but now they don't have to dance with George over certain issues, and they are poised to make real money off of Star Wars, so the investment is more than making a section of Tomorrowland cool, it is a good part of the future life blood of the company.

Pixar snuck in a couple of cool "The Good Dinosaur" concept art/computer models in the background of some video of an animator talking about Up! There'll probably be a few little blue sky surprises hidden in the background for the sharp eyed fans who come to D23 with their minds opens, not believing that nothing new, not even little peaks, will be revealed.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the "no announcement" should be celebrated. Really, no current attraction will be sacrificed to be a new meet & greet. No current parade will be smashed into a dumpster. Isn't that reason enough to shout to the heavens. The cynic in me rejoices that Disney will not be telling us what less we can expect or how much more it will cost. At this point, no news is dodging a bullet for horrible news.


Well-Known Member
I'm quite amazed people would defend the removal of Disney's version of the Apple Keynote at the WWDC. It IS absolutely what many look forward to. It is why many people buy tickets and spend thousands of dollars to fly across the country - exclusive intro and reveals. It is about being part of the excitement and a having a forum of Disney branded nutjobs to help preach the message.

Defend it all you want. Trekkies don't have theme parks. The theme parks are the defacto ambassador for the brand. Disney used to look at the parks that way. If they don't use the D23 Convention in a manner that pays ultimate homage to those that so loyally snort pixie dust all hope for the "fan" organization is lost.


Well-Known Member
To occasionally attend an event where an imagineer or "historian" spends anywhere from a couple hours to a couple days rehashing how great WDW used to be. I dont know about anyone else, but Ive long since graduated from the school of being entertained by the likes of Captain Saltyhinder.

I guess I haven't graduated from that school yet. While those presentations are just as depressing as they are interesting, I do still find them interesting. Now, when they are just rehashes of past D23 presentations, that's a bit annoying...

As for the interview today, I'd normally agree with everyone here that the responses are typically canned and evasive so too much shouldn't be read into them. However, they're typically canned in an evasive manner that's not to Disney's detriment. In response to the question at issue, we'd hear, "you'll have to wait and see" or "we have nothing to announce about what will occur at the Expo at this time." Not a more definitive statement that there will be no new product announcements for P&R at the Expo. That's not a non-answer, and it's certainly not the right way to deceive (if deceit was the intent). This interview was likely given to build buzz about the D23 Expo in the fan community (and sell tickets) and I can't see it having delivered upon that goal.

As for no announcements at the Expo, if true, it es me off not because that's why I'd go to the Expo, but because if not then, when? When will expansion be announced? Unless they pull an AVATAR Land, it could be a while...which means more time until these lands open for business. The clock is ticking, and it's not as if these additions weren't needed yesterday.

I'm still not sure whether we'll attend the Expo, but if we do, it'll be for the concert, to see friends and like-minded folks, and the other seminars that can't be replicated without experiencing them in-person. It would be cool to hear announcements in person there just because, but those announcements are raw information that are just as quickly made available to anyone with an internet connection. Personally, I think it's a mistake not to do them at a big P&R presentation as people do love that, but I think if you're flying cross country solely to see an announcement in person, you're doing something wrong.


Well-Known Member
I'm quite amazed people would defend the removal of Disney's version of the Apple Keynote at the WWDC. It IS absolutely what many look forward to.

Obviously, there aren't going to be major theme park announcements at every D23, at least not for stuff in the states. Meaning Disney doesn't announce a new land every two years. They have announced NFL and Avatarland . . . there simply isn't enough money to constantly be adding new lands, especially not with Shanghai and other projects.

The Imagineering open house sounds pretty exciting to me.


Well-Known Member
As for no announcements at the Expo, if true, it es me off not because that's why I'd go to the Expo, but because if not then, when? When will expansion be announced? Unless they pull an AVATAR Land, it could be a while...which means more time until these lands open for business. The clock is ticking, and it's not as if these additions weren't needed yesterday.

I'm still not sure whether we'll attend the Expo, but if we do, it'll be for the concert, to see friends and like-minded folks, and the other seminars that can't be replicated without experiencing them in-person. It would be cool to hear announcements in person there just because, but those announcements are raw information that are just as quickly made available to anyone with an internet connection. Personally, I think it's a mistake not to do them at a big P&R presentation as people do love that, but I think if you're flying cross country solely to see an announcement in person, you're doing something wrong.

According to Pixiedustmaker people don't go to the expo for this reason. I agree with you, announcements and the follow up WDI panel would be the only reason I would go.


Well-Known Member
. . . we'd hear, "you'll have to wait and see" or "we have nothing to announce about what will occur at the Expo at this time." Not a more definitive statement that there will be no new product announcements for P&R at the Expo. That's not a non-answer, and it's certainly not the right way to deceive (if deceit was the intent).

Whatever is to be announced at D23 has already been set in stone. They've spent a good chunk of time putting the expo together, and WDI does know what will be announced, so they can give a firm answer regarding that. If there was a big announcement, they could hint about that . . . but they wouldn't tell some fans "no", and then have a big announcement and upset the fans that were lied to.

The question about what is on the horizon always provokes a vague response, IMHO.

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