D23 and the Fan Community...


Premium Member
That is a really strange story, from the way it is written, to the information it gives out.

Anyway, the forum owner seems to be under the impression Disney should consult him before doing anything on the internet. Seems very arrogant. I think Disney can do what the heck they want.


Premium Member
Two thoughts come to mind after reading the article...

1 - It dismays me what Disney considers to be "media" these days.

2 - If you have thoughts of spending $1000 to be in the front row of any Disney parks presentation (especially one where the likelihood of anything interesting being announced is maybe .05%)....seek help immediately.

I think I may try to set up some sort of 12-step program for Disneyholics. I mean, I love the place....but, damn!


LOL you got that right! I had no idea they were selling $1000 tickets, but wow, can't believe anyone paid that.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
agreed . . . D23 needs to be better but it doesn't need to beg the approval of the DIS boards.

I'm still hopeful the value will increase (and the price will stay the same!) Not ready to give up my charter membership. :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I would not bet on the value improving. I'm sure they are needing to justify their continued existence. Count on rising prices, less "stuff" and a declining member base.


Well-Known Member
The article came off as very disjointed to me. The forced parallels between Pete and the fired monorail driver were well...forced. It tried to be 3 articles at once, it seemed.

Anyway, I've always maintained that D23 is a major rip off unless you live near Disneyland or Disney World.

Yes! Totally agree with the forced parallels. Also with what menamechris said, not sure what I was supposed to get from that article. I'm kinda left wishing I had fixed a cup of coffee instead of reading all of that. I guess I plugged on to the end hoping there was some greater point that my sleep-bleary eyes were missing.

If I were Pete I'd be plenty ed at how that writer presented him. As for Dis, I go there for info that I can't find here but not because I'm some great Dis fan. I just don't know where else to go. I'd love to go into specifics but it'd be a long tale to tell....but the mods over there are a complete joke. They prance about all Holier-than-thou, hob-nob with their cronies, edit threads and posts according to their opinions, and call that "moderating". God forbid a big name in the online-world show up in a thread over there unhappy. I don't believe I've ever witnessed the placing of a nose that far up someone's tush in written word like that before or since. I gained a whole new appreciation for Steve & WDWMagic that day. This is home for me. No doubt about that!


New Member
I've been a member of D23 since the first day and I don't understand the comments that it doesn't provide enough value. I have a WDW annual pass but don't live in Florida and I actually feel I get LESS value out of that than I do D23, since at least D23 sends me a very cool magazine and surprises every few months. D23 provides exactly the value it says it was going to provide from the start .....and more, actually. D23 Expo tickets at a discount were just ONE of the perks, but I also never even HEARD about the Sorcerer level. If you pay $1,000 for special access my guess is you probably don't care too much about the cost of things, particularly not a $75 year membership. I didn't go to the Expo but I heard a lot of people complaining about the long lines and not getting into panels. Three years ago I went to Comic Con. That was a HORRIFYING experience and I'll never go back, people were waiting for six or seven HOURS in a line without getting in to things, and even small panels had 45 minute to 1 hour lines, so D23 Expo doesn't seem bad by comparison! But I digress. I enjoy being a D23 member. I neither "love" it or "hate" it, but I CERTAINLY get my money's worth.


Well-Known Member
I don't think there is any need to discuss whether the DISboards are a good discussion board or not and neither is the article about that.

I think Lee hit exactly upon what the article is about:

2 - If you have thoughts of spending $1000 to be in the front row of any Disney parks presentation (especially one where the likelihood of anything interesting being announced is maybe .05%)....seek help immediately.

I think I may try to set up some sort of 12-step program for Disneyholics. I mean, I love the place....but, damn!

That was exactly what I thought: $1000??? :confused:

And yes, that's what the article seems to be about: Disneyholics and how their "addiction" is exploited by the company. I think it isn't a coincidence that the two people being portrayed as big Disney fans are both people who have a history of a former addiction: Peter Werner with alcohol and drugs - and he is even honest about how he just replaced the drugs with the Mouse - and Doug Moore with gambling.

And the question about whether D23 is really worth it and that it may not be what the fans want isn't something which only Pete Werner might have said on his podcast. Look at the "Are you 23?" thread here on wdwmagic (I even dug up the link for you, the discussion about D23 starts here). Just as I remembered there were quite a few people saying that this was not what the fans wanted: a chance to buy a limited edition pen for $849 for example. However, in hindsight, that might have been a phenomenal deal compared to those $1000 sorcerer passes...

All in all it seems like the thing Disney is trying to do is to shape the definition of Disney fan in the way they would like the fans to be: If you aren't 23, you are not a real fan. The same goes for their effort to marginalise independent Disney fan sites with their own social media efforts.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I don't think there is any need to discuss whether the DISboards are a good discussion board or not and neither is the article about that.

I would agree with that. Funny as I have a rep as such a disagreeable Spirit!:ROFLOL:

But the reason I posted the link and started the thread had NOTHING to do with the value/merits of the DISboards. That would be like discussing this site or LP.com or Micechat or Mouseplanet's boards etc. I am trying to gauge people's opinions on what they are pulling from the article.

I think Lee hit exactly upon what the article is about:

That was exactly what I thought: $1000??? :confused:

And yes, that's what the article seems to be about: Disneyholics and how their "addiction" is exploited by the company. I think it isn't a coincidence that the two people being portrayed as big Disney fans are both people who have a history of a former addiction: Peter Werner with alcohol and drugs - and he is even honest about how he just replaced the drugs with the Mouse - and Doug Moore with gambling.

And the question about whether D23 is really worth it and that it may not be what the fans want isn't something which only Pete Werner might have said on his podcast. Look at the "Are you 23?" thread here on wdwmagic (I even dug up the link for you, the discussion about D23 starts here). Just as I remembered there were quite a few people saying that this was not what the fans wanted: a chance to buy a limited edition pen for $849 for example. However, in hindsight, that might have been a phenomenal deal compared to those $1000 sorcerer passes...

All in all it seems like the thing Disney is trying to do is to shape the definition of Disney fan in the way they would like the fans to be: If you aren't 23, you are not a real fan. The same goes for their effort to marginalise independent Disney fan sites with their own social media efforts.

No comment. ... Yet. :)


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