Cuts coming to every area of parks and resorts - thanks to Shanghai and Paris


Well-Known Member
For those pixie dusters and defenders of all things mouse: here's a little data snapshot that Josh from easy wdw put up.

Comparing animal kingdom hours in 2015 to 2016 for March 17 - April 17

"In 2016, Animal Kingdom saw zero regular 8am opens and zero closes later than 7pm. In 2015, Animal Kingdom saw 16 regular 8am opens and stayed open after 7pm on 18 evenings. That's over half the time"

And I know it's been mentioned 1,000 times- but to remind everyone again-Disney had record Q1 profits. So we're not even talking about the "good ole days" of the 90s. This place is In a massive downward spiral. Hell- I'd take 2015 WDW.


Well-Known Member
For those pixie dusters and defenders of all things mouse: here's a little data snapshot that Josh from easy wdw put up.

Comparing animal kingdom hours in 2015 to 2016 for March 17 - April 17

"In 2016, Animal Kingdom saw zero regular 8am opens and zero closes later than 7pm. In 2015, Animal Kingdom saw 16 regular 8am opens and stayed open after 7pm on 18 evenings. That's over half the time"

And I know it's been mentioned 1,000 times- but to remind everyone again-Disney had record Q1 profits. So we're not even talking about the "good ole days" of the 90s. This place is In a massive downward spiral. Hell- I'd take 2015 WDW.
Things have taken a serious turn for the worse, but let us not be over dramatic. The place is not in a "massive downward spiral". Things are getting, and are, bad but that does not meant he place is crumbling to ruins. If that is not what you meant then perhaps you should reword that last part.

I do agree with the data though, if this is indeed true, there is no reason for it.


Well-Known Member
Why would Disney bother you there? I have seen lots of video taken from that area. Were they bored or something?

Someone called it in as suspicious.

They weren't bored, they were annoyed at the hassle.

My guess is that with the heightened security (as with the metal detectors), they don't want people hanging around after park close. They always use "security" or "safety" as their justification.


Think for yourselfer
I think this is the right thread to post in, even though I am going to describe a recent experience I had at DL. At the end of my story, I'm going to ask a question that is specifically MK related, so I'm pretty sure this post belongs here.

On Thursday, April 14th I went to DL. I was there in March, before the budget cuts, so I do have a recent experience to compare it to. I can also compare this experience with numerous other visits to DL and MK, so I know something is wrong. The park closed at 9pm, right after the Disneyland Forever fireworks show. I was in TL and started taking pictures of Space Mountain and the old COP building. I noticed that the park was clearing out pretty quickly, but I didn't give it much thought. Around 9:15, yes, 9:15, I noticed a security guard standing nearby. I also noticed there were no other guests around me, so I knew it was time to move towards Main Street. I walked to the part of TL where it borders the hub and took some pictures there.

I then headed to the castle. This was actually my entire reason for coming this time. I brought my tripod this time and I wanted to get pictures of the castle with the spotlights behind it. There were some people in front of the castle taking pictures so I waited for them to finish. I then set up my tripod, took a few pictures, and then a security guard came up to me and said, "That needs to be your last picture. We need to clear this area out."

I was shocked. It was 9:30, and I have never seen the park clear out so quickly. I have also never had security tell me I needed to stop taking pictures and leave. It has never happened. I am usually way ahead of the security CM's as they sweep the park. In fact, I normally don't even get close to them. I asked the CM what policy had changed and why they were clearing out the park so quickly. He said nothing had changed and they always clear the area in front of the castle so quickly. I knew that was an absolute lie, because I have pictures I took in front of the castle after my last visit that were taken more than 30 minutes after park closing. I figured this was just an incredibly rare occurrence, and I moved towards Main Street.

I took a few pictures on Main Street and I waited in Town Square for it to clear out enough for me to take pictures in the middle of the street aiming towards the castle. I had just set up my tripod and yet another security CM tells me, again, I need to stop taking pictures because they need to clear out the park. It was 10:15, which was 1 hour and 15 minutes after park closing, and 15 minutes after the Main Street shops closed. This time I was not happy. I asked this CM what changed and he lied to me again. He said they always clear the park out like this and that it has been this way for the 20 years that he has worked at DL. Once again, I knew this was a bold-faced lie.

I walked out of the park and asked to speak to a security lead. He admitted that what happened was unusual, but he would not tell me the reason why. By his own admission, he would never even begin to talk to someone "lingering" until at least 30 minutes after Main Street closed. After I walked through the turnstiles to exit there were probably 20 or so people behind me. They locked the gate at 10:22.

This angers me because I have never seen this before, and I was not prepared. I normally have plenty of time to take whatever pictures I want and then move on before security comes anywhere near me. Not only was security moving much quicker than they ever have before, they were rude as well. I won't tolerate this, and if it happens again I will not return. Yes, I realize I am only one person, and they laugh at the idea of just losing the money from one Premier AP, but I'm not going to pay to be rushed out of the park. I do not arrive early to the parks. I usually arrive much later in the day, and stay until after closing. Those few minutes of tranquility I get when there are few people in the park are what makes the park "magical". If Disney takes that away, then there is nothing left for me.

My question is, has this happened to anyone else at the DLR or at WDW? Can any photographers, or anyone else, tell me if they have noticed anything else unusual in the past three weeks or so?

This really makes me sad. I can ignore the "princessification" of the parks. I can ignore the lousy food. I can ignore the crowds. I can ignore the dirty parks and rides (for the most part). I can't ignore having them take away the few moments of "magic" I get after most of the people leave. Without that, the food, the crowds, the dirty attractions, and the princesses everywhere become too much. Without the magic, Disney is worth nothing to me anymore. Greed is ruining my "Laughing Place", and it's hard to accept.

ETA: For comparison, at the MK, if the park closes at midnight I am usually waiting for the monorail at 1:20 or so. As I leave the park, about 1:15, security is nowhere near Town Square. They are still at the MS/Hub border.
I applaud this practice by Dis. If the park is closed at 9, it should be dead empty by 10. The idea that people were hanging around making securities job harder by lingering in the park for an hour, or 2 hours past closing is mind boggling. The park is closed, leave. Even forgetting courtesy and being a normal human being, the faster the park clears, the faster a full third shift can get in and clean, and fix broke stuff.

You got ejected from the park an HOUR AND TWENTY minutes after closing, and you have an issue with that? Holy.

The people who do this are the same people who show up to a restaurant 15 minutes before closing and order a 3 course meal and sit there BSing for an hour.


Well-Known Member
You're right. Security sweeps are not new, and they have never affected me before. I guess you didn't read that part.

I also said in my first post that I have never had security get anywhere near me, which means I must not be one of the last ones out of the park. If you read, and understood, my first post, you would have known that I always leave the park long before security even gets to Town Square. This means I am not the one keeping security there, and it also means that I understand that I should leave within a reasonable timeframe.

The issue is that what I used to do, with no issues, is now causing a problem. My routine has not changed. Disney has changed. That is the issue. You can choose to defend Disney. That is certainly your right. At the very least, though, you should understand what issue it is you are commenting on.

Here's an image of NGE Security sweeping Main Street only five minutes after park close. I think you may be on to something.


Adam N

Well-Known Member
You still fail to comprehend my OP.
The only reason I can think of is that you came from Tomorrowland and then headed toward the castle and so possibly the guard thought you were going to head into fantasyland? And maybe in Town Square it looked like you were going to make your way back into the park? Orrrrr there was another party that the security guard had to speak to and so to make sure all guests are being treated fairly they spoke to you as well?


Well-Known Member
It's obvious that the only parks (directly owned by Disney) that are actually working are in America.. Close Paris and Hong Kong.. Scratch Shanghai.. And just work on keeping your mainland parks at LEAST decent!! The U.S. Parks shouldn't have to be punished for the out of country mistakes
None of the Asian parks are majority owned by Disney and there would be no additional 'love' stateside if the international parks did not exist.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
None of the Asian parks are majority owned by Disney and there would be no additional 'love' stateside if the international parks did not exist.

They still should not happen if they're affecting the US parks badly, AND there is no profit being made in the international parks. It makes no sense.


Resident Curmudgeon
They still should not happen if they're affecting the US parks badly, AND there is no profit being made in the international parks. It makes no sense.

Like the One Ring there is only ONE bottom line to bring them all in and in the Darkness (of Wall St's heart) bind them. Seriously though there is only one bottom line in the endand that's all Wall St cares about and if that takes draconian cuts at the parks that ARE making money to make it seem like the P&R B/U is doing well overall well that is what will be done.

We are no longer Disney's custormers Wall St is. we are merely expected to provide the funds to allow Disney to service it's real customer.


Well-Known Member
They still should not happen if they're affecting the US parks badly, AND there is no profit being made in the international parks. It makes no sense.
Correlation is not causation. The impacts on the US parks are not some absolute necessity, it is the result of the management culture. That management culture doesn't get fixed because the international parks don't exist.

And Disney does profit from the international parks. Each individual Resort not posting profits is not a direct relationship to Disney's income on the project. Because they are separate companies the international parks pay Disney for things such as licensing, design and operations as expenses that count against profitability for the individual owning partnerships.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
Correlation is not causation. The impacts on the US parks are not some absolute necessity, it is the result of the management culture. That management culture doesn't get fixed because the international parks don't exist.

And Disney does profit from the international parks. Each individual Resort not posting profits is not a direct relationship to Disney's income on the project. Because they are separate companies the international parks pay Disney for things such as licensing, design and operations as expenses that count against profitability for the individual owning partnerships.

I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here... It's clear that the international parks are hurting the U.S. parks... Just look at the title of this entire thread. Bad management or not. If the management can't handle international parks, then they shouldn't be making more.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here... It's clear that the international parks are hurting the U.S. parks... Just look at the title of this entire thread. Bad management or not. If the management can't handle international parks, then they shouldn't be making more.
The international parks are not sentient. You're just trying to blame others instead of accepting that the American parks are not 'loved' and would be treated the same regardless of any international parks.
Last edited:


Park History nut
Premium Member
I will ask my question again. Has anyone experienced this at the MK, or any other park, in the past few weeks?
I've experienced it a few times over the years. Other times no so much. I've been persuaded to leave Epcot by Segway patrols and have been verbally - politely - asked to leave the hub.

It's a grey area, but when the park is closed its closed. Though I agree photography at that time is great on the blink.


Well-Known Member
Correlation is not causation. The impacts on the US parks are not some absolute necessity, it is the result of the management culture. That management culture doesn't get fixed because the international parks don't exist.

And Disney does profit from the international parks. Each individual Resort not posting profits is not a direct relationship to Disney's income on the project. Because they are separate companies the international parks pay Disney for things such as licensing, design and operations as expenses that count against profitability for the individual owning partnerships.
Id go so far to say that at least in the case of Paris the licensing/management fees were structured in such a way to always show a loss, or at least as near to zero as they could predict. Dont want any of those nasty shareholders of EuroDisney SCA getting some of TWDC profit...


A Long Time DVC Member
Like the One Ring there is only ONE bottom line to bring them all in and in the Darkness (of Wall St's heart) bind them. Seriously though there is only one bottom line in the endand that's all Wall St cares about and if that takes draconian cuts at the parks that ARE making money to make it seem like the P&R B/U is doing well overall well that is what will be done.

We are no longer Disney's custormers Wall St is. we are merely expected to provide the funds to allow Disney to service it's real customer.

I think that you have talked about this once or twice before. Do you just cut and paste into every posting.

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