Cutest Things Kids say at WDW

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Have you seen a child at WDW say or do something that makes you laugh or go "AAAAAWWWWW....." Things like this are common at WDW. When I exited HM, I saw one brave little kid say, "Wait till I tell my friends at school that I saw real ghosts!"

Priceless. Any other priceless moments that you would like to share?


Well-Known Member
Well my little 5 year old cousin Melanie does and says things that leave you laughing (that's a biased cousin talking there :rolleyes: ). Anyway, her brother was fixing her Minnie Mouse cap and I guess he accidentally pulled her hair because she said "Hey you pulled my hair! Put it back!!" It was funny :lol:. I know it doesn't count but anyway...

On Space Mt, her parents were freaking out that SHE might freak out, but in the ride you can all of a sudden hear these "woo hoo's!!" from her. That was adorable. On ToT she didn't exactly say anything but my sister and I were sitting behind her and her mom and all of a sudden you see this brave little hand go up in excitement. We all cracked up and did our "AWWWWW!"

Edit: 700th post!!! Yay for me :lol:


New Member
FriendShi Boats

I was once a cast member @ Epcot with the FriendShip boats, and me and a co-cast member were doing our round in the lagoon, and we had this kid no older then 5 getting on the boat with his parents...and he started making a big fuss when he got on the boat about how there wasn't any seatbelts and that he couldnt ride on the boat without seatbelts....his parents were trying to calm it down, but it just wasn't happening....SO in quick response i went over to him and told him Mickey had invisible seat belts so the boat doesn't look cluttered, and i had the whole Boat pretend to buckle their seat belts, and once that happened the boy sat down and got quiet and said ok if Mickey says so, Mickey says so, i can ride this boat with his invisible seat belts (As he buckled his)......and we were on our way!!

I thought it was cute!!
after coming back from my first trip when I was 3, people would ask me, "What was in Cinderella's castle?" and i said, "nothing but a big bathroom." because thats all I went in there for :p


Well-Known Member
Disney_CP_2004 said:
I was once a cast member @ Epcot with the FriendShip boats, and me and a co-cast member were doing our round in the lagoon, and we had this kid no older then 5 getting on the boat with his parents...and he started making a big fuss when he got on the boat about how there wasn't any seatbelts and that he couldnt ride on the boat without seatbelts....his parents were trying to calm it down, but it just wasn't happening....SO in quick response i went over to him and told him Mickey had invisible seat belts so the boat doesn't look cluttered, and i had the whole Boat pretend to buckle their seat belts, and once that happened the boy sat down and got quiet and said ok if Mickey says so, Mickey says so, i can ride this boat with his invisible seat belts (As he buckled his)......and we were on our way!!

I thought it was cute!!
Now that's just a neat story. :) It's CM's that go the extra mile like that who put the "magic" in WDW.



New Member
The funniest thing I have heard kids say was when I was at EPCOT. These ducks were getting it on in the middle of the walkway next to China and all of these kids were saying, "look mommy, look daddy, those ducks are fighting!!!!!!!!!" Of course everybody started laughing. The mind of a child, o so innocent.


Every day, for the length of a 6 day trip, my kids said,

"Daddy, this is the best day of my life"

I overspent on our budget! Who cares? We're planning a holiday trip for next year...

Pixie Duster

New Member
One of the things that motivates me no matter how things are going are the kids. I work at MK so I get to see some of the best kids. When Stitch toliet papered the castle on the opening day of his attraction this little boy asked me, "is Stitch going to get grounded now?"


Cute speakings

1. During my 4 yr old's first trip to WDW we got him to ride Splash Mt, Maelstrom, POTC, and Haunted Mansion. We finally got to SE. As we are slowing starting our ascent in the begining of the ride, he turns to my hubby and asked, "When we get to the top, does it go down real fast and we all scream??"
2. Our second year at the end of our trip, my hubby asked our, now, 5 yr old son, "Don't you want to tell Mommy thank you for planning our trip?" My son quickly replied, "Why? It was my idea!"

Kids always say the best things, don't they!


Well-Known Member
Pixie Duster said:
One of the things that motivates me no matter how things are going are the kids. I work at MK so I get to see some of the best kids. When Stitch toliet papered the castle on the opening day of his attraction this little boy asked me, "is Stitch going to get grounded now?"
I was working Pocahontas a few days ago when a little girl said to me "I have to tell Cinderella on Stitch!" She had seen the tp-ed castle too! :lol:


New Member
Airport Quote

After a week at Disney World, my friends got in the long Security line at Orlando International Airport. Her 5 year old son said, "Can't we get a Fast Pass for this?"


New Member
DDuckFan130 said:
Edit: 700th post!!! Yay for me :lol:

Woo hoo :sohappy:

During the holiday season, a little boy was exiting IASW with his mom, he looked up at her and said, "Mom, that was the Scariest ride ever." He then saw me looking at him and at the same time we both started to laugh...he then waved bye at me. Cute kid :lol:


New Member
Right after TOT was opened we went on and it wasn't widely known back then that it was a drop ride. We got to the part where we went down then up then down and up and it ended. This poor little girl was screaming crying and all she could say is "Is it gonna drop again, mommy, is it gonna drop again"
I felt so sorry for that poor little girl because she was clearly not convinced the ride was over.


New Member
I have another one...I remember seeing a little boy of around 6 years old walking into the stretching room on the HM. His eyes and mouth were wide open looking around. After the spiel is done and the lights come back on, I saw him with his eyes closed, tight fist, saying, "this is just a ride, this is just a ride." AWWW...I felt like giving him a hug.


Well-Known Member
stranger said:
I have another one...I remember seeing a little boy of around 6 years old walking into the stretching room on the HM. His eyes and mouth were wide open looking around. After the spiel is done and the lights come back on, I saw him with his eyes closed, tight fist, saying, "this is just a ride, this is just a ride." AWWW...I felt like giving him a hug.
:lol: I get that feeling a lot too.


Well-Known Member
I have 2. These are from my little cousin who was 7 at the time of her first trip.

1) Meg: Do you wanna go on Test Track? It's a little fast.
Jordan: Yeah! It doesn't look that fast.
Jordan On Ride : *hiding her face* *screaming*
Meg: Did you like the ride?
Jordan: I think it could have gone faster.

2) Jordan: Is the Haunted Mansion scary?
Meg: A little but it's all fake.
Jordan: I doubt it's scary.
Jordan On Ride: *hiding face* *screaming*
Meg: What did you think?
Jordan: It wasn't that scary.
Meg: Wanna go on again?
Jordan: NO!

HeHe...she was scared of both rides but will never admit it.

Boo's Mom

New Member
on my last trip to the world, my family and I were on the bus back to Pop Century when this boy, about 5 years old looked up and saw the ad for the 3 muskateers (sp) and said "look mom its the three muska-taters"


New Member
Okay, there was one gross thing that a kid said (but she was only 2), so I'm not going to post it. If you really want to hear it, PM me. Or, WDWMagic, if you would accept me posting it, then I'll post it.

Anyway, besides that, there was one kid who came off of Space Mountain, and he says, "That was so fun, I wanna have a baby on it!" It doesn't sound that funny, but everybody who heard him cracked up.

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