Well-Known Member
So I'm going to tap out here.Well, the article mentions those plans, which qualifies as being “in the public sector.” And noodles and Company did hire a firm to put forward an alternate plan, which the FDOT dismissed. This would have happened to any plan that was put forward, and I suspect you would have taken the FDOT’s word.
You seem to feel a collection of small franchise owners will have the same organization and access to the press as Disney and the state government and can launch a major PR campaign around an alternate plan. That strikes me as an odd belief.
The implication of the article is pretty strong; Disney and the FDOT developed a plan and are determined to implement it.
You are the one making the claim that FDOT has chosen a suboptimal plan because of collusion with TWDC.
It's a simple matter of providing evidence of a plan that addresses the traffic in that area as well or better than the FDOT plan.
You've provided no evidence of this even when asked, yet persist with your theory. Until you do, I'm withdrawing from this conversation as it has become circular.