Crazy things youve seen at Disney!


Active Member
Last summer, when we were approaching the UK at Epcot when I heard a womans voice scolding someone (in a british accent). I turned around to see she was scolding her child, mind you my husband is taping at the time and he has my reaction on tape and then saying, "Thank God I'm not the only one who yells at their kid at Disney" She looked at me and I smiled because, a) I know what she goes though and b) her accent made everything sound so proper it didn't even sound like a bad scolding :lol:

Like a Howler from Harry Potter!:animwink:


OV 104
Premium Member
We had just left TSMM and were walking behind a family with two children who appeared to be in their teens. The father was loudly berating his daughter and then began punching her. People immediately started to not only yell at him but yell for security, who showed up quite fast. The father claimed that, since she was now 18, he could do to her whatever he wanted and that she had no respect for him and was ungrateful. The whole scene was so loud, violent and upsetting, we ended up talking about it on and off for the entire vacation. You just don't expect to see that type of behavior from a family at WDW. As far as I could see, the family was allowed to stay in the park but was told they would have to leave if they didn't settle down. When someone asked the daughter if she was alright, she said that she was and "was used to it." Very sad indeed and by far the craziest thing I've ever seen at WDW.

Wow, something makes me think that might be my ex. Crazy abusive father and she is 18.


Well-Known Member
In Feb. 2010, while walking by the back side of Tomorrow Land I saw a woman wipe out a (fill-in the blank) and feed her 3 yr old child. Admittedly, I do NOT have a problem with the practice of feeding babies or children, but do prefer a little modesty. Call me old fashion, but I guess I wasn't prepared to see the "sights" while walking through Magic Kingdom. :eek:

Wait a minute. Wouldn't a woman breast feeding her child be old fasioned.


Well-Known Member
Wait a minute. Wouldn't a woman breast feeding her child be old fasioned.

Yes, but pulling out a breast in front of many people is considered a modern occurance :animwink:. When I used to wait tables I had many women nurse a baby at the table but they always had a baby blanket or cloth over the exposed part.


Well-Known Member
Last year we were on POTC and it broke down. After 5 min or so a CM appears and points to a boat in front of us and says it is stuck. He asks everyone in that boat to put their arms up, rock to the right, rock to the left and when he gets a good motion going says: Okay, that should do it, then disappears and the ride resumes.



New Member
At the MK, I watched a hawk fly in, grab a baby duck that was swimming in the river in front of Tom Sawyers Island and fly off with the duck in its claws. The mama duck was going crazy and little kids around us were crying.


Active Member
In Feb. 2010, while walking by the back side of Tomorrow Land I saw a woman whip out a (fill-in the blank) and feed her 3 yr old child. Admittedly, I do NOT have a problem with the practice of feeding babies or children, but do prefer a little modesty. Call me old fashion, but I guess I wasn't prepared to see the "sights" while walking through Magic Kingdom. :eek:

I had to read this a couple of times before I figured out what the word was supposed to be...


Well-Known Member
-One time I rode Mt Everest and the Yeti was kind of working.

-When I was a kid the wave pool at Typhoon Lagoon was evacuated, shut down and a kid was rescued out of it.


Well-Known Member
At the MK, I watched a hawk fly in, grab a baby duck that was swimming in the river in front of Tom Sawyers Island and fly off with the duck in its claws. The mama duck was going crazy and little kids around us were crying.

We we're at Flights of Wonder and a couple of wild Mallards were wandering around the stage. Long story short; during a free flight with a Harris Hawk the hawk refused to return back stage. As the drake was walking out front, you guessed it, it demonstrated it natural behavior and took the duck. The CM was really cool about it and retrieved the hawk and took it back stage then resumed the show. One of the better Flights of Wonder I've seen.


Well-Known Member
When my sister was 4, a bird landed on her shoulder in EPOCT. My dad said something like "oh look it's snow white". My sister then looked over her shoulder, noticed the bird, and the flung it to the ground while screaming. I have no idea if the bird made it out alive. Thats one of the weird things we (along with 20 other people watching this go down) have seen at the parks.


Well-Known Member
The most horrible thing I have ever seen in my life was as we were driving to Disney. We stopped in the middle lane of traffic and here comes a puppy running from the other side of traffic. He made it across the 3 opposing lanes, the median, the car next to us and us and the guy next to us on the right just crushed him. My wife screamed "Oh my God!!!!" and started crying.

That was the most upsetting thing I have ever witnessed. We got to Disney and were just in a haze all day. It's all we could think about all evening and really ruined our first day there. Hearing my wife screaming may be the worst part of it actually.


Well-Known Member
The most horrible thing I have ever seen in my life was as we were driving to Disney. We stopped in the middle lane of traffic and here comes a puppy running from the other side of traffic. He made it across the 3 opposing lanes, the median, the car next to us and us and the guy next to us on the right just crushed him. My wife screamed "Oh my God!!!!" and started crying.

That was the most upsetting thing I have ever witnessed. We got to Disney and were just in a haze all day. It's all we could think about all evening and really ruined our first day there. Hearing my wife screaming may be the worst part of it actually.

Oh my gosh - that's awful. That would traumatize me. I wonder how a puppy even got on that road! Not a very magical way to start your day.

For me, there was kind of a funny experience at Flights of Wonder. A crow apparently built a nest somewhere in the theater area. Everytime a new bird was brought out, the crow would go nuts and swoop down & around the stage trying to warn it to stay away. It never quit. The hosts of the show were cracking up, and didn't know what to do because it was disrupting everything they tried to do. But hey, that's natural bird behavior.

Other than that, I thought the woman I saw her told her son that Mickey Mouse was going to rip his tongue out if he didn't shut up was pretty crazy.


Well-Known Member
Oh my gosh - that's awful. That would traumatize me. I wonder how a puppy even got on that road! Not a very magical way to start your day.

For me, there was kind of a funny experience at Flights of Wonder. A crow apparently built a nest somewhere in the theater area. Everytime a new bird was brought out, the crow would go nuts and swoop down & around the stage trying to warn it to stay away. It never quit. The hosts of the show were cracking up, and didn't know what to do because it was disrupting everything they tried to do. But hey, that's natural bird behavior.

Other than that, I thought the woman I saw her told her son that Mickey Mouse was going to rip his tongue out if he didn't shut up was pretty crazy.

We were at the show and a crane evacuated its bowels front and center. It just poured out and Guano Joe said "Now, that's Disney magic!"

For me, we were watching Spectromagic one night standing around the entrance path to Adventureland when a bunch of families let their kids climb all over the railings next to the grass and climb over in to the grassy area is where the water. Maybe it's just me but that's pretty insane.

Similar thing was when we stayed at POR there was a guy clearly getting drunk (don't have a problem with that) lying on the grass on his cellphone right down at the water in the pitch black.


Well-Known Member
we were in the Magic Kingdom, ( no abrrevation) and while waiting for the parade it was STEAMING HOT.. this was JULY and it was baking.. and suddenly one by one, women took their tops off and stood there in their bra's and no one said anything about it.. and I am not talking one or two women,, I am talking in the number of dozens.. it was unique to say the least.. years ago, there was a post here all about it.. and I didn't start it.. some one else did, so this must be an occurance that happens time and time again..

the name of the old post or thread was Tops off..

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