CP: A Disney Distopia to Some

Frontierland CM

New Member
I just had to reply to this outrageous story about the college program!! I did 2 college programs, spring of 97 and summer of 98. They were the best experiences of my life! As other people have said, everything about your work location and pay is spelled out to you before you accept. The people who do the presentation even say that most cps work in attractions, food and beverage, or merchandise! Guest relations???? Whatever! My trainers were the best trainers I've had at any job, before or since, bar none! They have to go though a special class to become trainers, and I know their handbook doesn't include the phrase "cog in the corporate wheel." Trainers are proud of the Disney heritage, and they extend that onto the people they train. As far as flipping burgers is concerned, you don't get free unlimited admission to Disney World working at burger king! I knew I wasn't going to make money, heck, I came home with 2 bucks in my pocket! And the full time cms were never upset at the cps, because we were at the bottom of the totem pole as far as seniority was concerned. If you were a cp, you could bet you'd be closing every night! I went down with absolutely no expectations or preconceived ideas about the program. I loved every minute (well, except the grad nites), and I would do it again if I could. I learned so much about myself and what I could do. It all comes down to you get out what you put in. I recommend the college program to everyone!!!!


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Originally posted by markc
While Jim Hill's article is EXTREMELY exagerated (no surprise..aren't all of his articles written that way), and I almost suspect that he or the supposed student embellished the story, the CP is definitely not this wonderful lifetime experience that the recruiters make it out to be.

funny... this article wasn't written by Jim Hill

and I actually know of the person who wrote the story..


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
let me reiterate... i DON'T know the person...

but I know of the person


New Member
I'm glad so many people are supporting WDWCP. It was such a wonderful, life changing period that I am so happy I did it.

CP is really what you make out of it. I still recommend it to anybody who loves Disney! With working at The Disney Store, I can suggest it to all of the college age kids that come in and say that they would love to work for Disney!




Well-Known Member
I am a campus rep now, but before I told people what the truth was, most did not care they wanted a break and to work for Disney not many people can say I worked for Disney durin their college years..


Active Member
Originally posted by Atta83
not many people can say I worked for Disney durin their college years..

True, but let's be realistic here; there are 1000's of jobs out there that college students can have that are of better quality than the ones that Disney offers in the College Program. Flipping Burgers and working a cash register is the same no-matter where you work, whether it's at a McDonalds or Toys R' Us or at Walt Disney World..and at the end of the day, it's all the same.

This Disney program is only good for people who:

1. Want to work for Disney sometime in the future
2. Hospitality Management majors
3. Attends a college who will transfer credit for the classes they take while on the CP.

If you don't fit into any of the 3 points, it's unfortunately a worthless program which serves nothing more than a break from college.


Active Member
Originally posted by mkt
funny... this article wasn't written by Jim Hill

Well the article is on his website, and he claims the copyright of the article as well, so I'm sure he had some part in editing it to suit his style because it certainly follows the "Jim Hill format".

and I actually know of the person who wrote the story..

Then perhaps you can inform him on something called journalistic integrity and trying to avoid biases and giving the full story. There were way too many things he failed to mention (such as the fact that the acceptance letter clearly states what your role will be, regardless of what a cast member says they will do for you, as well as the smoking policy, the fact that the Vista Way apartments have "RA's" who are meant to control and stop unruly room-mates..etc...and even the fact that Vista Transportation is not the preferred mode of transportation..the CP encourages it's particpants to utilize Mears which runs twenty four hours, claiming the rent was "insane", when it's simply in line with what you'd pay at any college campus with similar facitilies..etc. ) Sorry if I went on too long, but that article annoyed the hell out of me. It's so unrealistic and mis-leading and contains erroneous facts (or leaves some key facts out).

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by markc
This Disney program is only good for people who:

1. Want to work for Disney sometime in the future
2. Hospitality Management majors
3. Attends a college who will transfer credit for the classes they take while on the CP.

If you don't fit into any of the 3 points, it's unfortunately a worthless program which serves nothing more than a break from college.

I'm 0-for-3 on that list, and I don't consider my time on the CP worthless. I understand your point about the tangible benefits, but there are other benefits that may not be so concrete, but just as real. I made memories for life, struck up relationships that still exist, and enjoyed the perk of visiting the parks for free anytime I wished. I may not have done much to set myself for life, but I did plenty of living. I'm happy with the decision I made.


I did the CP in the Spring of 2002 and it was a great experience overall. The only bad thing was I had 2 roomates that absolutely hated each other and got into huge verbal fights almost nightly, which were actually quite amusing at times. When things got out of hand, we had a meeting with some Vista higher ups and our RA (who I saw maybe twice the entire program). Thankfully, one of the guys was always late for work and eventually got terminated. I worked as a lifeguard at Yacht and Beach Club.....for those of you who may be interested, lifeguarding is a great job for a CPer. Guest interaction is high and enjoyable,you make friends very easily because the training requires intense interaction, we're all in the same boat, it's cool, so definitely consider a lifeguard position.


Active Member
Well then I guess that would lead me to ask the question, are you attending a local college and living at home? Because the benefits you mention of making memories and striking up relationships almost always happen to those who live on the campus of a school not within their hometown. That would lead me to add a reasonable #4, being "4.this is your first chance to get away from home" to the list of 3 other things. I think if you go to a local college and are missing out on that aspect of college life, then the WDWCP is a great way to attain that.

Originally posted by Wilt Dasney
I'm 0-for-3 on that list, and I don't consider my time on the CP worthless. I understand your point about the tangible benefits, but there are other benefits that may not be so concrete, but just as real. I made memories for life, struck up relationships that still exist, and enjoyed the perk of visiting the parks for free anytime I wished. I may not have done much to set myself for life, but I did plenty of living. I'm happy with the decision I made.


Well-Known Member
My 2 cents: The CP is what you make it, it's all on your view.

As for the story, that guy could have done TONS to improve his time, it's his fault.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by markc
Well then I guess that would lead me to ask the question, are you attending a local college and living at home? Because the benefits you mention of making memories and striking up relationships almost always happen to those who live on the campus of a school not within their hometown.

Sorry, no. I go to school an hour and a half from where I live, and have spent 3 1/2 semesters away from home, and still feel I made a good decision going on the CP. :)

I understand where you're coming from....but I'm just trying to show that there are always exceptions, and I would consider myself one.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
how about this.

I've worked for Disney.

I've been screwed by Disney.

I will likely never want to work for Disney again.

I will also not recommend it as a place of employment to anyone who desires to have a financially independent future.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
For me, it was a great summer job while in college. So great, in fact, I went back the second summer not as part of any CP, just for kicks and had an even better time. But then, I was fortunate not to have to save money earned in the summer. My crew had a lot of fun and took advantage of most all the things from Tampa to Daytona that are attractive to people of that age. I even met the girl who ended up becoming my wife down there.

Do I wish I worked for Disney now? HECK NO! But we were talking about a CP, which is by definition a temporary deal. I disagree that it is a waste of time if you don't meet one of the four categories.

Am I correct in noticing that the gentleman who started this thread has never come back with his own comments?
:confused: Oh, Grizz?


Active Member
Originally posted by MKCP 1986

Do I wish I worked for Disney now? HECK NO! But we were talking about a CP, which is by definition a temporary deal. I disagree that it is a waste of time if you don't meet one of the four categories.

Back when you did it though, you could get away with doing a summer only program. Now, the minimum length of the program is five months and you have to miss a semester of school.

But having the power of hindsight and knowing how the job economy is, anybody with half a brain would be better off working a summer internship for free which gave them more experience with their field of intended study, rather than get paid next to nothing and end up missing a whole semester of school on top of it. If you have time to miss a semester of school and have a job internship guranteed for the following summer, then it's not much of an issue, and I'm encourage anybody to do the program if they felt that strongly about it. But if it's going to delay your graduation and prevent you from getting a more relevant job, then there's absolutely no way that this program is even decent for that person.

I sound like such a staunch opponent of Disney; but this program takes advantage of Disney fans and often blind-sides the reality of the situation, making them forget their responsibilities of attaining a decent college education with worthy work experience. The recruiters do a great job of making it sound like it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience, when in reality, it's far from that. All it appears to be is a great way for Disney to take advantage of college students in filling their minimum wage jobs with willing participants who think they're on some awesome internship that future employers are going to marvel about (lets be realistic, ANY idiot with half a brain in human resources who will interview you for a job will ask EXACTLY what you did at Disney, and i can ASSURE you they will not be impressed with the fact that you flipped burgers at Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe).


Well-Known Member
Ok, hold on for a sec, guys....

Now I am planning on being interviewed for the college program in the upcomming weeks. I have never done it before. I'd be interviewing for next fall, which will be my sophmore year of college.

(Its kinda funny how all this buisiness concerning the CP suddenly came up just now around here and at Jim Hill, too, just a short time before my interview.....could it be an omen?...:) )

From my perspective, I go to a school very close to home. I have never been away from home on my own for that long before. I'm taking about 5 classes per semester. And I am a Disney-holic.

I have already heard the "downsides" of the whole thing. I'm just not sure what to make of them yet. To be honest, the job I have right now pays pretty close to what the CP does. I feel that I would get along ok with the job I'd get, however crappy it may seem.

Now, the first thing that came to mind when I first heard of the Disney CP (and this probably was the same for many others) was the idea that you'd be right there at Disney for a whole semester, free access to the parks and everything. In other words, I'd be spending every day in the parks, just for the fun of it.

The other stuff that comes along with it, whether it be meeting new people, getting credit for classes, living on my own, etc, would basically be really nice extras that come with it.

The question is...is it really a waste of time?? Or can it be a good experience, one that I will not regret??

Now remember, this is comming from someone who goes to Disney about once every year, if that. True, I've been there more times than the average person, but as a true Disney fanatic, one who has yet in his lifetime to meet any other person who shares any interest in Disney, I just think that it would be a great experience. Sort of a "lets just get this out of the way" thing. I mean, we only live once. I have a feeling many of the posters here who live near Disney or work/have worked there have no idea what its like to feel like the only person alive who is "into" Disney.

And if I choose not to do the program, I just know that I will wonder for the rest of my college career "what it would have been like to work at Disney". As for getting behind in school...its only for one semester. I mean, I could make that up in summer classes. Heck, I'm planning on taking several this summer anyway.

SO...... lol....what to do???!? I'm going to have to make my mind up pretty dang soon, that's for sure!

Any suggestions? Comments? :)


Well-Known Member
As kelly said, its what you make of it.

Life isnt going to just hand things to you, you have to take your opportunities and do whats best for you.

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