CP: A Disney Distopia to Some

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
While some of you are having a blast at the Disney CP, I can tell you it totally turned off my nephew. Check out Jim Hill's recent story, www.jimhillmedia.com, written by a CP'er who had been given bad treatment from Disney.

What do you think?

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
It's a balancing act...I saw a side of the Company that I could have done without, honestly, but I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. I made friends that I still have today.

As for that article: I doubt its veracity. First of all, CPs are normally all assigned to an apartment at the same stage of their program (i.e., all of your roommates will start at the same time as you, in most cases), so that bit about the apartment being a mess, with Dorito's on the bed and a ring in the tub on the kid's first day, made me raise my eyebrows. And I also somehow doubt this kid's trainer used phrases like "faceless cog in the corporate wheel" or "indentured servitude."

I'm glad I did my CP--I wouldn't do it again. And when I spoke to a group of potential CPs at my school last month, I was honest with them. I didn't tell them they'd be miserable all the time, because they won't. But I told them that there would be unique challenges and what they received from the experience would depend in large part on what they put into it.


Well-Known Member
My big issue with the WDWCP, and the reason I did not get into it was the pay they offered for the jobs...to me its seemed like Disney was taking advantage...but I really can't speak for the CP experience...

All I know is that most CPs I talk to have really enjoyed the program...


New Member
I beg to differ with the article. I loved both of my CP programs. I had a wonderful experience and the time of my life.

I did save some money before I left home so I had enough money to support me through the first few weeks. Yes, Vista maybe known as Vista Lay, but unless you want to get what it says, you don't have a problem.

I guess what I'm saying is that it is a personal choice. If you chose to go down, you have to accept what you are given. When he excepted his program, it must have said quick food and beverage on the paper somewhere. He had to have known that's what he was going to do.

Oh well...I understand not everyone had the same experience I did. But I would still recommend it to anyone!

Sorry if I came across as rude, I didn't mean to...it just got me upset!


MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Anytime you put that many people together in a new environment, some are not going to do well. Just watch any episode of "The Apprentice" or "Survivor." :lol: j/k

The vast majority of the people who went through it with me had a blast. Two of my seven roommates stayed at the end of the program. I knew people from my university who went through it before and after I did, and they all enjoyed it, too. Yes, I knew a couple of people in the program who hated it and one left early. One was a female in the same department as I and her reaction to what was going on was markedly different to most everyone else's.

I worked with people in the program from as far away as Iowa and Nebraska to New York and Massachusetts, and all places in between. I kept in touch with several for many years afterward. The program was one of the most fun things I did in my teenaged years.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I guess i can see were this person blew everything up then once he was there and saw that it wasnt going to be the lavish "Guest Relations" gig he had hoped for, then the phone call home to dad, it may have been a little stretched (from his own perception) since he thought it was going to be this nice corporate environment.

well, got news for you, im not sure what expectations he had, but i was thinking of doing this program (unfortunatly, I chose to finish college early) but i never would think that a college program with 6000 other "warm bodies" as he put it, would just walk into this dream situation and get the internship of a lifetime.

ok, hey, this is the real world, minimum wage, college program, fliping burgers for the summer...................... i wonder who he thinks does these things for disney everyday. oh yeh, a good portion of that 6000 students. im not sure of exact figures, im sure some of the lucky ones actual get oportunities to move into a better situatin than a burger fliping job, but i doubt that he could have gotten a better gig in his college town doing the same for more money.

my point to the dissapointed CP guy, it is all what you make of a situation, you go in there expecting to work in the office next to eisner, yes, you will be quite dissapointed when you show up with your new roommies flipping burgers............................... but if you go in with the attitude (discredit everything he said about the CP administartor lady) hey, i maybe flipping burgers, but hey, next week i maybe working the rolling cart that sells ballons, then working my way to SM, etc. etc you will be getting life lessons that some have to wait and learn in something called the "real world". not a disney program that you can push pause at any given moment and call home to dad.

If you think that you are going to graduate from college and get the dream job without working for it................... you are going to be a little dissapointed like the CP gig.

sorry, to rant and rave, but what did you expect first off (well that is obvoius) and quit your whinning. try looking at the glass half full instead of half empty.

(im stepping off of soap box as we speak) lol

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Having read the link, I'll add this: The author of that piece comes across as having a major "I'm better than the people I worked and lived with" attitude. He went down there thinking that someone was going to pull strings for him and he was going to end up with a better job than what he had been assigned, but ended up evicted from his apartment and terminated from his employment. Guess how that relates to his college credits back at university?

Think he had an axe to grind? I hope the author wasn't your nephew, Grizz. There is definitely more to the story than what was posted.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
well, one more thing, it is hard for me to believe that if you (well our little ex-CP guy) went to the administrator or anybody else of higher authority and asked to be moved to a different room with other roommates due to differences, that they wouldnt have tried something or gotten you into a different room.

secondly, i wouldnt have let some pot-head get me kicked out of the program becuase he cant put down the ganja for 8 months and actually has the nerve to take on disney property.


New Member
There is definitely more to the story than what was posted. [/B][/QUOTE]

I hope I didn't mess up the quote thing by erasing parts of the quote...

Anyway, I do believe there is much more to this story than what is told...but who knows! :brick:

I wish I were in college so I could do another CP...but that's just me!



New Member
This story is completely unreal--I just got back from the program. They tell you what job you'll have before you go! So if he thought that somehow MAGICALLY "food service" would morph in to "guest relations" he was deluding himself. By the way, there's supposed to be no smoking in the apartments, so if he came in to this situation, he should've complained. His roommates would've been terminated or censured and he would've been moved--simple as that. And if he knew they were all underage and drinking, he should've complained about that, too. As for the money situation...no, you're not going to get rich. And yes, the first check is generally small and/or negative because they take out two weeks rent. But I never made as little as $65 a week...I managed to pay my car payment and credit card bills the entire time I was there, so it's not THAT bad. Do people have bad experiences? Yes. Do people get terminated for having drugs and alcohol in their rooms? Yes. But that story was completely bogus and gives the CP a bad name...it's just wrong!! (Yes, I am a WDW College Program Rep *wink*).


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
my question is this, why the hell is Jim Hill Media posting some bogus college kid losers story? Doesnt this affect the creditability of mr hills site as well? just a thought


New Member
The CP isnt for everyone and it is defintely true that what you put into it will make your overall experience better. I did custodial at MK and for the first month I was wondering what the heck am I doing picking up trash. But as time went on and I met more people in my work area, it became an experience I'll never forget.
The best thing to do is not go in with a preconceived notion of what to expect. If you have these expectations and reality turns out to be far from that, then the experience will be a disappointment for you. For me, no regrets whatsoever. Perhaps what bothers me is that it went by too fast, even for the eight months I was there. But I gained a lot of useful knowledge for the everyday world and met some incredible people from around the country and the world with whom I will always share the great memories.

D. Spear Spring Adv. 2003

Fantasyland, WOOO!!!!


New Member
Originally posted by EpcotGrl
This story is completely unreal--I just got back from the program. They tell you what job you'll have before you go! So if he thought that somehow MAGICALLY "food service" would morph in to "guest relations" he was deluding himself. By the way, there's supposed to be no smoking in the apartments, so if he came in to this situation, he should've complained. His roommates would've been terminated or censured and he would've been moved--simple as that. And if he knew they were all underage and drinking, he should've complained about that, too. As for the money situation...no, you're not going to get rich. And yes, the first check is generally small and/or negative because they take out two weeks rent. But I never made as little as $65 a week...I managed to pay my car payment and credit card bills the entire time I was there, so it's not THAT bad. Do people have bad experiences? Yes. Do people get terminated for having drugs and alcohol in their rooms? Yes. But that story was completely bogus and gives the CP a bad name...it's just wrong!! (Yes, I am a WDW College Program Rep *wink*).

I'm not even a rep and I feel strongly about the program! It's people who write things like that that give CP a bad name!

TheDisneyGirl02 :mad:


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
however... for a more realistic view on the CP (i dare ANYONE to argue this with me)...

Most of the CP's are indifferent. To them, they just wanted to get out of school for a few months while having something that looks good on their resumé.

Then the number of students who loved it and hated it are pretty much equal.

Going back over 5 years now, I know just as many students that hated it and loved it, but most I know just wanted a few months to rest.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Wilt Dasney
As for that article: I doubt its veracity. First of all, CPs are normally all assigned to an apartment at the same stage of their program (i.e., all of your roommates will start at the same time as you, in most cases), so that bit about the apartment being a mess, with Dorito's on the bed and a ring in the tub on the kid's first day, made me raise my eyebrows.

About the apartment issue. When we got to Vista, we were asked how we wanted to be placed. Smoking, non-smoking, drinking, non-drinking, all Brazilians, different nationalities. I asked for a full-American non-smoking home and got it. So there I was, beginning of December, with 5 Americans who had gotten there in June or something and were leaving early January. When they left, they made me pack and move to another place. They actually crammed all Brazilians inside 2 or 3 buildings. If you think Brazilian groups at WDW are bad, you should have seen this slum. But I digress. When I got to my new room, the "previous owners" were still there. THey were smoking, dropping ashes and putting out cigarettes on the carpet, spitting, there were actual fist-sized holes on the walls, a broken bad and broken sofas. We were told by Vista management to leave our luggage there and go out for the day. When I returned, the PRETENDED to have cleaned the place. SO I went to the clubhouse and DEMANDED a full fix. They actually changed the furniture and the carpeting, and fixed the walls. But the place still stank.
My point is, it can happen, you know?

As for the program, I was a Custodial (duh) and not only had wonderful roommates, I also had wonderful across-the-hall and downstairs neighbors. Some of those people I still talk to regularly, I even phone some of them on special occasions. My managers were awesome, and one particular trainer (Custodial Rick, from Forintierland) turned me into the Disney freak I am today. The guy had this incredible Pixie Dust aura around here, you could just tell he was proud to be a CM, he talked as if he knew Walt personally and he made me feel good about what we did, specially in the beginning when I still wasn't sure messing with garbage would be a fun way to spend 2 months.
Now would I have enjoyed the program if my roommates sucked and I got stuck inside a kitchen for 2 months? Probably not. That's why I think it's hard to judge the "program" as a general experience. You get handed lemons and you gotta try to make a good lemonade. I came back with the feeling my lemonade was pretty darn good. :cool:

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mkt
however... for a more realistic view on the CP (i dare ANYONE to argue this with me)...

Most of the CP's are indifferent. To them, they just wanted to get out of school for a few months while having something that looks good on their resumé.

Then the number of students who loved it and hated it are pretty much equal.

Going back over 5 years now, I know just as many students that hated it and loved it, but most I know just wanted a few months to rest.

I am not going to argue with you, but it is my perception that for the people who went through the program with me, the vast majority did not hate it. Sure, we all had moments of frustration and probably complained at some point to regular full time employees about this or that, but when it was all said and done and we went back to our homes, the talk was that it was a fun experience.

I'll admit that was a long time ago, and a lot has changed. For one thing, the time commitment is much longer now. It was only three months for me, not 8, so maybe Disney attracts a different type of student now.

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