Think Tink
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I’m hoping some of the hesitation from people subsides as more get vaccinated. I plan on getting it as soon as it’s available and maybe as people see that the side effects aren’t terrible, more will be willing to get it. At least I hope so.Here’s an article where Dr Fauci makes the statement that we need to get 80-85% of people to be vaccinated to meaningfully reduce infection rates.
Dr. Fauci Says This Many People Need to Get Vaccinated to Stop COVID
With two promising COVID vaccines in late-stage clinical trials right now, it finally feels like an end to the coronavirus pandemic may be in sight. Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) and one of the leading members of the White
I was thinking if we could reach herd immunity at 60% immune and the vaccines were really 90%+ effective we would need about 2/3 of people to take it. I don’t know if we get to 80-85%, our informal poll here is still below 80%. He does mention that masks and distancing won’t go away automatically with a vaccine and we won’t be able to return to normal until enough people get vaccinated.