Dude, my company, thought granted not my division, literally built Shanghai Disney (along with Universal Beijing and Six Flags in Zhejiang.) This isn't reading into anything, its literally standard operating procedure for any reputable development or contracting company in the world. For any ongoing project of size most companies are having quarterly budget meetings to both look at what has been spent, and what cash flow/budget forecast is moving forward. You are looking to see what costs can be altered/cut to either get under budget, or increase profit, or looking to see what might impact costs moving forward.
For any project that hasn't been started there are similar reviews looking at projections to see if costs are still meeting/beating budget, and to determine if the market still makes the project viable, or if there needs to be VE or other budget/scope adjustments.
This happens normally all the time under normal everyday circumstances. Throw in something outside the norm, like oil shock in 2007/8, a massive storm, or say a presidential election, and your going to have even more detailed scrutiny. I don't think anyone no matter what side of the aisle your political leanings are, doesn't think that with President Trump coming into office, that there are going to be changes in policy, fiscal, foreign, and domestic, from the Biden Administration. I know of multiple large housing development projects, solar farm project, and other developments across the south and mid west that are being slowed down in design phase due to projected changes in costs for foreign sourced goods, expansion of buy American restrictions of certain materials, and potential disruption in local labor markets. The labor markets issue isn't being seen as such a large concern in North East and stronger union markets, but it still is being looked at as a factor.
It doesn't mean that any particular WDW project is going to be canceled, that wasn't my point. My main issue is that to call major market changes, or even potential market changes an "excuse" as opposed to a legitimate business reason to look re-evaluate spending is disingenuous.